Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Devilots Cracle’s Rambling Land Devilrobots by Banpresto

No se dejen engañar... Estos "ositos" NO son un detalle tierno y son, de hecho, lo que yo llamaría: figuras políticamente incorrectas. 

Se trata de dos personajes Claze y Clacle (y hay uno más, que no sé si se pueda conseguir, llamado Blacle...) pertenecientes a una serie llamada Devilrobots, y creo que eso da una pista acerca de su "personalidad"

Son piezas de 5" de alto, en PVC, con excelentes acabados y se clasifican dentro del grupo de "juguetes de diseñador".

Mi encuentro con ellas fue pura casualidad (aunque yo no creo en las casualidades...), pues mi "contacto" para conseguir estas piezas, las tenía "abandonadas a su suerte" y apenas me enteré que vienen con unas convenientes bases (que yo no tengo...) para su correcta exhibición (sus enormes cabezas, impiden que se puedan poner de pie, sin esas bases). 

¡De antemano les advierto, que ésta es apenas la primera publicación de este tipo de figuras!... ¡Así que, mejor se acostumbran! =PPPPP...


Don’t be fooled... These "bears" are NOT a cute gift and they are, indeed, what I would call: politically incorrect figures. 

They are two characters: Claze and Clacle (there is one more, I really don’t know if I could get it, called Blacle...) that belongs to Devilrobot series, and I think that this give us a clue about their "personality"

They are 5" high pieces, in PVC, with excellent finish, and they are included in the group of "designer toys".

My encounter with them was a sort of coincidence (although I don’t believe in coincidences...), because the "contact" who helps me to get this kind of pieces, had them "abandoned to their fate" and I barely noticed that they come with some convenient bases (which I don’t have...) for their suitable exhibition (their huge heads, don’t let you put them "upright" without those bases). 

In advance, I warn you, that this is barely the first post of this kind of figures!... So, you better get used! =PPPPP...


LEon said...

Look cute and cool. Maybe you can get a bluetag or something to help them stand?

chrismandesign said...

kjakjakjakkajkkaj... they aren’t as cute as urs ofc... & they r bad, very bad, their cuteness is just appearance... LOL