Monday, July 2, 2012

Mucha Lucha Mix-A-Lot Set of 2 with Bonus by Jakks Pacific

¿Recuerdan mi primer cubrimiento de eventos aquí?... 

Si la respuesta es SI, ¡eres el mejor, amigo!... Si la respuesta es: NO, vé y j... uega a la golosa... 

Bien, fue en Octubre de 2011, quizás hace ya bastante tiempo =PPPPP... 

El SOFA es un evento anual relacionado con cómic, manga, animé, videojuegos, cosplay, figuras de colección, películas y toda clase de cosas "friki"... 

Recuerdo, eso si, que un apreciado colega me preguntó si había alguna "cacería del tesoro" allí y la respuesta está aquí. 

No estoy acostumbrado a comprar cosas en esta clase de eventos sea porque me quedo sin dinero o porque las cosas allí no son de hecho tan baratas o porque no puedo encontrar algo interesante... 

En todo caso, esta vez un amigo y colega mío me prestó unas "eles" (dinero) para comprar este grandioso mini-set. Pertenece a una serie de TV de Warner Bros., sobre las infames aventuras de un grupo de luchadores. 

Ustedes pueden ver todo el primoroso detalle y trabajo de pintura logrado aquí, también el parecido con los personajes originales 2D es completo y si eso no fuera suficiente, ¡tiene partes intercambiables para armar tu propio luchador personalizado!... 

Los personajes incluidos son: Megawatt The Masher, The Flea y como regalo la Rosquilla de la Fortuna y un Muñeco Vudú... 

¡En serio, el DIOS de la Biblia es muy generoso con este coleccionista humilde y de bajo perfil, echémosle un vistazo a mi publicación de la próxima semana! (No ahora mismo, por supuesto =PPPPP)... =)

Do you remember my first event coverage here?... 

If the answer is: YES, congrats, you’re the best, pal!... If the answer is: NO, go and f... orget it again... 

Well, it was in October 2011, maybe quite a long time ago =PPPPP... 

The SOFA is an annual event in my hometown related with comic, manga, anime, videogames, cosplay, collection figures, movies and all sort of "geek" stuff... 

I do remember an appreciated colleague of mine asked me if I had some "treasure hunt" there and the answer is here. 

I’m not used to buy items in this kind of events either because I run out of money or because the items there, are not so cheap indeed or because I cannot find something interesting... 

Anyway, this time a friend and colleague of mine lent my some "eles" (money) to buy this great mini-set. It belongs to a Warner Bros. TV series about the infamous adventures of a group of wrestlers. 

You can see all the lovely detail and paint job achieved here, also the resemblance with the original 2D characters is perfect and if that weren’t enough they have interchangeable parts to assemble your own custom wrestler!... 

The characters included are: Megawatt The Masher, The Flea and as a bonus the Fortune Doughnut and a Voodoo Doll... 

Seriously, the GOD of the Bible is so generous with this humble and low profile collector, let’s have a look at my next week post! (Not right now, of course =PPPPP)... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Don't know about you, but something spending a a little for toys especially when they come affordable or a steal makes my day. Megawatt The Masher is really cute like a tungsten in a capsule. Look @ those rough stitches.

chrismandesign said...

well, i try to do my best with the money i receive from GOD and if there is a good deal around i use the means available LOL... oh, yeah they’re kinda cute, i love the characters design and the work in Megawatt is awesome... it reminds me somehow my Pity Rolito Boy crossover figure... Jakks Pacific is my heroe XD =)

David John Shewsbury said...

I dont like the other 2 but the guy with donut - I just love it so much!!!! especially his donut... I would love to get him only!!!!

Bera said...

wow these little guys are very cute. my favorite is that brainy bulb guy :D

chrismandesign said...

to Shewsbury:

how you dare ??? i love all of them and you can’t get the Voodoo Doll and the Fortune Doughnut out of the set =PPPPP... anyway, i didn’t expect you to like any of them so is good to hear that at least you love 2 of them... =D

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

hi pal !!! is really good to hear you again !!!... i thought you were planning to give up on the blogsphere, fortunately that was not the case =D... oh, Megawatt is a wise choice, he’s the weirdest character in the series, i guess... yeah, the tenderness... i was expecting them to be more the filthy kind, but they’re pretty fine just the way they are LOL... =)