Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mobile Suit Gundam Group of 10 Gashapons by Bandai

Regresé con mi corta reseña sobre gashapons de Gundam. Es probable que aquí haya figuras pertenecientes a varios sets, ya que son piezas de un lote, en los que rara vez vienen sets completos, como es lo ideal para un coleccionista como yo. 

También es probable que este grupo incluya piezas antiguas, pues su nivel de detalle no es tan alto como aquel de figuras más recientes. Pero son difíciles de conseguir y esto las hace atractivas para mí.

Este grupo incluye: Gundam RX-45 Guntank (versión normal y silver), MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II (versión normal y silver), Gundam RX-78-2 (versión normal y silver), MSM-04 Acguy (versión normal y silver), Amuro Ray (diorama que pertenece al set Gundam Sunrise Imagination Serie 2 Legends of G.) y Gundam RX-78-3. (NOTA: este es el orden en el que aparecen las imágenes individuales, de arriba hacia abajo).


I came back with my short review about gashapons of Gundam. It’s likely that this group includes figures which belong to different sets, because I got them in lot and is very uncommon to get a complete set in this way, as would be the ideal for a collector like me. 

It’s probable as well, that this group includes old pieces, because their level of detail is not as high as that of the current figures. But they are hard to get and it makes them appealing for me.

This group includes: Gundam RX-45 Guntank
(normal and silver versions), MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II (normal and silver versions), Gundam RX-78-2 (normal and silver versions), MSM-04 Acguy (normal and silver versions), Amuro Ray (diorama that belongs to the Gundam Sunrise Imagination Series 2 Legends of G. set) y Gundam RX-78-3. (NOTE: this is the order of the individual images, from top to bottom).


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Ha! Ha! It's like the robots are looking into mirror. I like those with colours better.

chrismandesign said...

hey... i like both =P... these groups of gashapons r a ltl bit hard 2 get, at least here in my country Colombia (South America) how is gashapon market there, in Singapore ???

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Usually they are a lot and prices are pretty affordable. Most of the toy shops here sell them in sets with individual assortment sold at capsule machines outside the shops.

chrismandesign said...

well here doesn’t exist those capsule machines, only a few stores in Bogotá (d city where i live...) sell that stuff & is not cheap at all... every single piece cost up to U$15 & a complete set of 6 could cost up to U$60... as u can see, we r far from Japan or Hong Kong, so d prices here r... u know, different... actually, a friend of mine & collector colleague as well, imports my stuff... 90% of d pieces i own are not available here, so it grants me some exclusivity... =O

David John Shewsbury said...

I didn't know u like Gundam toys as well... nice collectibles of capsule toys you have here. This brings back a lot of memories. These kind of toys are not great in quality or details but for the (supposedly) cheap price, they are decent - then again, they are not cheap once they are exported to outside Japan LOL LOL LOL....

chrismandesign said...

OH, indeed I began collecting as adult action figures, statues and other kind of collectibles, way before I resumed diecast vehicles collecting and, at some point in the future, these "other" collectibles, will parade in my blog more often, sharing places with my diecast...

As you mentioned, these gashapons could be kind of cheap in Japan, where they are still very popular, but outside and specially here in my homeland, the original ones are very hard to come by (if you ever find them) and they are anything but cheap, even more considering that these samples were released several years ago... I got them with the help of a friend of mine, fellow collector and importer, otherwise, it would be virtually impossible to get them, because there are very few importers of this kind of stuff locally and it’s expensive to order them anyway...