Friday, December 11, 2009

Joe Ledbetter’s Toxic Swamp Dog Designer Vynil Toy by Qee Collection & Toy2r

¡Grrrrrr, arff, arrff, arff!... Cuidado con el perrito, porque es de los que ladran muy poco y muerden muy duro (HEHE...). 

Si hay algo que a un diseñador le encanta, es que lo complazcan con "juguetes" como este. 

Apenas lo ví, no dude en encargarlo y cuando lo tuve en mis manos... ¡WOW!...

Sin duda, después que traje un puñado chicas ligeras de ropas a mi colección, era tiempo de conseguir alguien que las vigilara...

Esta pieza de arte urbano es GRANDE (8") y se basa en una de las creaciones de Joe Ledbetter, famoso y multifacético diseñador, también un artista urbano de Los Angeles, CA. 

A diferencia de otros "juguetes" de esta misma línea, este no es tierno sino subversivo... Puede ser amado u odiado (yo lo amo, de seguro =P).

¡Esta figura en vinilo suave, tiene un trabajo de pintura increíble, muy alegre, de colores vibrantes, todo en él es muy bien diseñado
(incluyendo su empaque) y además es articulado!... 

Más publicaciones están en camino, presentando este tipo de figuras (quisiera que fueran más, pero son "algo" costosas, saben =/////)...  

La rareza siempre tendrá un lugar aquí y ya es hora que conozcan más sobre estas criaturas dementes, desconocidas para la gente demasiado acostumbrada a las cosas normales...


Grrrrrr, arff, arrff, arff!... Beware with doggy, because he’s one of those who barks very little and bites very hard (HEHE...). 

If there is something a designer loves, is to be pleased with this kind of "toys"

Barely I saw it, I ordered it and when I had it in my hands... WOW!...

Undoubtedly, after I brought a handful of girls slightly dressed to my collection, it was about time to get someone who watch over them...

This piece of urban art is BIG (8") and is based on a creation of Joe Ledbetter, a famous and multifaceted designer, also an urban artist from Los Angeles, CA. 

Unlike other "toys" of the same kind, this is not cute but subversive... You can love him or hate him (I love him, for sure =P).

This soft vinyl figure, has an incredible paint job, cheerful, with vibrant colors, all you can find in him is very well designed (including its packaging
) and moreover, it’s articulated!... 

More post are on the way, featuring this kind of figures (I wish to have a lot of them, but they are "kind of" expensive, you know =/////)... 

The weirdness will always have a place here and it’s about time for you to know more about these insane creatures, unfamiliar for people too used to the normal stuff...


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice looking toy especially the bio hazard logo on the back of the head. Designer toys really are popular these days.

chrismandesign said...

kjakajkajkjakakja...yup he’s as hazardous as he looks LOL... however this one isn’t as popular as others, i mean, everybody wants one of them, but the prices r not so affordable, like in this case... :(

LEon said...

Cool dog~ he dont look dangerous tho.

chrismandesign said...

uhh yup.. he does, he really does as his owner (kajkajkajkajkajkajkajk) actually he’s in an angry management therapy LOL