Monday, December 21, 2009

Fathom by Michael Turner 1999 Top Cow Comic Series Resin Figure by Moore Action Collectibles

Los seguidores del cómic pueden percibir la evolución en las historias, que fueron muy sencillas al comienzo, con personajes planos, ideales, sin muchos conflictos en su personalidad. 

En la actualidad, los personajes y sus circunstancias son más complejos, más cercanas a nuestra realidad, así que las historias del cómic ganan en credibilidad y consiguen seguidores de todas la edades.

Fathom pertenece a una serie de cómic reciente que fue publicada desde 1998, inicialmente por Top Cow y posteriormente por la compañía de Michael Turner: Aspen MLT Inc. 

Esta es la historia de una chica que hacía parte de la tripulación de un crucero que desapareció por cerca de 10 años, pero arribó a un puerto sin novedad aparente, excepto por la amnesia de Aspen Mattews, la protagonista. 

Esta chica, que se convirtió en una Bióloga Marina, es reclutada para investigar una extraña instalación subacuática de origen desconocido. Entonces, esta instalación es destruida, por accidente y Aspen logra salvarse misteriosamente, gracias a los poderes secretos que posee y que hasta ese momento, eran desconocidos para ella. 

Después de eso, Aspen descubre que pertenece a una raza humanoide que habita las profundidades marinas y desea recuperar el control del mundo de los humanos.

Esta pieza, también perteneciente a un colega y amigo mío, es una interesante figura de 7" de alto, sensual, creada con atención al detalle y con la calidad que se espera de las piezas de Moore Action Collectibles.


The followers of comic can realize the evolution in the stories, which were very simple in the beginning, with plane characters, ideals, without conflicts in their personalities. 

But nowadays, the characters and their circumstances are more complex, closer to our reality, so the comic stories gain credibility and get followers of all ages.

Fathom belongs to a recent comic series that was published since 1998, initially by Top Cow and later by the company of Michael Turner: Aspen MLT Inc. 

This is the story of a girl who was part of the crew of a cruise ship that disappeared for about 10 years, but it arrived to a harbor without novelty, apparently, except for the amnesia of the main character: Aspen Mattews. 

This girl, who became a Marine Biologist, is recruited to investigate a strange underwater facility of unknown origin. Then this facility is destroyed, by accident, and Aspen gets out mysteriously from there, thank to the secret powers she owns and until that moment, were unknown for her.

Thereafter, Aspen discovers that she belongs to a race of humanoids, which lives into the aquatic depths and wants to regain the control of the world of humans.

This piece, which belongs to a colleague and friend of mine, is an interesting figure, 7" high, sensual, created paying attention to detail and with the quality we can expect from Moore Action Collectibles.


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sexy figurine that has existed for a decade. Do you keep all your figurines in a big box?

chrismandesign said...

always thx 4 ur comments Dennis... i didn’t realize how succcessful it was (& is yet), i mean the comic this figure belongs... supersexi & well done, but it’s not mine... i keep d mayority of my collection figures (i hav a lot, LOL) inside a big showcase of aluminium & glass, so d dust is almost out of my pieces

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The careful ways you keep your figurines explains the high commitment.

chrismandesign said...

ehe... i try 2 do d best i can... my room is rusty i dunno why... it was a nightmare when i wanted to clean my figures (before i buy d showcase)... it takes at least 5 hours (specially d gashapons =() with a soft nylon brush & tons of patience... i sacrificed 1 expensive piece or 2 medium sort pieces, but i really needed it, i was tired of that hard clean routine XDDDD

cortes said...
