Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Transformers Optimus Prime Convoy Autobot 2008 Japanese Henkei Classic Series Voyager C-01 Transformable Action Figure by Takara Tomy

En la variedad está el placer... Como comenté en alguna parte, soy un colecionista híbrido, y aunque respeto (como colega) a los que están comprometidos (limitados) a un solo tipo de coleccionables, o a una marca, o a un personaje, o serie en particular, mi placer es la pluralidad... Con algunas pequeñas excepciones. 

Como ésta, porque es la segunda publicación que incluye a un personaje bien conocido: Optimus Prime (¿o debería decir trillado...?), pero el nombre será la única similitud que encontrarás aquí.

Esta espectacular
figura, a diferencia de la anterior, es una recreación del Optimus perteneciente a la serie televisiva de la primera generación. 

Sus diseñadores se dieron rienda suelta, fabricando un meca retro-futurista que mezcla un "toque" del estilo G1 (cabina de nariz chata), con un "toque" del estilo de la Serie Dreamwave War Within.

La pieza es de excelente calidad y acabados increíbles, hecha para durar, con un esquema de color moderno que incluye colores metalizados y cromados, de 6 1/2" de alto (aprox.) en modo robot y 6" de largo (aprox.)
en modo vehículo. 

Cuenta con una Laser Gun (que se arma con los exhostos) y un Blaster Rifle (que puede ser armado con el deflector en la parte superior de la cabina). 

Es una edición especial para Japón y en la caja solo unos pocos textos aparecen en inglés, el instructivo está impecablemente impreso en dos tonos, con ilustraciones y textos en japonés, y como curiosidad incluye un minimanga y un tarjeta de colección (por supuesto, en japonés). El set completo incluye: Optimus Prime C-01, Megatron D-01, Bumbble Bee C-02, Starscream D-02, Grimlock C -03 y Mirage C-04.

¡AH!... Y como bonus, unas imágenes del mano mano entre el Japanese Classic y el Robo-Vision Limited Edition, del cual puede leer aquí... ¡Disfruten!

In variety is the spice... As I commented in other place, I’m a "hybrid collector", a multi-collector and although I respect (as a colleague) those who are engaged (limited) to one type of collectibles, or one brand, or one character, or one series in particular, my pleasure is the plurality... With a few exceptions. 

Like this one, because this is the second publication that includes a well-known character: Optimus Prime (or should I say hackneyed...?), but the name is the only similarity that you will find here.

This spectacular figure, unlike the
previous, is a recreation of the Optimus belonging to the first generation TV series. 

Its designers gave themselves free rein, making a retro-futuristic mecha which mixes a "touch" of G1 style (flat nose cabin), with a "touch" of Dreamwave War Within Series style.

The piece
itself has excellent quality and incredible finishes, made to last, with a modern color scheme which includes metallic and chromed accents, 6 1/2" high (approx.) in robot mode and 6" long (approx.) in vehicle mode. 

It has a Laser Gun (which can be assembled with the smokestacks) and a Blaster Rifle (which can be assembled with the deflector on top of the cabin). 

It’s a special edition for Japan and in the box only a few texts appear in english, the instructive is faultlessly printed in two tones, with illustrations and texts in Japanese, and as a curiosity, it includes a minimanga and a trading card (obviously, in Japanese). The complete set includes: Optimus Prime C-01, Megatron D-01, Bumbble Bee C-02, Starscream D-02, Grimlock C -03 and Mirage C-04.

OH! and as a bonus, a few pictures of the hand to hand between the Japanese Classic and the Robo-Vision Limited Edition, of which you can read here... Enjoy!


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The transformation is complex cos I did a review on my friend's Ultra Magnus. Same mould in all white. Ha! Ha!. It's a great piece.

chrismandesign said...

correct me if i’m wrong Dennis, but as far as i know that Ultra Magnus is not Takara but Hasbro (& if i’m not wrong, the Nemesis Prime is Hasbro as well)... it seems that japanese Takara versions r very conservative in colour schemes concerns...

LEon said...

Everyone must have a Optimus Prime. LOL I didn't have this Optimus prime tho. I missed it!

chrismandesign said...

i must say that i’m not a big fan of Transformers (what !!!, heretic !!!) so i decided to get some uncommon pieces (at least uncommon here, i mean, none of them r available in my country...) i’ll publish soon a bombshell "hybrid" transformer, so i’ll b waiting ur visit...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

You are very right Chris, the Ultra Magnus is also under Hasbro. I mistook these with Takara henkei. Hee! Hee!

Here's the link to Ultra Magnus

chrismandesign said...

this one is heavy, as usual in Takara pieces, i dunno if Hasbro versions r heavy as well in this specific model... i want to complement with d trailer but i’m "broke" by d momment LOL

cortes said...

... wow....

nada mas y nada menos que...TAKARA.

...he visto pocas referencias de esta marca y es...ta...KARA...jajaja

ud si que sabe sorprender al gran fan ...

...SIGA ASI...jajajajajaja

chrismandesign said...

to Cortes:

pues los dos sabemos, que las piezas de Takara no las traen los grandes distribuidores de juguetes de nuestro país, debido a sus costos prohibitivos... así que alguien tenía que arriesgarse no ??? (aunque no soy el único, sino que lo diga el colega Renato, que se desapareció con semejante monstruo: un Optimus Prime MP1 de Takara... B R U T A L !!! ...)

NelMan said...

Man, I'm itching to get the four versions of this mold, including this one. :)

Awesome shots and poses, Chris!

chrismandesign said...

TYSM NelMan... coming from a professional photographer is a great compliment actually... i’m flattered... & well, this great figure makes easy to take great pics =) also a great natural light helps a lot LOL XDDDD