Monday, January 18, 2010

Toshiba Entertainment Girls (2004) Gashapon Set of 6 by Yujin

Los gashapons regresaron, cómo ya lo dije en mi primer post sobre el tema, fue suficiente adquirir un set para convertirme en un fanático. Una vez pensé en llamar mi blog: "The Gashapons Source"... 

Pero me pareció muy ampuloso y aunque tengo un volumen importante de este tipo de figuras (quizás el mayor en mi país, ¿quién sabe??... ¡HA!) no puedo compararme con los colegas que coleccionan exclusivamente gashapons alrededor del mundo.

Estas lindas piezas, pertenecientes a tres
series de animé (solo tengo información de dos de ellas: Tenbatsu! Angel Rabbie y Daphne in the Brilliant Blue), las adquirí sin saber que eran un set que, cómo cosa rara, está agotado en muchos sitios especializados. 

Aunque tienen algunos pequeños problemas en su trabajo de pintura, las considero unas piezas muy atractivas, que demuestran que en mi blog no hay discriminación de género HAHAHAHA... Lamento omitir la información sobre los personajes incluidos en este set, pero no la encontré completa...


The gashapons came back, as I said in my first post about this topic, only one set was necessary to become a fanatic. Once I thought into give this name to my blog: "The Gashapons Source"... 

But it seemed too bombastic and although I have a great amount of this kind of figures (maybe the biggest in my country, who knows?... LOL!) I can’t compare myself with colleagues which collect exclusively gashapons around the world.

These beautiful pieces, belonging to three different
anime series (i only have information about two of them: Tenbatsu! Angel Rabbie and Daphne in the Brilliant Blue), I bought them without knowing that they were actually a complete set that, as a curiosity, is sold out in many specialized sites.  

Although they have a few problems in their paint job, I consider them an attractive set, showing that in my blog, there is no discrimination by gender LOLOLOLOL... I regret to omit the information about the characters included in this set, but I couldn’t find it complete...


LEon said...

I have some of these gals in my collection I think...Thanks for bring back some memories. LOL

chrismandesign said...

& why u didn’t published them ??? obviously my nostalgic habilities are not as good as urs pal kjakjakjkajkajkajkjakja LOL. At least, both of us have a well-balanced guys/gals ratio in our collections... LOL again

LEon said...

I will try as I have a pool of toys that I yet to blog about. :)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Kawaii Kawaii!!!I always like anime gals though I may not know where they come from.

chrismandesign said...

Kawaii??? kjakjakkajkajkkja whatever it means, sounds funny, finally Dennis... u gave signs of life... i guess u r so busy... gals, gals & more gals, for the gender equality kjakjajakjkajkajkjka, ofc i’m kidding (or myb not, dunno...LOL)

cortes said...

Muy buen dia...

... si!.

definitivamente muy seXys...

espero que algun colega ubicado en otro lugar del planeta (manga-anime fan...preferiblemente) le colabore con el resto de info para conocer un poco mas de estas chicas tan lindas...

chrismandesign said...

pues sólo me falta la info de dos de las figuras y la serie a la que pertenecen, de resto está OK... la clave es que todas pertenecen a series de animé de Toshiba Entertainment... quizás logre ubicarla después...