Friday, February 5, 2010

Lupin The III Gals Character Selection / Kamen rider HG Group of 5 Gashapons by Bandai

¿Qué?... ¿Más gashapons?... Sí. 

Aún tenía unos cuantos... Y estaba en la disyuntiva de publicarlos o no. 

Mi política en este caso específico es, publicar sets completos (y por si no se han dado cuenta, ya he violado esa política al menos 3 veces, sin contar esta ocasión ni las siguientes)... 

¿Me puedo dar esa concesión o no?... Aquí yo pongo las reglas y las rompo también... VARIEDAD, esa es la única regla que no será rota en mi blog.

Dejando a un lado mis aires de emperador, estos son grupos de gashapons pertenecientes a diferentes sets, los cuales ya no espero completar. En este potpurri de figuras tipo HG-IF, participan dos series. 

Lupin The III una serie de manga creada por Kazuhiko Kato en 1967, que dió lugar a 6 películas y 3 series de animé, además de varias OVAs y videojuegos; y Kamen Rider una serie bastante popular del género Tokusatsu (efectos especiales) y "real action" es decir, producida con personajes reales, lanzada en 1971 y que continúa vigente.

Los personajes incluidos son los siguientes: Clarisse, Mine Fujiko (disfrazada como Fujinami Ginko),
Linda (Lupin The III Gals Character Selection Gashapon Set of 5), Female Rider (Kamen Rider HG Part 4 Gashapon Set of 6) y Biorider (Kamen Rider HG Part 34 Gashapon Set of 7). (NOTA: este es el orden en el que aparecen las imágenes individuales, de arriba hacia abajo).


What?... More gashapons?... Yes. 

I have a few yet... And I was in the dilemma: "to post or not to post"

My policy in this specific case is, publish complete sets (and if you haven’t noticed, I have already violated this rule at least 3 times, without counting this time and the next... 

Can I give myself this awarding or not?... 

Here, I make the rules and break them also... VARIETY, that’s the rule that will not be broken in my blog.

Leaving aside my airs of emperor, these are groups of gashapons belonging to different sets, which I no longer expect to complete. In this potpurri of figures HG-IF type, are involved two series. 

Lupin The III a manga series created by Kazuhiko Kato in 1967, which resulted in 6 movies and 3 anime series, plus several OVAs and videogames; and Kamen Rider a rather popular series of Tokusatsu genre (special effects) and "real action" which means, produced with real characters, launched in 1971 and continues in force.

The following are the characters included: Clarisse, Mine Fujiko (disguised as Fujinami Ginko), Linda (Lupin The
III Gals Character Selection Gashapon Set of 5), Female Rider (Kamen Rider HG Part 4 Gashapon Set of 6) and Biorider (Kamen Rider HG Part 34 Gashapon Set of 7). (NOTE: this is the order of the individual images, from top to bottom).


LEon said...

You got such gashapon on some capsule machine by trying your luck?

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

nop... in Colombia, there is not even one gashapon machine like in many countries around the world... a few specialized stores import this kind of figures, but they sell them in box or in a plastic bag, the gashapon’s balls r a curiosity as well... however, i buy my collection figures to a friend of mine, fellow collector, who imports and brings on request the pieces i want... so i buy normally complete sets that i choose and sometimes i buy lots of assorted gashapons, like in this case (with their respective gashapon balls)...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sorry to hear that there's hardly any gasaphon at your town. Must be hard for a gasaphon fan like you. I usually buy gasaphon individually and would choose the one I like most and not the whole set. If lucky, I may sometime find nice ones selling @ one Sing dollar at Sunday fleamarket CSC.

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

yep, it’s really hard, specially considering that each gashapon cost here, between U$10 & U$15 (yes, U.S.A. dollars) & the complete set is bout U$50/U$60... very expensive compared with the price u can get in Singapore, Japan or asian countries... here in Colombia, to b a gashapon fan is not cheap at all =(

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I'm thinking next time, I would get some of these gasaphon when I find cheap and send some to you as gifts!

chrismandesign said...

kjakakkajkjakjakkaja... r u kidding ??? i guess so LOL... thx anyway !!!