Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saint Seiya Assorted Group of 9 Gashapons by Bandai

Varios personajes de Saint Seiya decidieron hacer una silenciosa huelga, exigiendo su derecho a ser publicados... 

No tuve más remedio que acceder a sus justas peticiones, aunque les hice claridad que, como era un nutrido grupo, debía ser dividido... 

Su consigna era "Los gashapons unidos, jamás serán vencidos" y la mía "Divide y vencerás". En esta huelga surrealista, ocurre algo que muy rara vez se reproduce en la realidad: todos ganamos y nos divertimos.

aquí, otra comitiva de figuras huérfanas de su respectivo set completo, pero con una característica que las une: todas son versiones silver, es decir, todas tienen un llamativo acabado de pintura metalizado, que les da la apariencia de haber sido fabricadas en peltre.

En este grupo se incluye: Hyoga-Cygnus (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Ikki-Phoenix (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3), Ikki-Phoenix (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Shun-Andromeda (Saint Seiya Maxi
Collection 5), Douko-Libra (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3), Seiya-Pegasus (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Shaka-Virgo (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3), Aioria-Leo (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3) y Miro-Scorpio (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3). (NOTA: este es el orden en el que aparecen las imágenes individuales, de arriba hacia abajo).


Several characters from Saint Seiya decided to do a silent strike, demanding their right to be published... 

I had no choice but to accede to their fair demands, but I made it clear that, as they were a large group, they must be divided...  

Their slogan was "The gashapons united, will never be defeated" and mine was "Divide and conquer". In this surreal strike, something happens that is rarely reproduced in the real life: we all win and had fun.

Here, another band of
figures orphan of their respective complete sets, but with a feature that unites them: all are silver versions, I mean, all have a striking metallic paint finish, which gives them the appearance of have been manufactured in pewter.

This group
includes: Hyoga-Cygnus (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Ikki-Phoenix (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3), Ikki-Phoenix (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Shun-Andromeda (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Douko-Libra (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3), Seiya-Pegasus (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 5), Shaka-Virgo (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3), Aioria-Leo (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3) and Miro-Scorpio (Saint Seiya Maxi Collection 3). (NOTE: this is the order of the individual images, from top to bottom).


Tom Freak said...

Wow, I love the metal finish on these ones. Are they yours? Great score!

chrismandesign said...

well Freak, a friend of mine is interested in them, but he hasn’t decided until now, so they r mine "till new order"... & yep, the metal finish is quite attractive... thx for ur comment, i know is not ur "line" of figures, but good pieces open collector mind =))))

Tom Freak said...

Totally agree.

LEon said...

I would mistaken this set as chogokin (diecast) set due to the color. LOL

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Great gasaphon with the pewter look! Very statue looking!

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

Well, i guess that was the intention of the creators of this special series, & i think they just got it... and if u wanna consider’em soul of chogokin i’ll not mind, for sure =D

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

Aha... i’m pretty sure they r very skillful in this kind of finish in gashapons series... something luxurious in a collection technically mine at this moment... LOL