Monday, September 20, 2010

NeoShifters Cozma-Tor 6304 Assembling Toy / Action Figure by Mega Bloks

Debe haber más de 6.000’000.000 de personas en el mundo que odian ir de compras con sus madres y esgrimen un número aún mayor de disculpas para no hacerlo. 

Para muchos salir con sus madres, después de cierta edad (digamos, 12 años en adelante) es sinónimo de "muerte social inmediata"... "Mis amigos... ¡Me van a vetar de por vida!"...

Yo solía ser uno de esos cretinos, pero ya no... Crecí, maduré y me tiene sin cuidado el qué dirán =)... De hecho, una de esas salidas fue el pretexto para este regalo que ven ante sus ojos (de mi querida madre, por supuesto). 

Mega Bloks, en consonancia con Lego su competidor directo, creo una serie de personajes (8 en total) divididos en dos facciones: Los Templar y Los Paladin, que luchan entre sí para lograr el dominio del distante planeta Tierra. A su vez, cada facción cuenta con un Líder y tres Guerreros.

Esta llamativa figura de acción pertenece a la facción Paladin y al grupo de Guerreros. Viene desensamblada casi en su totalidad, consta de 50 piezas, aunque el proceso de armado es relativamente sencillo para alguien familiarizado con los model kits. 

Está fabricada en una resina resistente pero delicada, especialmente en las articulaciones; a propósito, cuenta con 21 puntos de articulación en la figura grande y 9 en la pequeña y por si esto fuera poco, se transforma (lo calificaría como nivel 3-4 en dificultad de transformación, comparado con un Transformer). 

La figura grande mide 10" de alto en modo Guerrero y casi 5" en modo Esfera, cuenta con una luz led en su cabeza (en la figura pequeña las medidas son: 2" 1/2 y 1" 1/4 respectivamente) y el arma lanza un proyectil en forma de hélice que gira mientras se desplaza.

P.D. Deben amar a sus padres, no se averguencen de ellos y esto no fue una broma =PPPPP


There must be more than 6,000,000,000 people in the world who hate go to shopping with their moms and wield even greater number of excuses for not to doing so. 

For many of them, to go out with their mother, after certain age (let’s say, 12 years and older) is synonymous of an "immediate social death"... "My friends... They will ban me for a lifetime!"... 

I used to be one of those cretinous, but not anymore... I grew up, matured and I don’t care about what people think about me  =)... In fact, one of those trips was the excuse for this gift you can see before your eyes (from my beloved mother, of course). 

Mega Bloks, consistent with Lego its direct competitor, has created a series of characters (8 in total) divided in two factions: The Templar and The Paladin, who fight each other to achieve mastery of the distant planet Earth. Likewise, each faction has a Leader and three Warriors.

This striking action figure belongs to Paladin faction and to the group of Warriors. It comes disassembled almost entirely, consist of 50 pieces, but the assembly process is relatively simple for someone familiarized with model kits. 

It was made of a tough but delicate resin, specially in the joints; by the way, the large figure has 21 points of articulation while the small figure has 9 and if this weren’t enough, they can be transformed (I would rate it as 3-4 difficulty level of transformation, compared with a Transformer figure). 

The large figure is 10" high in Warrior mode and almost 5" high in Sphere mode, it has a led light in its head (the small figure measurements are: 2" 1/2 high and 1" 1/4 high respectively) and the weapon launches a projectile with the shape of a propeller which rotates as it moves.

P.S. You must your parents, don’t be ashamed of them and this was not a joke =PPPPP


cortesmachineart said...


SUPERHIPERMEGARRECONTRAREPRESETENTACERDITA... ESPERO VER MAS DE ESTAS PIECITAS...(o que va a creer, que su mamita se los va a obsequiar todos...? sea descarado trabaje y compre...)



LEon said...

That's a fun toy!

Well said for following parents. I say going shopping with mother is a good thing. it a time you spend with your parent doing something together that count.

chrismandesign said...

to CortesMachineArt:

ayyyyy, al fin se dignó a comentar este esgarlampido !!! no, es que ahora toca rogarle, porque como no puede inventar excusas chimbas... bueno, pero dejando atrás la cizaña, sip la figura está peroquerecontrabuena y le tengo unas ganas a las otras, pero me las aguanto hasta que sea grande y trabaje, je, je, je...

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

hahahaha... i enjoy all the shopping trips with my mom & sometimes she gifts me this kind of things =DDD... the toy is absolutely fabulous & i forgot to mention that it comes with a code that u can use in the NeoShifters website to play a game online (mine didn’t work & i dunno why =////)... oh & yes, u must love & respect ur parents, is an command direct from GOD, but is the only one with a promise of blessing with long days of life including =DDDDD

cortesmachineart said...


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This piece of toy sure is fun and sophisticated! The core on the chest is like Optimus Prime's Matrix of leader but yet it's able to transform to a droid. This is interesting! Correct me if I'm wrong, I think there's CGI series on this toyline.

chrismandesign said...

absolutely Dennis, i love this toy firstly cuz is a gift of my mother but also cuz is great in almost all senses (suposedly is intended for children 6+, but i think it would b better for 15+), i was totally shocked with this toy & its versatility, but with its quality, design & excellent features, i would call it a collection figure by its own right... with CGI, i guess u mean a 3D game, well if that’s the case, then yes, there is an online game available, every figure comes with a code to access the game, but as i told to LEon, mine didn’t work =/

Gunstray said...

This guys were pretty cool, except I never bought one(because I didnt have allowance back then to buy one) This guy was my favorite version two!! Thanks for reviewing it^^ oh and The Big Bot's head reminds me of Lucha mask

chrismandesign said...

i’m glad Mikee that this toys brings back some good memories for u... sometimes i find that the world is small when ppl from different places, cultures, customs hav the same tastes... oh & right now, since i’m unemployed, i haven’t allowance for this neither LOL or better TTT.TTT