Saturday, April 23, 2011

My First Bloggy Experience... 2 years leaving a little trace of oddities in the world of toys’ collecting...

Alguien a quien solía considerar un amigo mío, me dijo lo siguiente: "WOW, usted todavía tiene un blog con fotos de sus estúpidos juguetes, madure..." 

Esas fueron palabras duras, pero me hicieron reflexionar y entonces me pregunté: ¿quién es más estúpido, alguien a quien le gusta coleccionar juguetes y le apasiona o alguien que pretende insultar a otra persona por sus aficiones?... 

¿Se preguntarán qué le respondí?... Pues nada, no necesitaba hacerlo.

Ahora bien, miremos los hechos (y no pretendo alardear), un blog con más de 49.000 visitas nuevas desde que se creó (y otras tantas de personas que vuelven a visitarme más de una vez y/o tienen links directos), difícilmente puede ser considerado un sitio lleno de cosas estúpidas. 

En ese caso, tendría un séquito de más de 49.000 visitantes con propensión a la estupidez, lo cual, con todo respeto, probablemente es FALSO; pero incluso si ese no fuera el caso, cosas que son consideradas estúpidas por algunas personas, son muy importantes para otras luego, ¿qué hace la diferencia?...

EL CONOCIMIENTO hace la diferencia; cuando estás interesado en algo y comienzas a saber más y más sobre esto, se vuelve importante para tí, tiene más sentido para tí, pero no puedes esperar lo mismo de personas que son ignorantes en esos asuntos...

Como ven, no todo ha sido dulzura en mi "periplo blogístico", pero con el fin de ponerle un tono más amable al asunto, decidí publicar un poema ilustrado que creé para un concurso cuyo premio era una figura de Masters of the Universe (MOTU) llamado "Oda para Orco"... 

¿Cuál fue el resultado?... No gane la figura, pero recibí una sincera felicitación de uno de los jurados y créanme, algo así puede valer para mí más que muchas figuras de colección; aunque ganar la figura no habría estado mal HEHEHE... 

Ahhh, y como "bonus track" publico por primera vez algunos dibujos que creé hace algún tiempo (¡sí, son míos, pero yo mismo no puedo creer que los hice!...) 

No se preocupen, los juguetes volverán mientras DIOS lo permita. Es un hecho que este mundo está plagado de estupidez y una de mis terapias contra eso, es precisamente este blog, ¿cuál es la de ustedes?


Someone I used to consider a friend of mine, told me this: "WOW, you still have a blog with pictures of your stupid toys, grow up..." 

Those were harsh words, but they made me ponder and then I wondered: who’s more stupid, someone who likes to collect toys and is passionate about it or someone pretending to insult someone else because of his hobbies?... 

You may ask what I replied to him?... Nothing, I didn’t need to.

Now, let’s take a look at the facts (and I don’t mean to brag), a blog with more than 49,000 new visits since it was created (and many more from people who return to visit more than once and/or have direct links to my blog), hardly could be considered a site full of stupid things. 

In that case, I would have an entourage of more than 49,000 visitors with a propensity for stupidity, which, with all due respect, probably is FALSE; but even if that weren’t the case, things that are considered stupid for some people, are really important for others so, what makes the difference?...

KNOWLEDGE makes the difference: when you’re interested in something and you start to know more and more about it, it becomes important for you, it makes more sense for you, but you cannot expect the same perception from people who are ignorant in those matters...

As you can see, not everything has been sweetness in my "bloggistic journey", but to put a more friendly taste to this post, I decided to publish an illustrated poem that I created for a contest whose prize was a figure of Masters of the Universe (MOTU) called "Ode for Orco"... 

What was the result?... I didn’t win the figure, but I received a sincere congratulation from one of the judges and believe me, something like that may be worth for me more than many collection figures; although winning the figure wouldn’t have been too bad HEHEHE... 

Ohhh, and as a "bonus track" I publish for the first time some drawing I made a time ago (yep, they’re mine, but me myself can’t believe I’ve done them!...) 

Don’t worry, the toys will come back while GOD lets. It’s a matter fact that this world is full of stupidity and one of my therapies for that, is precisely this blog, which is your therapy?


LEon said...

You are doing good here bro and I enjoy reading some of your collection and point of view. Happy 2nd anniversary bro.

chrismandesign said...

TYSM LEon... actually u r one of my first supporters & that means so much... i cannot believe 2 years has passed so fast !!! & all of this began just with an EVA 00 XDDDDD

Tachikawa said...

What a stupid person to say that...
I think it is because he doesn't have any hobby and he is jealous of us collecting Toys...
That's good how you just ignored him...

NelMan said...

Congrats on your two years (and still going strong), Chris!

More power to your blog!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Toy collection and blogging about it is never a stupid thing to do and your friend should wake up his idea. Secondly, time fly and wow you are already in your 2nd year of blogging and may have many good years ahead. I really admire your talent on those design and nice sketching.

chrismandesign said...

to Tachikawa:

i think his purpose was precisely to offend me, so u have 2 options: to take the offense & act as stupidly as him or overlook the offense & act like someone mature... guess what i chose =)

chrismandesign said...

to Nelman:

THX for encouranging me pal... sometimes u need some kind words to save the day & continue with ur duty =DDDDD

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

well, actually he is not my friend anymore & it was not because of that insult, indeed he told me that months after we end our alleged friendship... people are used to deceive, but u can choose to b honest as i do... oh & yep 2 years pass as a sigh & while GOD allows, i will keep pushing to the limit =)))))) THX for ur compliments on my drawings...

sl619 said...

ur "friend" is so wrong there buddy. Hobby collection is a well, HOBBY! and we are all proud of what we have all through the years as all of them have their moments.. =)
and i like ur unique toys featured in this blog, i know you still have tons hidden inside there~ ^^

chrismandesign said...

is nice to see u commenting here again sI619 =)... a hobby is a way of life & it doesn’t matter what people think bout that but what do u urself think... i’m pretty sure my hobby is not an idiocy XDDDDD... oh & that of "tons hidden inside there..." just keep it between the 2 of us HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

sl619 said...

HAHAHAHA! i've been away from the blogosphere for while due to tight schedule, but i'm returning.... XD

Tachikawa said...

Chrisman san...
Yes,It's a hobby...
Everyone needs hobby...
Keep up a good work...
Chrisman san...