Monday, November 14, 2011

SOFA Salón del Ocio y la Fantasía 2011 (SEFA Show of Entertainment and Fantasy 2011) -Event Coverage Part 2- by ChrismanDesign / My First Bloggy Experience

Me temo que dejé bastantes cabos sueltos en mi primera publicación sobre este evento y espero arreglar eso en esta ocasión. 

Debí comenzar diciendo que ésta es la tercera edición de SOFA (SEFA) y la segunda vez que se realiza en Corferias, el más grande centro de eventos y convenciones de Bogotá... 

Este evento empezó tímidamente en 2009, pero se ha consolidado de una manera casi asombrosa, señal de que en la ciudad donde vivo había una masa crítica sustancial de aficionados al animé, manga, cómic, cosplay, videojuegos, coleccionismo y demás corrientes del amplio mundo del entretenimiento, como para justificar la creación de una feria o salón de este tipo. 

También debo decir que los precios de las figuras de colección exhibidas allí son, en su gran mayoría, muy altos todavía para que resulten atractivos para coleccionistas como el suscrito. 

Mi política, en el caso de querer conseguir alguna figura específica seguirá siendo encargarla, aunque eso será muy esporádico... 

No obstante, conseguí algo por ahí que me gustó bastante y debo decir que cuando no hay dinero disponible, es muy bueno tener la tarjeta CrediAmigoColega MasterCard a la mano HAHAHA... 

Por último, mencionaré que la cultura del cosplay en mi ciudad está aún en su infancia, pero lo que nos falta en "tecnología" para desarrollar un cosplay más "profesional", nos sobra en creatividad, actitud y ganas... 

Con todo, ví algunos ejemplos destacables y probablemente no sean todos, pues por mi trabajo sólo puede ir un día de los cuatro que duró el salón =/////... 

Como no soy amigo de extenderme demasiado (pues el tiempo en internet es oro...) sí acaso alguien tiene más dudas al respecto, déje su comentario al final de esta publicación o use el chat del blog... 

Confiando en la siempre buena voluntad de DIOS, nos veremos aquí la proxima... =)

I’m afraid that I left many loose ends in my first publication on this event and I hope to fix it this time. 

I should start by saying that this is the third edition of SEFA (SOFA) and the second time it takes place in Corferias, the largest event and convention center in Bogotá... 

This event started timidly in 2009, but has established in an almost astonishing way, sign that in my hometown there was a substantial critical mass of fans of anime, manga, comic, cosplay, videogames, collectionism and other currents of the wide entertainment world, such as to justify the creation of this kind of fairs or shows. 

I must say as well that prices for collection figures displayed there are, for most of them, too high to be attractive for collectors as the undersigned. 

My policy, in case I wanted to get some specific figure will be to order it, but it will be very sporadic... 

However, I got something out there that i really liked and I must say that when there is no money available, it’s good to have the CreditFriendFellow MasterCard handy HAHAHA... 

Finally, I will mention that the cosplay culture in my city is still in its infancy, but what we lack of "technology" to develop a cosplay more "professional", we have in abundance of creativity, attitude and desire... 

But I saw some good examples and probably they were not all, because of my work and I could only go there one day of the four of the event =/////... 

As I’m not friend of take so much time in my reviews (because time on internet is gold...) if anyone has more questions about it, just leave your comment at the end of the post or use the chat gadget... 

Relying on the always good will of GOD, see you next time... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The foam sculpture are amazing and the airbrush painting look really 3D. There's a lot of creativity and the cardboard dragon look awesome! I saw cosplaying of 'Chobit'. The guy with the straw hat must be 'luffy'. When I go to event like this, I would usually bring for cash in case they don't accept credit card which most of the time is the case. Then again, it requires plenty of self-control not to end up in impulse purchase.

chrismandesign said...

HEHE... i think there is a lot of talent here in my country to do a lot of things... as i told you, there are some fans of One Piece who even dare to cosplay this series, i was amazed as well by the cosplay of the Magic Knight Rayearth series aka 魔法騎士レイアース... and about the money issue HAHAHAHA, for my own sake is my policy not to bring money to these shows, unless i’m sure i can get something i want so bad... i’m glad that you like it !!! =)

Bera said...

wow man, I love that diorama! I think I did not see that in your post the last time I visited your site.. hmmm.. maybe it just didn't load.. anyway, great event you attended :)

chrismandesign said...

hey!!! i’m really glad to have you here commenting (i hope this will not be the last time, right ???)... yeah the dio with that pair of old and rusty diecast scale 1:18 is a nice work... the previous publication on this event was in October 31 (2 posts before this one)... and yep, this event is getting better every year... you’re very welcome anytime =)