Sunday, January 22, 2012

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean Version - 10" Collector Figure by Playmates

Familia que colecciona unida, permanece unida... HAHAHA... Puede que suene ridículo, pero es verdad. 

Creo que el hábito de coleccionar es algo inherente al ser humano. De forma inconsciente coleccionamos vivencias, recuerdos y en ocasiones, eso está asociado a cosas tangibles, objetos. 

Las figuras de colección carecerían de todo valor si no estuvieran asociadas a una experiencia particular, serían simplemente pedazos de plástico, metal y cartón, tengo este asunto muy claro. 

Aunque ustedes no lo crean, esta figura pertenece a una de mis lindas sobrinas, de apenas 3 años y fanática del rey del pop. Antes de llegar a sus pequeñas y (aparentemente) cuidadosas manos, sus padres pensaron que sería una buena idea tener un recuerdo de la figura completa y en perfectas condiciones HEHEHE. 

Una cosa es verla publicada en algún sitio de compras por internet y otra muy diferente verla en persona. 

Lo que más me gustó fue el diseño / escultura del rostro de MJ, de estilo "caricaturesco" y con un enfoque muy diferente al de la respectiva figura de Hot Toys, que sin embargo logra una gran similitud con el artista real. 

El trabajo en la indumentaria es bastante meritorio para ser una pieza de 10" y la base de exhibición me pareció excelente, con la firma de MJ serigrafiada en dorado sobre el fondo de color tabaco translúcido, rematado por un sticker holográfico. 

Al parecer se trata de una producción baja de 100.000 piezas y esta es la 05246, lo que le da un valor agregado como figura de colección. 

Como siempre mi agradecimiento a DIOS que me permite disfrutar esta afición y ójala podamos vernos la próxima semana... =)

Family that collects together, stays together... HAHAHA... It may sound ridiculous, but it’s true. 

I think that the habit of collecting is inherent to human beings. Unconscious we collect experiences, memories and sometimes they are associated with tangible things, objects. 

The collection figures would have no value if they were not associated with a particular experience, they would be simply pieces of plastic, metal and cardboard, I have this subject very clear. 

Believe it or not, this figure belongs to one of my beautiful nieces, just 3 years old and a fan of the king of pop. Before it arrives to her small and (seemingly) careful hands, her parents thought that it would be a great idea to have a memory of the complete figure, in perfect condition HEHEHE. 

One thing is to see it published somewhere in an online store and quite another to watch it in person. 

What i liked the most was the design/sculpture of the face of MJ, of a "cartoonish" style and an approach quite different from the corresponding figure by Hot Toys, yet achieves a great similarity to the real artist. 

The work on the clothing is worthy to be a 10" piece and the base design is excellent, with the signing of MJ in gold printed on a tobacco colored translucent background, topped by a holographic sticker. 

This seems to be a low production of 100,000 pieces and this one is the 05246, which gives it an extra value as a collectible figure. 

As always my thank to GOD who allows me to enjoy this hobby and hopefully we see us here next week... =)


Bera said...

wow great figure of an all time icon you have there... or your niece LOL. I was really surprised when I read that. She'll be blogging about that MJ figure after 15 yrs or so. Tell her to get Elvis too haha.

thanks for sharing that. :)

chrismandesign said...

if my budget weren’t so "compromised" i would consider seriously to get one of these figures, because it was nicely manufactured... i don’t know if this figure will pass the test of my niece, i mean, the test of time LOL, but while my blog last, it will be here to enjoy it... oh! and i love to share here beautiful toys, they’re always welcome =D

i’m glad of your loyal visits, THX pal!!! =)

David John Shewsbury said...

your niece have a good taste.... MJ is pop music icons and nowadays his figures can be pricey...

chrismandesign said...

obviously she has lovely parents... when she comes to visit me, i ask her about this figure and all she says is: "it’s fine" and i try to believe her LOL... i know this figure is valuable, so i found pretty consistent to publish it in my blog and it was quite convenient that her parents (my younger sister and my brother in law) had agreed... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Bro, you are so right about we human subconsciously collect tangible stuff related to our experiences & memories. I like the way you posed MJ in the last few pics. Though the head sculpt wasn't too close to the actual person, like you said the 'cartoon style', this is a great figure especially for fans who adore MJ and definitely a tribute to our century 'King of Pop'.

chrismandesign said...

is great to hear that fellow collectors from so distant places can have similar thoughts!!! =)... now, about the resemblance, the approach of Hot Toys that is more realistic, cannot afford to say that MJ looks like MJ from all angles which could sound weird but it’s true... unlike HT, Playmates figure looks like MJ (in cartoonish style) from all angles and that’s what i found a lot better than in the HT figure... =O