Sunday, February 19, 2012

1973 Ford Falcon XB GT351 Hardtop Coupe Custom - Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior (Black Pursuit Special Modified) Interceptor Diecast Scale 1:18 by AUTOart

Algunas visiones del futuro plantean una sociedad equitativa y pacífica, donde el individuo halla su realización total como persona, algo que se conoce como utopía. 

Sin embargo, son muchos más los que se plantean una visión pesimista del futuro, en el que la sociedad es déspota, fingiendo buscar el bien común, pero controlando con crueldad cualquier intento de no ajustarse al "modelo" impuesto, una sociedad dictatorial e inhumana en extremo. 

Esto es conocido como distopía o utopía distorsionada...

Una de esas distopías es presentada de forma algo cruda, en la película a la que hace referencia esta publicación: Mad Max, una trilogía de la cual sólo las dos primeras partes se convirtieron en cintas de culto. 

Se desarrolla en Australia en un futuro paralelo, con una sociedad fracturada, en la que dos bandos: la policía (MFP - Main Force Patrol) y las pandillas motorizadas se disputan el control, mientras el resto de la población funge como víctima de sus desmanes. 

Max Rockatansky, el protagonista de esta historia, que fue encarnado por Mel Gibson (cuando él era un completo desconocido) y que hacía parte de la MFP, luego que su esposa y pequeño hijo fueron brutalmente asesinados por una pandilla motorizada, decide tomar la ley por su propia mano, convirtiéndose en el trágicamente célebre Mad Max. 

En Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior, aparece este auto, el Black Pursuit Special (Interceptor), basado en el Ford Falcon XB GT 351 de 1973, que se fabricó exclusivamente para el mercado australiano. 

También aparece en Mad Max 1, pero para la segunda parte fue modificado notablemente para sobrevivir en un ambiente tremendamente hostil, postapocalíptico, donde la gasolina es una mercancía sumamente valiosa y escasa... Por eso, para conseguirla se cometen toda clase de atrocidades. 

Para mí, este diecast es tan valioso como la gasolina en el mundo de Mad Max, y aunque no tuve que cometer ninguna atrocidad para conseguirlo, si fue toda una odisea. 

Lo deseaba ardientemente desde que empecé a coleccionar (o aún antes) y me deleitaba sólo con ver las fotografías disponibles en el website de AUTOart, pero ese placer no puede compararse con el de verlo en persona. 

Es una pieza extraordinaria, con un nivel de detalle y trabajo de pintura muy por encima del promedio, que reproduce con gran fidelidad el modelo original y viene con numerosos accesorios (incluyendo al perro que acompañó a Max, llamado simplemente "Dog"). 

No me cabe duda que en Australia saben producir autos que son una bofetada visual, porque para mí resultan de una belleza insolente y bien pueden catalogarse, con toda propiedad, dentro de los Muscle Cars... ¡Aquí está la prueba de esto!... 

Si lo desean, pueden seguir probando otro sorbo de mi hobby la semana entrante y si el Señor Jesús así lo dispone, nos veremos... =)

Some visions of the future pose an equitable and peaceful society where the individual finds its full realization as person, something known as utopia. 

However, there are many more who consider a pessimistic view of the future, where the society is despotic, pretending to seek the common welfare, but cruelly controlling any attempt not to fit the "model" imposed, a dictatorial and inhumane society in the extreme. 

This is known as dystopia or distorted utopia...

One of those dystopias is introduced in a somewhat crude way in the film that addresses this publication: Mad Max, a trilogy of which only the first two movies became cult. 

It takes place in Australia in a parallel future, with a fractured society, in which two factions: the Police (MFP - Main Force Patrol) and the motorized gangs fight for the control, while the rest of the population serves as a victim of their excesses. 

Max Rockatansky, the main character of this story, which was played by Mel Gibson (when he was a complete outsider) and who was part of the MFP, after his wife and young son were brutally murderer by a bike gang, decided to take the law in his own hands and became the tragically famous Mad Max. 

In Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior, this car is used, the Black Pursuit Special (Interceptor), based on the 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT 351, which was made exclusively for the Australian market. 

It’s used as well in Mad Max 1, but for the second part of the trilogy it was heavily modified to survive in an extremely hostile environment, post-apocalyptic, where gasoline is a highly valuable and scarce commodity... Hence to get it, all sort of atrocities are committed. 

For me, this diecast is as valuable as gasoline in the world of Mad Max, and although I had not to commit any atrocity to get it, it was quite an ordeal. 

I wanted it very much since I started my collection (or earlier) and I was delighted just watching its pictures available on the website of AUTOart, but that pleasure cannot be compared with the one I felt to see it in person. 

It’s an extraordinary item, with a level of detail and paint job far above average, which very faithfully reproduces the actual vehicle and comes with many accessories (including the dog that accompanied Max, named simply "Dog"). 

I have no doubt that Australia knows how to produce cars which are a visual slap, because for me they are insolent beauties that could be categorized, seriously, within the Muscle Cars... Here is a proof of what I’m saying!... 

If you wish, you can continue tasting another sip of my hobby next week and if the Lord Jesus provides so, we will see... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

the car looks like monster than can eat any other car LOL...

chrismandesign said...

this car is really fearsome and its driver, Max Rockatansky, uses it virtually as a fire gun... in front of it the rest of cars look like a simulation, a caricature... i wish i could have one of them in my garage, not for exhibition but for annihilation... BUAHAHAHAHAHA...

cortesmachineart said...

... aaaaaaaa... quien lo diria mijo que caleto tan brutal... se dio garra... pero... ole aki entre nos... se dio garraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... juemadre el mismísimo interceptor... wow... que deleite visual tan... tan ... no se que de sin palabras y sin pa la gasolina... ashhhh ni modo me toco seguir en cicla mientras me voy a boliar plomo pa levantarme un galincito del preciado liquido ...
nuevamente felicitaciones don cris cada ves sorprendiendo mas asus visitantes...

chrismandesign said...

como así socio ??? acaso no se dió cuenta que eso fue un montaje fotográfico ??? pura ciencia ficción... PSHHHHHH... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

qué pena jefe, es que a veces me sorprende mi cinismo... pues sí, ya vé, finalmente gracias DIOS pude darme éste gustazo y lo mantuve en secreto, cual hijo negao... es que como es la oveja negra (con turbo, freno de aire, bajo y full engallada XDDDDD)...

ole, pero le gustó de verdá ?????


Bera said...

wow! I smell bigtime here! I haven't watched the film and honestly, no idea about Mad Max but this one looks a war machine. This resembles Frankenstein's ride in Death Race.. well.. not quite... I should've said it reminds me of Frankenstein's ride in Death Race! LOL.

Nice catch you got there man. I'd be happy to see more! :D

chrismandesign said...

well, i strongly recommend you to watch this movie, although is not an "easy" film because it was made with the guts... but it has a great characters and story development... many post-apocalyptic movies owe a lot to this movie, it was a solid and crude point of view of what would happen after the end of the civilization as we know it now...

finally about the car itself, it’s literally a dream come true and i’m glad that you like it and that you’re a loyal follower of my humble blog... =)

P.S. there are more things to come, but not this kind, because it really drained my budget... LOL

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This toy is certainly a masterclass for serious collectors only. In my opinion, it's even harder to get this than the car from "Back to The Future". Strong nostalgia from the 80s. I have watched one of the movies but the memories are vague now. Awesome accessories with the only thing missing is Mad Max figure himself. Lolz...

chrismandesign said...

you’re totally right pal =) it’s a premium replica, the best in its kind and by far, more exclusive than the BTTF replicas available in this scale (from Welly and Sunstar) because AUTOart manages lower rates of production for their models and better detail/quality, hence they’re notoriously more expensive also...

by the way, the figures of Mad Max available couldn’t match the quality of this diecast, so there are no plans to get them =/

as always, THX for you visits and comments =D