Monday, March 19, 2012

Spawn RAH (Real Action Heroes) 306 - 12" Deluxe Action Figure by Medicom

Creo que ya iba siendo hora de traer de regreso a mis dominios, a ese oscuro y ultraviolento personaje del cómic creado por Todd, ya saben, McFarlane. 

Y como la espera había sido taaaaaaaannnn larga, decidí que ese regreso tenía que ser asombroso... 

Este personaje, Spawn, que lleva el término "políticamente incorrecto" a niveles insospechados, me trae gratos recuerdos (¿gratos?) pues, más que otros héroes / antihéroes, se puso en mi radar y me conectó con el mundo de los cómics. 

Esta estremecedora figura, perteneciente a un estimado amigo y colega (que se iba poniendo "un poco" áspero porque tuve que secuestrar su preciada pieza por un tiempo, a fin de poderla publicar =P)... 

Cuenta con un nivel de articulación apenas decente para su tamaño (entre 26 y 30 puntos) y esa ha sido mi queja con las piezas tanto de Medicom como de Hot Toys... ¿Cómo es posible que una figura de "acción" de 12", de un valor que está en el rango alto, puede tener tan poca articulación?... 

Sin embargo, no puedo negar su estupendo trabajo de escultura a cargo de Keisuke Sawada y el espectacular diseño del traje creado por Mieko Akimoto (claro está, todo fue supervisado por Todd McFarlane, ¡como puedes notarlo!). 

La selección de materiales y texturas fue muy acertada lo que aporta un gran realismo, aunque lo abultado de la capa limita su movilidad (que no es un gran problema, teniendo en cuenta su articulación algo limitada). 

Como accesorios tenemos un par de manos adicionales, así como una cabeza sin máscara y una base transparente que cuando se exhibe con la capa es indispensable. 

Ahhh... Lamento la demora de esta semana, pero mi PC se arruinó y estuve realmente ocupado logrando que funcionara otra vez... 

Me despido por el momento y espero que me tengan presente la próxima semana y si el Rey de reyes y Señor de señores, Jesús de Nazareth me lo permite, nos veremos una vez más... =)

I think it was about time to bring back to my domains, that dark and ultraviolent comic character created by Todd, you know, McFarlane. 

And as the wait had been soooooooooooo long, I decided that this return had to be astonishing...

This character, Spawn, which carries the term "politically incorrect" to a brand new level, brings me fond memories (fond ???) because, more than other heroes / antiheroes, he got in my radar and connected me to the world of comics. 

This thrilling figure, belonging to an appreciated friend and colleague (whom began to get "a tad" rough because I had to hijack his precious figure for a while, so it could be published here =P)... 

It has a barely decent level of articulation for its size (between 26 and 30 points) and that has been my complaint with the pieces of both Medicom and Hot Toys... How it’s possible that an "action" figure 12" high, with a price that is in the high range, can have so little articulation?... 

However, I cannot deny its great sculpt by Keisuke Sawada and the spectacular costume design created by Mieko Akimoto (of course, everything was overseen by Todd McFarlane, as you can notice!). 

The selection of materials and textures was very successful as it provides a realistic feeling, although the bulging of the cape limits its poseability (which is not a big problem, since it has a somewhat limited articulation as I mentioned). 

As accessories we have an extra pair of hands, a head without mask and a clear base that, when this figure is displayed with the cape is a must. Ohhh... 

I regret the delay of this week, but my PC was ruined and I was really busy making it work again... I say good bye for now and hope you all will keep me in mind... 

The next weekend if the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus of Nazareth let me, we will have an appointment again... =)


cortesmachineart said...

...juemadre se le metió al blog el gran spawn ...
pilas gente que este loco no tiene compasión de nadie... y menos de los coleccionistas empedernidos que se cierran a la banda...jajajajajajajajajajajajaja...
se dio garra mr cristian ... woshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... juemadre live...nio se que decir me p...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

It's enlightening to know that Medicom made Spawn figure and seriously I'm impressed with the articulation that didn't compromise much of the details. The armor thorns and chains that run around the figure is awesome. The backdrop really sets the right atmosphere and brings out the character in the figure. The way the cape as sculpted greatly increase the charm of the figure. The high quality plastic and good paint job. Without the mask, it's burnt skull remains me of 'Freddy' from Elm street.

chrismandesign said...

to cortesmachineart:

pues ya vé mijo, tardecito pero tracado... a ver sí el Moretti deja de insolarse porque me demoro con las piezas del hombre... es que como a mi NO me gustan las vaina chichipatas, pues me tomo mi tiempo... y aprovecho pa’ dejarle la boquita cerrada, porque ya me tenía seco... que cuándo publicaba ??? qué tales !!! HAHAHAHAHAHA... pero al coleguita lo llevo en la buena... ahí está, pa que afine... y que cuando quiera se le tiene... pero se le demora... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA =PPPPP

buena esa socio, apoyándo el talento nacional =)

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

HAHAHAHA... you made and extra review pal, THX for your complimentary comments... i’m pretty sure the owner of this figure will appreciate them... with the limited articulation as my only complaint, i think this piece really worth and i just tried to give it the right background... so (based on your comment) i think i did it pretty fine... about the resemblance of Freddy Krueger, well, i think Freddy runs errands to Spawn, if you know what i mean... LOL... oh!!! and THX again for your constant support =D

Bera said...

Even though I am not a fan of Spawn and I don't know any single character from this because I haven't read any Spawn comics hahaha - in short I cannot relate here LOL! BUT I love that photography! :D first thing caught my attention is the backdrop you used. it really blends to the subject. It adds... hotness to the character LOL!

great post you have there ;)

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... well, this was a challenge for me indeed, since i’m not a collector of figures above 8" high and my backgrounds available were too small for this guy... i never thought this background would work this good, but the light (natural light) i use for my pictures is the other critical element to achieve the correct atmosphere... this character comes from hell (literally) and that was what i tried to express in this photo shoot...

i’m glad that you like it (even knowing nothing about this character) and also with the fact that you take the time to give me some feedback and support which encourage me to continue with this madness LOL... THX =)

David John Shewsbury said...

los detalles de la cabeza es increíble!!!

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHAHA... now you’re commenting in spanish ???... then i’m gonna help you a bit... the correct sentence is: "los detalles de la cabeza son increíbles"... THX for you comments and support =)