Sunday, October 28, 2012

1999 Chaos Comics - Brian Pulido’s Cremator Series 2 Glow in the Dark Exclusive by Moore Action Collectibles

Aún teniendo en cuenta que para mucha gente el infierno es solo un concepto abstracto, se puede encontrar abundante información acerca de este "concepto" en el imaginario de varias civilizaciones, en diferentes formas, pero todas concuerdan en que es un lugar de tormento. 

También películas, libros y cómics en el género del horror, toman el infierno como el núcleo de sus historias. 

Hoy no voy a hablar de las Aventuras de Jose Miel o Heidi la Niña de los Alpes, sino sobre Marco Ivan Emmetovich. 

Este personaje ficticio, creado por Brian Pulido, es precisamente uno de los personajes principales en una historia desarrollada en una curiosa visión del infierno. 

Después de haber sido engañado y asesinado, él tuvo que escojer el infierno para permitirle a su esposa ir al cielo y allí él llegó a ser el herrero / forjador de los así llamados: Archiduques. 

Entonces, conoció una chica llamada Hope (quien después se convirtió en Lady Death), él decidió trabajar por su cuenta y ser así mismo el guardián de esta chica (quien es la hija de su ex-líder cuando vivía en la tierra: Matthias... Confuso, ¿EH?). 

Como el hábil herrero / forjador que era, Cremator forjó muchas armas poderosas (principalmente espadas, lanzas y hachas) y ayudó a Lady Death a conquistar el infierno en muchas batallas que parecían sin fin. 

En lo que a mí concierne, esta visión tipo-época-medieval del infierno funciona bien como fábula pero el único testimonio creíble es aquel dado por la Biblia, el cual no es épico ni fantástico, sino espantoso en muchas maneras... No hay ninguna esperanza para aquellos que estarán allí. 

Ha pasado un largo tiempo desde que publiqué algo de Moore Action Collectibles, una marca de culto que aparentemente desapareció del universo de las figuras de colección, pues su sitio web fue cerrado (o al menos, no pude encontrarlo). 

El trabajo en la escultura y pintura de sus figuras es extraordinario comparado con marcas similares de la misma escala / tamaño, también ellos saben cómo hacer una base de exhibición bien diseñada y cómo dar un surtido de accesorios bastante respetable, pero estas no podrían ser consideradas figuras de acción pues el nivel de articulación es muy limitado... 

Realmente no me preocupo por eso... El tono verde ultrapálido de la piel es debido a que esta es la versión especial que brilla en la oscuridad, normalmente él es un poco más "bronceado"... 

Mat 7:13 "Entrad por la puerta estrecha: porque ancha es la puerta y espacioso el camino que conduce a la perdición, y muchos son los que entran por ella."... 

Espero verlos de nuevo... =)

Even taking into account that for many people the hell is just an abstract concept, you can find a lot of information about such "concept" in the imaginarium of many civilizations, in different forms, but they all agree that is a place of torment. 

Also movies, books and comics in the horror genre, take the hell as the core of their stories. 

Today I’m not gonna talk about The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee or Heidi the Girl of the Alps, but about Marco Ivan Emmetovich. 

This fictitious character, created by Brian Pulido, is precisely one of the main characters in a story set in a curious vision of the hell. 

After being cheated and killed, he had to choose hell to let his wife go to heaven and there, he became the blacksmith of the so called: Arkdukes. 

Then, he met a girl called Hope (who later became Lady Death), he decided to work on his own and being as well the guardian of this girl (who is the daughter of his former leader when he was alive in earth: Matthias... Confusing, HUH?)...

As a skillful blacksmith, Cremator forged many powerful weapons (mainly swords, spears and axes) and helped Lady Death to conquer the hell in several battles which seemed endless. 

As for me, this medieval-age-like vision of the hell works fine as a fable but the only testimony credible is the one given by the Bible, which is not epic nor fantastic, but horrid in many ways... There is no hope for those who will be there. 

It’s been a long time since I published something by Moore Action Collectibles, a cult brand which apparently disappeared of the universe of collection figures since their website was shut (or at least, I couldn’t find it). 

The work on the sculpt and paint of their figures is remarkable compared with similar brands in the same scale / size, also they know how to make a good designed display base and how to give an assortment of accessories quite respectable, but these couldn’t be considered action figures since the level of articulation is very limited... 

Actually, I don’t mind about that... The ultrapale green skin tone is due to the fact that this is the glow in the dark special version, normally he is a bit more "tanned"... 

Mat 7:13 "Enter by the strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad the road that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat."... 

Hope to see you again... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Good introduction and review of the figure. Having a pic of the glowing figure in the dark would be awesome. Hee! Hee! The weapons were nicely chromed and weathered. Cool design of the base stand. One thing is the figure is kind of gloss. It has that He-Man feel.

chrismandesign said...

THX pal !!! actually is not so easy to find info about this character, since the series was kinda short and gory... i was thinking in a glowing picture, but is a bit hard and you cannot anticipate the outcome... yeah, the sculpt both in the figure and the weapons is beautiful... i love the contrast between the semi-matte and glossy finish in the paint job, indeed the whole figure glows, so the paint layers are thick but the overall effect is great !!!... uhmmmm, He-Man... maybe a very dark and bloody He-Man if you ask me... LOL =)

Bera said...

is this your post for the Halloween? I assume this is because it really look scary to me. Though, I have no idea about this character, as I read the story where it came from, it became interesting to me. Is this a movie or comics or book? I'd like to see it too... when I have the guts haha I'm not really into horror, suspense and esp gory! haha.

^ you mentioned He-man.. for me, it's more of... Assassin's creed + Kratos of God of War hahaha!

chrismandesign said...

Halloween... uhmmm, nope =PPPPP... in fact my post are carefully prepared but randomly published (Machiavellian laugh here... BUAHAHAHAHAHA...) XDDDDD

this is a character from a comic series published by Chaos Comics, which was a project specialized in horror stories and with a fleeting life (it seems there is no much sympathy for gore... you, fearful !!!)...

HEHEHE, He-man... i guess my friend and fellow collector mentioned that comparison by the muscular appearance of Cremator... but even Kratos wouldn’t be a match for Cremator, since the latter creates his own weapons and they have not only a scary look but deadly magic powers as well... if that weren’t enough, Cremator can resurface after being dismembered... =OOOOO

Thank you very much for your comments pal... =)