Sunday, October 7, 2012

2001 Sooo Fast 2008 Revealers Series 4/4 Diecast No Scale plus 2008 Ratbomb 2010 Treasure Hunts Series 4/12 Diecast No Scale by Hot Wheels

Para aquellos que tienen el placer (supongo) de visitar mi blog con regularidad (¡y eso sonó bastante presuntuoso!), quizás haya sido notorio un ligero cambio... 

Se preguntarán ¿qué car... Está pasando aquí? Y yo les respondería "qué les importa, ¡eviten el chisme!"... 

Por supuesto, eso sucedería si yo fuera un vulgar maleducado, ¡pero no lo soy!... 

De todas maneras, quería comenzar con mi desfachatez particular así que, si quieren saber qué está pasando aquí, entonces deberían visitar este sitio más a menudo =PPPPP... 

Dicho esto, la única cosa que compartiré con mis visitantes es que hay algunos rumores sobre un "enorme" inventario de estupendos y raros / extraños diecast esperando para ser publicados, punto. 

Como un abrebocas, comienzo con una "publicación recargada", algo inusual, depronto un poquitín loco o lo que sea @.@... 

Tomé algo de los Hot Rods y los Rat Rods, algo nuevo y algo ya publicado para una especie de comparación. 

El Sooo Fast es un molde diseñado por Mark Jones y producido desde 2001 y el Ratbomb es un molde diseñado por Greg Padginton y producido desde 2008. 

Dos modelos diferentes y una inspiración verdadera: los autos americanos creados entre 1920 y 1930. Me encantan estos autos y me encanta el hecho de que se ven increíbles a pesar de ser de una época antigua, cuando las cosas eran creadas para durar, en muchos sentidos de hecho. 

Ambos son diecast (carrocería y chasis), creados para coleccionistas como yo (qué no están dispuestos a aceptar demasiado plástico, solamente para reducir costos de producción =PPPPP) y uno de ellos pertenece a la infame serie Treasure Hunts (explicaré qué quiero decir con "infame" en publicaciones posteriores). 

Tanto el trabajo de pintura como la decoración / tampografía son fantásticos. En el caso del Ratbomb, yo quería con desesperación la versión Trea$ure Hunt$ pero fue vendida, así que dejé de lloriquear y lo superé. El Ratbomb de la Serie 2008 First Editions completa este trío caliente... 

Ahora, dejando a un lado mi pataleta de insolencia, voy a agradecer al DIOS de la Biblia porque Él le da significado a mi vida... Continuará... =)

For those who have the pleasure (I guess) of visiting my blog regularly (and that sounded quite presumptuous !!!), perhaps a change has been slightly noticeable... 

You may wonder what the h... Is happening here? And I would answer "is not your business, gossip mongers!"... 

Of course, that would happen if I were a vulgar cubbish, but I’m not!... 

Anyway, I just wanted to begin with my particular audacity so, if you still wanna know what’s going on here, then you should visit this place more often =PPPPP... 

That said, the only thing I will share with my visitors is that there are some rumors about a "huge" inventory of nice and rare / strange diecast waiting to be published, period. 

As an appetizer I begin with a "reloaded post", something unusual, maybe a bit crazy or whatever @.@... 

I picked something from the Hot Rods and the Rat Rods, something new and something already published for a sort of comparison. 

The Sooo Fast is a cast designed by Mark Jones and produced since 2001 and the Ratbomb is a mold designed by Greg Padginton and produced since 2008. 

Two different models but one true inspiration: the American cars created between 1920 and 1930. I love these cars and I love the fact that they look awesome nowadays despite they belong to an old age, when the things were created to last, in many senses indeed. 

Both are diecast (body and chassis), created for collectors like me (who are not willing to accept too much plastic, only to reduce the production costs =PPPPP) and one of them belongs to the infamous Treasure Hunts series (I will explain what I mean with "infamous" in later publications). 

Both the paint job and decor / pad printing are fantastic. In the case of the Ratbomb, I wanted so bad the Trea$ure Hunt$ version but it was sold, so I stopped whining and got over it. The 2008 First Editions Series Ratbomb complete this hot trio... 

Now leaving aside my fit of insolence, I’m gonna thank again to the GOD of the Bible because He gives meaning to my life... To be continued... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

You are really in depth with the origin with everything about diecast cars. Beside the unusual design of the Rat Rod, it should the way the hatch is opened.

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHA... i was really intense in my childhood with cars, i remember i cried many times when my parents couldn’t buy my one of them LOL... uhmmm the Rat style has many adepts specially in the U.S.A. but i have seen some european cars modified to look like a Rat Rod, weird but delicious... THX for your comment pal, this time my fellow collectors remained very quiet until now... =)

Bera said...

Yay! Rat rods again! hahaha. There are times that our taste in choosing castings is the same.. you agree? hahaha! Now you mentioned that, I am very what car did they use to make a rat rod. I think it's more of Ford castings. Wow I wonder how it feels like to live in their era :D

You really made me envious on that Rat Bomb! and the way you took pictures of it unleashed more of its beauty! I so love it... hahaha!

I'm curious about your next post already! and you're talking now of SThunts......

Anyway congrats on your new babies here and thanks for sharing it to feast our eyes hahaha!

chrismandesign said...

thank you pal, yeah sometimes it happens that we agree in our tastes... normally good things "speak a language" that could be understood everywhere... about the actual base model for the Ratbomb (and for the Sooo Fast) is probably a Ford, since the shape of the Chevy or Dodge cars at that time is a tad different...

thanks again for your compliments on my pictures, i really want to show my collection items as nice as they are for me... i guess i’m getting there... LOL

as you, i’m eager to know what you will post next time pal, so i think i’m gonna pay you a visit... =D