Sunday, December 9, 2012

SOFA Salón del Ocio y la Fantasía 2012 (SEFA Show of Entertainment and Fantasy 2012) -Event Coverage Part 2, The Seriousness- by ChrismanDesign / My First Bloggy Experience

Como dije en mi anterior publicación sobre este tema, estoy compartiendo mis pensamientos sobre el evento SOFA 2012. 

Es tiempo de mi análisis "quirúrgico", ya saben, algo serio y devastador... No habrá piedad para nadie y el odio de muchos se manifestará contra mí... Ahora mismo me estoy preparando para lo peor... ¡No serán tomados rehénes, si me quieren, sangre será derramada! BUAHAHAHA... 

Está bien, eso fue perturbador y quizás me estuve sobreactuando a propósito; sólo quizás... 

Quería empezar con mi versión teatral 2.0, porque demasiada seriedad te puede perjudicar =PPPPP... 

Ahora, yendo directo al punto, esta vez estuve solo (en medio de mucha gente extraña) y con menos tiempo que antes. 

Realmente fue un viaje de apenas dos horas y media, un poco frenético si me lo preguntan. 

No hubo tiempo para bromas y créanlo o no, cuando estoy solo, ¡soy muy tímido!... 

La primera cosa que noté es que este evento está creciendo de muchas maneras. 

Más pabellones y espacios exteriores fueron habilitados para exhibición; eso significa, más culturas alternativas fueron mostradas (teatro, ilustración, decoración, juegos de rol, deportes extremos, danza en patines, dj’s, etc., fueron adicionados o mejorados). 

Unas pocas conferencias con invitados internacionales le dieron a este evento el toque académico, una buena jugada pues esto le permite a las personas saber que somos una mezcla de literatura, cine, cómics, manga, animé, videojuegos, imaginación en muchas formas y no solo almas vacías, desperdiciando su tiempo. 

Más que escapar de la realidad, con nuestra cultura subterránea (y sus apéndices respectivos) estamos creando nuevas realidades para cuestionar la validez del sistema actual, ¡somos una contracorriente!... 

Todo lucía más organizado a mi modo de ver, hubo incluso una exhibición con la historia y trucos / curiosidades de Super Mario Bros, bastante interesante y bien diseñada (no hubo fotos de eso, lo lamento... Las condiciones de luz eran pobres, ustedes saben). 

La exhibición de RCs fue imponente (las fotos publicadas son solo parte del show). 

El cosplay se está volviendo cada vez mejor a medida que el tiempo pasa, pero no podría cubrir todos los ejemplos disponibles, así que escogí unos pocos que me dieron "ideas"

Tomé algunas fotos de la exhibición de deportes extremos, pero olvidé justo la configuración correcta para mi cámara, así que quedaron "algo" borrosas, por tanto, no fueron publicadas... Buu... Y eso es todo hasta el próximo año... 

Este ha sido un año difícil debo decirlo, si no fuera por el apoyo constante del SEÑOR Jesucristo, bueno (suspiro*)... 

Hasta mi próximo disparo, tipines... =)

As I said in my previous post on this topic, I’m sharing my thoughts on the 2012 SOFA event. 

It’s time for my "surgical" analysis, you know, something serious and devastating... There will be no mercy for anybody and the hatred of many will be manifested against me... Right now I’m preparing for the worst... No hostages will be taken, if they want me, blood be shed! BUAHAHAHA... 

OK, that was disturbing and maybe I was overacting on purpose; just maybe... 

I wanted to begin with the theatrical version 2.0 of me, because too much seriousness could hurt you =PPPPP... 

Now, going straight to the point, this time I was alone (among many strange people) and with less time than before. 

Actually it was a trip of barely two and a half hours, a tad hectic if you ask me. 

No time for jokes and believe it or not, when I’m alone, I’m very shy!... 

The first thing I noticed was that this event is growing in many senses. 

More pavilions and outer spaces were enabled for exhibition; that means, more alternative cultures were shown (theater, illustration, decoration, role games, extreme games, skate dance, dj’s, etc were added or improved). 

A few conferences with international guests gave to this event the academical touch, a good move since this lets people know that we are a mix of literature, films, comics, manga, anime, videogames, imagination in many forms and not just empty souls, wasting their time. 

More than escape from reality, with our underground culture (and its respective appendices) we are creating new realities to question the validity of the present status, we are a crosscurrent!... 

Everything seemed for me more organized, there was even a Super Mario Bros history and tips / rarities exhibition, quite interesting and well designed (no pictures of that, sorry... Poor light conditions, you know). 

The RCs’ exhibition was awesome (the pictures published are just a part of the show). 

The cosplay is getting better as time goes by, but I couldn’t cover all the samples available, so I chose a few that gave me "ideas"

I took some pictures of the extreme games exhibition, but I just forgot the correct settings for my camera, so they are a "bit" blurry, hence they were not published... Duh... And that’s all, until next year... 

This has been a tough year I must say so, if not for the constant support of the LORD Jesus Christ, well (sigh*)... 

Until my next firing, lads... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Cosplaying @ the event and those 'caption' are hilarious. I really think the giant Figma box of Black Rock Shooter is very idea like the cosplayer out from the toy box. The event catered to many different genre as well with RC toy cars, wow with circuit and many cars display like a big diorama.

chrismandesign said...

HEHE... i’m glad that you liked my captions pal... actually the pictures were very inspiring HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh !!! the BRS was one of the best cosplayers indeed (along with others from HALO, who were not so "cooperative" with this underground photographer... =@)... the RCs were great, but that’s a very expensive hobby !!!... this monster(event) is growing faster and stronger... =)

Bera said...

cosplay! great event you've been to pal! and I remember the ToyCon I missed last week :( are you into RC's now? hahaha that "sport" is so pricey for my taste but I love RCs. The junkyard diorama is awesome! and I'm looking at that weathered Shelby Cobra :D

thanks for sharing this wonderful event. til next time :D

chrismandesign said...

there was available a good assorment of activities and a lot of stuff to watch (i couldn’t visit the entire exhibition)... RCs ??? no way, i have already many lines of collection, but if that weren’t the case, i think i could afford 1 or 2 badass RCs fully equiped with a bunch of spare parts and a bit of customization here and there as well LOL... if not for your comment, i wouldn’t have noticed the Cobra on the dio... that’s what i call a keen eye !!! =)

David John Shewsbury said...

well, from what I can see on those pictures, it's a fun event... I don't mind to go there and hope to get some pretty girls and spend some quality time at the back seat of my car LOL....

chrismandesign said...

oh, oh, oh... you have a wicked sense of "have some fun", aren’t you ??? LOL... this event is getting better every year and i think it will have an international outreach soon... =)