Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1991 Roll Patrol - Concept Compact Light Off-Road 2-Door Open-Bodied / Soft Top / SUV - 2000 Regular Series Collector 199 Diecast No Scale plus 1991 Roll Patrol - Concept Compact Light Off-Road 2-Door Open-Bodied / Soft Top / SUV - 2002 Regular Series Collector 299 Diecast No Scale by by Hot Wheels

El término "auto" involucra un universo completo de vehículos creados para atender necesidades específicas, aún esas con componente psicológico (por ejemplo, las que ayudan a inflar el ego y si, tenemos una caterva de egomaníacos y/o gente de baja autoestima alrededor... 

Hay aquellos que les encanta las carreteras planas, largas y rectas, donde ellos puedan presionar el acelerador para sentir mariposas en el estómago y hay también, los que prefieren una mayor cercanía con la naturaleza, aunque esto signifique una "sensación escabrosa"

Me gusta la naturaleza, saben, me permite apreciar lo maravilloso del mundo creado por el DIOS de la Biblia y tomar un descanso del ritmo acelerado de mi rutina diaria... 

¡Adivinen qué!... ¡Hay un tipo de vehículo para llevarme allí!... 

Esta clase de vehículo multipropósito fue construido para la armada de los Estados Unidos, a fin de resolver un problema de movilidad ligera y unos pocos años después de la II Guerra Mundial, hizo su entrada a la vida civil como un todoterreno, quizás el primero... La mayoría de la gente lo conoce como jeep

Creo que es la primera vez que publico un vehículo con el concepto de jeep en mente y estoy seguro que ya era hora. 

Los vehículos todoterreno tienen muchos fanáticos alrededor del mundo y yo estoy totalmente incluido. 

Me encantan, pero me tomó un tiempo conseguir algunos para mi colección, pues su disponiblidad y precio son un problema. 

Traje dos ejemplos del mismo modelo de Hot Wheels y pertenecen a series diferentes, parate de la línea Regular, lo cual es mejor para mí. 

Este modelo fue diseñado por Larry Wood y fue sorprendente puesto que pensaba que él era un especialista en Hot Rods, pero tiene habilidades para crear otro tipo de vehículos también. 

Tiene dos versiones, la primera estaba basada en el Jeep CJ-7 y estuvo en el mercado desde 1982 hasta 1988... 

Hoy en día es muy difícil de conseguir empacado en perfectas condiciones y por lo tanto, costoso. 

Este par pertenece a la segunda versión que fue lanzada en 1991 y está disponible en la actualidad, pero es uno de esos modelos que desaparece rápidamente de cualquier estantería y los míos tienen más de 10 años en el mercado así que, pueder hacer las cuentas... 

Los asombrosos detalles incluyen: parachoques con cabrestante, linda parrilla frontal con luces exploradoras, interiores nítidos (lo pueden notar en el timón, tablero y asientos), barra antivuelco, compartimentos traseros, la clásica rueda de repuesto trasera y todo esto está complementado por carrocería / chasis en diecast, trabajo de pintura y tampos llamativos... 

¿Algo más?... 

Luc 11:33-34 "Nadie pone en oculto la luz encendida, ni debajo del almud, sino en el candelero, para que los que entran vean la luz. La lámpara del cuerpo es el ojo; cuando tu ojo es bueno, también todo tu cuerpo está lleno de luz; pero cuando tu ojo es maligno, también tu cuerpo está en tinieblas." 

Hasta el próximo bocado de mi colección... =)

The term "car" involves a whole universe of vehicles created to cater specific needs, even those with a psychological component (for example, those which help to inflate the ego and yeah, we have a lot of egomaniacs and/or low self-esteem people around)... 

There are those who love the plain, long and straight roads, where they can press the accelerator to feel butterflies in the stomach and there are those as well, who prefer a greater closeness with nature, even if that means a "rugged feeling"

I like nature, you know, it lets me appreciate the wonderfulness of the world that the GOD of the Bible created and to take a rest of the fast pace of my diary routine... 

Guess what!... There is a type of vehicle to take me there!... 

This kind of multipurpose vehicle was built for the army of the United States, to solve a problem of light mobility and a few years after the World War II, made its entrance to the civilian life as an off-road, perhaps the first one... Most people knows it as jeep

I think this is the first time I publish a vehicle with the concept of jeep in mind and I’m sure it was about time. 

The off-road vehicles have a lot of fans around the world and I’m totally included. 

I love them but it took some time to get some for my collection, since their availability and price are an issue. 

I brought two examples of the same model by Hot Wheels and they belong to different series, part of the Regular line, which is better for me. 

This model was designed by Larry Wood and it was surprising since I thought he was a specialist in Hot Rods, but he has skills to create other kind of vehicles too. 

It has two versions, the first was based on the Jeep CJ-7 and was in the market since 1982 to 1988... 

Nowadays is very hard to find carded in mint condition and hence expensive. 

This pair belongs to the second version that was released in 1991 and is currently available, but is one of those models that disappear quickly from any shelf and mines have more than 10 years in the market so, you can do the accounts... 

The amazing details include: bumper with winch, nice front grille with scouts lights, sharp interiors (you can notice it in the steering wheel, dashboard and seats), roll bar, rear compartments, the classic rear spare tire and all this is complemented by diecast body / chassis, flashy paint job and tampos... 

Something else?...

Luk 11:33-34 "No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness." 

Until next bite of my collection... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

I'm not a big fan for this kind of car but if I have to choose, I prefer the one with red color. Maybe if I have that one, I will remove the flower side decals, make it all red color only and I will painted the interior into black color and add a bit of detailing on the front lights and then it will be great!!!

chrismandesign said...

HEHEHE...your obsession with red... i hope to have something reddish published soon... some fellow collectors (like you) are very selective, loyal to certain types of items, which is very consistent !!!... oh, i’m consistent and selective too, but my loyalty is with certain features more than with certain types of items... in this case, if the item meets my requirements of quality, detail, rareness and the "x" factor (which i don’t know exactly, but once i see it, the decision is made LOL), usually it becomes part of my collection...

actually the "red one" is more orange and in the beginning, the decor (that is actually in pad printing and hence difficult to remove without removing the rest of the paint job) was a tad weird for my taste but now i find it strangely charming !!!???... i must admit, however, that every time, i’m feeling more tempted to add some extra detail to my diecasts *sigh*... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Those are quite fancy and cute jeepy... So is true jeep started out as vehicle for the army? Well, jeep always give that off road muddy and raggard feel. Guess, I would go for the black Rat Race design. Again, Hot Wheels failed to pay attention to those exposed plastic parts. Arrgh...

chrismandesign said...

the vintage style of these jeeps and the fact that they are full diecast (and hence quite sturdy and more valuable as collectibles) were the critical points in my decision to get’em... yep, the jeep began as a specialized military vehicle and had to undergo a hectic development indeed... now, talking about the interior detailing and/or finishing, i would say that is quite better than the standard in the regular lines, for instance, it actually has a dashboard and the steering wheel is more realistic than the usual "dish" in most of the models... uhmmm the color selection goes 1 for the orange and 1 for the black, great !!! LOL =D

sl619 said...

this bring back memories.. but a bad one cause I DESTROYED mine...........a long time ago that is.

chrismandesign said...

oh !!! you’re a mean dude, don’t you ???... i think is pretty normal... shame on me, because i ruined a lot of diecast in my childhood as well =/////... let’s say that i was... a bit curious LOL... is good to know that no matter where you come from, some good (or bad) memories seem to be pretty similar... i still play with my cars every now and then... just to "don’t lose the practice" LOL =)

cortesmachineart said...

... no le niego el gusto que tengo hacia los jeep pero en esta ocacion no comparto su emocion con estas 2 versiones de hw... si se que son vintage y que son raros ... pero ud sabe mijo entre gustos no hay disgustos es como al que le gusta comer mocos...

chrismandesign said...

ahhhh, pero qué ??? sí ve como me le casca al gosquel espaniel !!!... pero respeto su concepto perrito, como dice el dicho, cada tiesto con su arepa, uno no es monedita de oro pa’ caerle bien a todos y como diría el loco: "y así es todos los días" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... vamos a ver sí alguna otra cosita de mi caleta traqueta, le llama la atención =PPPPP =)