Estaba pensando que mi anterior reseña sobre este tema fue demasiado depresiva para mi gusto y de alguna manera soné como un "emo" (excepto por el atuendo fucsia / negro, la cara extremadamente pálida, el cabello lacio / en punta / tinturado, la sensibilidad exagerada y unas cuantas venas cortadas... HAHAHA)...
Como cualquier ser humano sobre este planeta, tengo sentimientos, pero si están buscando al rey del drama... No soy el tipo indicado =PPPPP...
De hecho, odiaba desperdiciar mi tiempo viendo películas de drama, especialmente cuando mis géneros favoritos eran la ciencia ficción, el horror / gore y el de acción.
Todo estaba muy bien hasta que alguien me invitó a ver The Schindler’s List...
Fue abrumador, el fin de la inocencia, nunca más volví a ver una cinta de la misma forma. Empecé a ver películas de drama o independientes o dirigidas al público infantil principalmente, como Kung Fu Panda (por favor, no mencionen El Rey León tampoco Bamby... Todavía tengo mis límites HAHAHA)...
¡Este filme de Dreamworks es magnífico!... El trabajo de color, las ambientaciones, los diálogos y obviamente los personajes son excepcionales. ¡Por otra parte, las secuencias de acción / peleas con el "toque The Matrix" me hicieron reir sin parar!...
Esta es la parte final del estupendo set de mini-estatuas (con unos pocos puntos de articulación en cierta figuras, básicamente en los brazos) que recibí como regalo de parte de un amigo mío.
Su tamaño es similar al de los gashapons (de hecho, un poco más pequeñas) pero Hasbro hizo un trabajo sorprendente con estos coleccionables, los cuales tienen disponible un set de juego grande (como diorama) para más diversión.
Este grupo incluye: Tai Lung vs Master Shifu, Comandante Rino y Po, Maestro Mono y Maestro Grillo y el último es Maestro Serpiente y Po.
Casi lo olvido, tengo otro Panda que está listo para sus visitas, se llama Isha... Así que, tómense el tiempo de conocerlo, se siente tan solo aún perteneciendo a la banda Noodles. ;(((((
Y toda la Gloria sea al DIOS Todopoderoso Quien nos juzgará con justicia y rectitud, El dará a cada uno lo que merece... Espero verlos la próxima... =)
I was thinking that my first post on this topic was a tad too depressive for my taste and somehow I sounded like an "emo" (except for the fuchsia/black attire, the extremely pale face, the straight/spiky/tinted hair, the exaggerate sensitivity and some cut veins... HAHAHA)...
Like any human being on this planet, I have feelings but if you’re looking for the drama king... I’m not the right guy =PPPPP...
In fact, I hated to waste my time watching drama movies, specially when my favorites genres were sci-fi, horror / gore and action.
Everything was all right until someone invited me to watch The Schindler’s List...
It was shocking, the end of the innocence, I never watched a movie in the same way. I began to watch, analyze and enjoy drama movies or independent or even some intended for young audiences mainly, like Kung Fu Panda (please, don’t mention The Lion King nor Bamby... I have my limits yet HAHAHA)...
This Dreamworks film is magnificent!... The work on the color department, the backgrounds, the dialogues and obviously the characters is outstanding. Moreover, the action / fight sequences with "The Matrix touch" made me laugh endlessly!...
This is the completion of the stupendous set of mini-statues (with a few points of articulation in certain figures, basically in the arms) which I received from a friend of mine as a gift.
The size of them is quite similar to that of the gashapons (a bit smaller, indeed) but Hasbro did an amazing job with these collectibles, which have a big playset (diorama-like) available for more fun.
This group includes: Tai Lung vs Master Shifu, Rhino Commander and Po, Master Monkey and Master Mantis and the last one is Master Viper and Po.
I almost forget, I have another Panda who is willing for your visits, his name is Isha... So take the time to meet him, he feels so lonely even belonging to the Noodles gang.
And all the Glory be to the Almighty GOD Who will judge us with justice and righteousness, He will give everyone what they deserve... Hope to see you next time... =)
Dennis' Top Ten Toys (TTT) 2024
1. Same spot share by Realxhead related Sofubi! Super delighted to receive
this RealxHead black molding Eiriman or Aliman sofubi today… Finally able
to o...
2 weeks ago
Kungfu Panda appeals a lot to adults too! I loved to the movie as much as my kiddos! Awesome parody to kungfu movies. Those are very accurate paint job and great expressions from each of the characters.
i guess that the sarcasm is the key to open this movie to mature audiences LOL... i enjoyed it so much... and i enjoy these figures as much as the movie HEHEHE... the sculpt is amazing for the size, also the likeness... i think is a must for Kung Fu Panda lovers (like me)... what a pity that is a set very hard to find nowadays (secret sly smile HIHIHIHIHI)... XD
wahahaha! you made me laugh pal... you should watch The Lion King that's one of the greatest animated movie of all time hahaha.
for the second time around, you made me envious... I was on hunt until now for a Po figure! I really regret I didn't get the Mcdonalds toy of him :(
I haven't watched the Schindler's but I think it's the same with Life is Beautiful (a must watch).. about the Jews but it started with romance/comedy then your favorite part, the drama hahaha.
HEHE, i already watched The Lion King and for that very reason i said i have my limits =P LOL
uhmmm, i think that the Kung Fu Panda collectibles are scarce nowadays for some reason, so it was great to receive them as a gift =D...
The Schindler’s List, in my opinion, has more drama than The Life is Beautiful and no comedy parts at all... however, the insanity and cruelty of that genocide (which some people dare to deny) is portrayed in both of them with vividness... ;(((((
These are nice
HAHAHAHA... first time commenting here Adrian, my honor !!! yeah they’re great, the whole set really worth it =)
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