Friday, January 22, 2010

Pity Rolitoboy Previews Exclusive Vynil Figure - Limited Edition by Toy2r

Ahhhh... Nuevamente el placer (casi lujurioso...) para un diseñador (en mi caso: gráfico con algunos conocimientos en web) es publicado y compartido en este blog de rarezas... 

Se me hace agua la boca (y mi cerebro sangra...) viendo y poseyendo esta deliciosa y perversamente tierna pieza del mundo de los Designer Toys.

Toy2r, junto con innumerables empresas de diseño alrededor del mundo, derrochan creatividad (y maldad) en cada una de sus creaciones y llevan al delirio a coleccionistas que, como yo, no cuentan con un alto presupuesto para gastar en este tipo de figuras. 

"¡Kawaii! ¡Kawaii!" dirían algunos (incluido un apreciado colega coleccionista...) "Muerte a la lindura" dirían otros, incluido, creo yo, el archifamoso creador y artista gráfico japonés Mori Chack, culpable por esta infame pieza de colección. 

Se trata de un crossover entre Gloomy Bear y Rolito, que sin duda, nos muestra que "los osos siempre serán osos" y que es "perfectamente natural que los osos ataquen a los humanos" (quizás los Carebears deben estarse revolcando y consumiéndose de la ira en sus casitas... ¡HA!) ¡¿pero qué le vamos a hacer, si tales declaraciones son verdad?!...

Esta figura que no se clasifica como tierna o gore, tiene 5" de alto, incluye dos (no sé cómo describirlos exactamente...) "pajaritos", su trabajo de pintura es increíble así como el diseño de su empaque y es una edición limitada de 504 piezas a nivel mundial (esta es la No. 076). 

Las sorpresas y la locura continuarán...


Ahhhh... Again the pleasure (almost lustful...) for a designer (in my case: graphic with some knowledge in web) is published and shared in this blog of oddities... 

It makes my mouth water (and my brain bleeds...) watching and owning this delicious and viciously cute piece from the world of Designer Toys.

Toy2r, along with innumerable design companies around the world, squander creativity (and evilness) in each of their creations and lead to delirium to collectors, like me, who doesn’t have a high budget to spend in this kind of figures. 

"Kawaii! Kawaii!" some would say (included an appreciated fellow collector...) "Death to the Cuteness" others would say, included, I think so, the well-known creator and graphic artist Mori Chack, guilty for this infamous collectible. 

It’s a crossover between Gloomy Bear and Rolito, that doubtless, show us that "bears always will be bears" and that is "perfectly natural for bears to attack humans" (maybe the Carebears should be wallowing and consumed by angry in their cottages... LOL!) but what else we can do, if those statements are true?!...

This figure that can’t be rated as cute or gore, is 5" high, includes two (I don’t know how to describe them exactly...) "birdies", its paint job is incredible as much as its packaging design and is a limited edition of 504 pieces worldwide (this is # 076). 

The surprises and the insanity will continue...


cortesmachineart said...

... de nuevo ... YO! jejejeje.... la verdad la piaza esta hipermegacontraretrochevere...
... y mas si es edicion limitada, que deleite visual tan agradable...
espero ver mas de este tipo de rarezas en su bloggy, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRR.... jajajajajajajaja...
que sangron...

chrismandesign said...

kjakajkjkakajakaja... siiiiiippp, está demencial, brutal !!! y fue una de las que pedí a ojo cerrado, gracias a DIOS pude conseguirla, porque las ediciones limitadas son rapadas y por supuesto, gracias también a mi amigo "el contacto a.k.a. viejo Mauro" que me acolita estas locuras... que siga la fiesta, hasta las 15... kjakjakjakjakjkajkajkja

LEon said...

Interesting figure. I love the colors. I like your new banner too.

chrismandesign said...

thx LEon... am i wrong or didn’t visit me since a "long" time ??? or u pass by my new banner design ;(((( i mean, it was there when u commented on the Ripclaw post !!!??? something weird is happening or myb i’m the weird here <=___=>

Tom Freak said...

Looks great! Quite disturbing, but great. Congrats on the score!

chrismandesign said...

thx again Freak... this is the kind of piece u can expect from designer toys creators... in fact, Mori Chack thinks that all the world of cuteness created by Disney & others is simply a fake, so this is a sort of protest: "welcome back to reality" LOL

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

It's so common nowadays to find stuffs related to Gloomy Bear. I remember having a soft toy Gloomy is so exclusive years back will I bought it for my wife. Now there are even crossover. I'm not complaining.....

Anyway, this is a unique toy and gloomy's owner is so pitiful. Poor boy being bully by his toy.

chrismandesign said...

kjakjkajkajkjakja... Dennis i guess u were so busy cuz i didn’t see u passing by here LOL... actually i dunno if this kind of stuff could be called "common" or "popular" at least not here, in my country... every single piece of designer toys is a rarity, they r underground & expensive =(... myb in Singapore the situation is different, nevertheless this one is a limited edition...