Image Comics es uno de los relativamente pocos intentos, por buscar independencia, de los creadores de personajes e historias dentro de esta variante del arte contemporáneo.
Marvel Comics, sin embargo, es la Casa Matriz (por derecho propio) en la que han sido formadas parte de las antiguas y nuevas generaciones de artistas del cómic norteamericano, su influencia es innegable en casi todos los aspectos concebibles y aún DC Comics es deudora de su legado.
Este personaje, es un ejemplo, llamado Shadow Hawk, cuyo nombre fue concebido en Marvel por Tom DeFalco (para su personaje StarHawk, cuando éste hacia uso de poderes oscuros...) quién convenció a Jim Valentino para crear otro personaje a partir de este nombre.
Este superhéroe, cuyo poder reside en su casco, llamado casco de Helu o Nommo, es un instrumento usado por un espíritu del antiguo Egipto para hacer justicia; en este casco residen también los espíritus de las personas que encarnaron a este personaje en épocas anteriores y, en el presente, se creó un exo-esqueleto que sirve como armadura e incrementa las habilidades del portador.
El principal portador conocido fue Paul Johnstone, a quien siguió Eddie Collins, incluso en una serie posterior el personaje fue encarnado por un robot.
Este personaje no puede negar su semejanza con Batman (DC) y Wolverine (Marvel) en su apariencia, pero su historia y circunstancias son diferentes.
La pieza de 6" de alto, en PVC y resina es, como las dos piezas anteriormente publicadas (Savage Dragon y Ripclaw), más una estatua que una figura de acción.
Las imágenes dan cuenta de la excelente calidad en su trabajo de pintura y tiene gran riqueza en detalles, además de la base tipo diorama que realza su encanto en exhibición.
Image Comics is one of the few attempts, in the quest for independence, of the creators of characters and stories within this variant of contemporary arts.
Marvel Comics, however, is the Headquarters (by its own right) in which were formed part of the old and new generations of north American comic artists, its influence is undeniable in almost all conceivable aspects and even DC Comics is indebted to its legacy.
This character, is an example, called Shadow Hawk, whose name was conceived in Marvel by Tom DeFalco (for his character StarHawk, when he used his dark powers...) who convinced to Jim Valentino to create another character based in this name.
This superhero, whose power rests in his helmet, called helmet of Helu or Nommo, is an instrument used by a spirit of ancient Egypt, to do justice; in this helmets rests as well the spirits of the persons who embodied this character in the past and, in the present, it was created an exo-skeleton that works as an armor and increases the abilities of the bearer.
The main bearer known was Paul Johnstone, who was followed by Eddie Collins, even in later series the character was embodied by a robot.
This character can’t deny his similarity with Batman (DC) and Wolverine (Marvel) in his appearance, but his story and circumstances are different.
The piece itself, 6" high, in PVC and resin is, as the two pieces previously published (Savage Dragon and Ripclaw), more a statue than an action figure.
The images testify about the excellent quality in its paint job and the richness in detail, besides the base type diorama enhances its charm in exhibition.
Knave Tokyo Togemal TGML (Brown)
Knave Tokyo Togemal TGML(brown) sofubi with Mad Max vibes. A well designed
mecha style future post apocalypse soldier in the wasteland by Knave Tokyo
1 month ago
Nice sculpt for this limited edition statue. The incline platform gives it a nice 3D effect.
yup... i think so, this one belongs to my friend Ricardo Contreras as the others of this set & when i take the pics i could realize that they r an amazing collection figures, i hav no doubt
.... Que tal don chris(toyman), que pieza tan interesante, pero si ud tiene razon, el personaje fisicamente no es muy original, pero la historia si.
En cuanto a la pieza como tal es demasiado cool trabajo de pintura y los detalles son muy buenas ... al fin mc farlane toys...
sip, de acuerdo... McFarlane se fajó un set muy jalado, pa’qué... y pensar que muchas personas que no conocen sencillamente lo pasan de largo como si nada, la ignorancia es atrevida... pero menos mal que hay gente que valora este tipo de piezas y las adquiere para placer propio y de otros, cierto mijo ???
Mcfarlance was good doing such display figures but not many over my end really appreciate as they are not fan of these characters.
LOL... i can’t imagine McFarlane launching a Doraemon (punisher) series... XDDDDDDD but they hav some anime & videogames characters series quite interesting like McFarlane 3D Animation from Japan series 1 and 2, Soul Calibur II, Onimusha 2... thx for ur comment LEon even if that’s not ur kind of toys, u give’em a try... i think we r alike in that: we r open mind collectors, we are not single-issue in our collections...
You got that right Chris. I am selective but if I like it, I will buy what I like. :)
right pal... i can’t understand the mind of some collectors that don’t buy a beautiful piece, even if they want to, just cuz is not their kind ???!!!... i respect so much those colleagues, they could have a lot of excellent figures, but why limit themselves ??? i think, the only limit is ur wallet, that’s all...
Shadow Hawk was never my cup of tea, he seemed too similar to others, like a bastard child between Batman and Wolverine or something. Is definitely my least favorite of the bunch.
.... que tal socin, que paso mano...
...on tan el resto de toys... quiero ver mas mijo, aver... que pasa calabaza.
jajajajajajajajaj....sorprendaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanos socio.
to Freak:
i knew u would say that & yep this character has obvious similarities in appereance with those u (& i) mentioned, but u can’t create a character only with appereance, u need an story behind him/her & that’s what makes a difference in this case... indeed i bet u can’t find a character without a referring in other character... & the figure itself is great !
to Cortes
fresco hermano, déje el afán y no me programe, que yo sé qué, cómo y cuándo...
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