Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ripclaw - Cyber Force 10th Anniversary Image Comics Heroes Series - Special Limited Edition by McFarlane Toys

Por si alguien no se ha dado cuenta, en mis publicaciones estoy alternando figuras del manga / animé y del cómic. 

Disfruto de ambos mundos por igual y creo que eso me hace un coleccionista de mente más abierta, definitivamente NO me limito. Como he venido diciendo: mi deleite es la variedad.

Ahora vayamos de lleno a la historia de este personaje: Ripclaw. Sus orígenes son desconocidos, aunque se especula que perteneció a una tribu Apache, pero tuvo que abandonar a sus
congéneres cuando descubre su mutación. 

Su nombre: Robert Bearclaw y definitivamente es uno de los pocos superhéroes con un profundo sentido de la ética y la moral, precisamente por la herencia de sus ancestros nativo-americanos. 

Tiene la habilidad de asumir ciertos atributos de animales como los dientes y garras de un oso; luego de un accidente, sus manos fueron reemplazadas por implantes cibernéticos y la habilidad mutante que tenía, se incorporó a esos implantes que él puede convertir en garras o manos, a voluntad, de forma inexplicable. 

Así mismo, puede comunicarse con espíritus ancestrales y cuenta con percepción extrasensorial. ¡Todo un personaje creado por Marc Silvestri!...

La figura (que pertenece a mi amigo Ricardo Contreras,
quien la cedió, junto con otras más que publicaré luego, para que su afición será conocida aquí también...) tiene 6" de alto, una excelente ejecución en su detalle y trabajo de pintura, el diorama que lo acompaña y en general la calidad de esta pieza de McFarlane... Bueno, si quiero tenerla tenerla, pero ya mi presupuesto fue noqueado... ¡HA!


In case anyone has not noticed it, I’m alternating manga / anime and comic figures in my publications. 

I enjoy both worlds in the same way and I think that makes me an open minded collector, definitely I DON’T limit myself. As I have been saying: my delight is variety.

Now going entirely to the story of this character: Ripclaw. His origins are unknown, although there is a speculation that he belonged to an Apache tribe, but he had to abandon his congeners when he discovers his mutation. 

His name: Robert Bearclaw and definitely he is one of the few superheroes with a deep sense of ethics and morality, precisely by his native-American heritage. 

He has the ability to assume certain animal attributes like the teeth and claws of a bear; after an accident, his hands were replaced by cybernetic implants and the mutant ability that he had, joined his implants so he can transform them into claws or hands, at will, in an inexplicable way. 

Likewise, he can communicate with his ancestral spirits and he has extrasensory perception. Such a character created by Marc Silvestri!...

The figure (which belongs to my friend Ricardo Contreras, who ceded it, along with others I will publish later, so his hobby will be known here too...) is 6" high, an excellent
work in its details and paint job, its accompanying diorama and, in general, the quality of this McFarlane’s piece... Well, I do want to have it, but my budget was knocked out... LOL!


cortes said...

! JA ...
... primero en comentar... que bien se siente...jajajajajaja. farlane toys...mmm...

si definitivamente de las buenas piezas de coleccion ademas nos referimos a unos de los personajes (para mi) mas represetentagresivos del comic, si ovio... creacion de nada mas y nada menos que el gran marc silvestry... espero algun dia ver en figura de accion al resto del equipo CYBER FORCE...
...complicado ? no lo se pero con las grandes sorpresas y rarezas que publica mi gran amiguin chris....chros....crrrrrrrrrrrruz.....jajajajajajaj....
no se me haria raro encontrarmelas algun dia...
gracias de nuevo por este blog amiguin...jeje...

chrismandesign said...

pues hermano... ahí se hace lo que se puede... hasta donde sé, hay por lo menos otro miembro de Cyber Force que se puede conseguir en figura de acción, de la marca Legendary Comic Books Heroes y hace parte del set para armar a Monkey Man... es Striker... saludos oiga !!!

Tom Freak said...

Yep, you can get those two, but I doubt the rest of Cyber Force will ever be done in action figure format. The only steady Image comics characters line, besides Spawn, was WildC.A.T.S. by playmates in 95 or so. They had a line because there was a cartoon.

Ripclaw was never a favorite of mine. He had basically the same powers as Warblade from WildC.A.T.S. and so many others.

chrismandesign said...

@ Freak:

Well bout those Playmates’ action figures of WildC.A.T.S. i saw’em & they hav a "too vintage taste" for me, very simple pieces, with limited articulation, end of i didn’t like them so much... this ones from McFarlane & Legendary Comic Books Heroes r much better... on the other hand, i think that his similarity in powers with other superheroes is unavoidable

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Thought he's a villian till I started reading more. Nice statue!

chrismandesign said...

Hey Dennis !!! welcome again... yup he looks fierce, & he uses his fierce against bad ppl... the statue is pretty doubtless...

P.D. i realize a long time ago that u use a MAC... u rock man ! i do want to hav one of those piece of "art" but i can’t afford it, by the moment...

LEon said...

I think you have 2 more figures of this series you will be blogging right?

chrismandesign said...

myb... myb not... who knows ??? i’m such a capricious collector & my colleagues do so... thx for ur support LEon (even if this time i had to push u LOOOOOLLLLLL)

Tom Freak said...

It's true that the WildC.a.t.s. look very vintage. It was the 90s after all, but also the late 80s and 90s was a great time for Playmates. Good solid sculpts with unique looks. Almost no reuse of parts (like later in Simpsons World of Springfield). It's true that in a detail level they can't compare with McFarlane, but this Ripclaw is almost a statue, is not an action figure and has very limited articulation. In that I disagree: WildC.a.t.s. had much more articulation and playability than this, since they were intended to be toys to play with and not to display.

chrismandesign said...

@ Freak

in this case, i prefer detail level & quality in paint job than playability... i don’t play usually with my collection figures even considering that some of them r indeed toys... my second infancy (the one i’m living right now) is more serious since i grew up =PPPPP LOL