Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spawn 10th Anniversary Image Comics Heroes Series - Special Limited Edition by McFarlane Toys

Cierro este ciclo con la última pieza, perteneciente a este sorprendente e injustamente poco estimado set de McFarlane. 

Y es un cierre con broche de oro, al mejor estilo de Todd, quien no escatimó recursos en la fabricación de la figura emblema de esta serie.

Al Simmons el mercenario con un pasado lleno de rencor y deseo de venganza, que cuando mere, es escogido para servir como general de las huestes infernales: Spawn, es recreado con un nivel de detalle y articulación inédito hasta el momento.

Sin demeritar las otras piezas
del grupo que son muy sugestivas a mi modo de ver, esta es la única que puede llamarse con propiedad figura de acción y por ello permite exhibirlo en diferentes poses dinámicas. 

Fabricada principalmente en resina y PVC, de unas 6" de alto sin base (alcanza las 12" sobre la base de exhibición), con cadenas metálicas incluídas, sobresaliente trabajo de pintura y moldeada con dedicación (tanto la figura en sí como su display de exhibición) resulta el complemento ideal en la colección de un aficionado a este controvertido personaje.


I close this cycle with the last piece, belonging to this remarkable and unjustly underestimated set of McFarlane. 

And it’s closing with a flourish, in the best style of Todd, who spared no resources in the making of the emblem figure in this series.

Here, Al Simmons
the mercenary with a past full of resentment and the firm will of revenge, who when he dies, he is chosen to serve as general of the infernal hosts: Spawn, is recreated with a detail and level of articulation unknown until now.

Without underestimate the other pieces of
the group which are, in my personal concept, very suggestive, this is the only one that can be called properly action figure and therefore it can be displayed in different dynamic poses. 

Made mainly of resin and PVC, about 6" high without base (reaches 12" above the display base), with metallic chains included, outstanding paint job and molded with dedication (both the figure itself and its display base) is the ideal complement in the collection of a fan of this controversial character.


LEon said...

Ah yes. this piece is very popular among the collectors. Mcfarlane toys are always good for display and not so much of playing. Sadly their spawn just kill themselves with too much spawn and getting rather irrelevant.

Tom Freak said...

Now this is just great! I have not nearly as much love for the character as for Savage Dragon, but this looks stunning. Congratulate the owner for me :)

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

i didn’t understand the last part of ur comment (???!!!) i guess that the main struggle in the story of this character is the apparent gray scale between the good & the evil (it’s not only bout kills here & kills there...)... but the first part is OK... well, this is not a toy at all, not intended to play with, neither for kids (because the character is too devil, sarcastic & violent...) just a collection figure, but in this special case, it has many points of articulation (for a mature playing experience, u know LOL...)

chrismandesign said...

to Freak:

ooh... i already did it, he’s one of my best friends & a collector colleague as well... Spawn is more a character to hate than to love, i think so, his moral values are very poor, he believes in justice by his own hand, but his concept of justice is simply vengeance... i think that justice is much more than that...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This piece is really nice Chris. I first thought it's a statue but I'm amazed that the spawn is actually an action figure and can do other poses. I guess what Leon meant was that Spawn comic kind of lost their focus and direction and thus losing fans. I do have a few friends who told me that Spawn comic had lost the appeal and they too had given up their Spawn toy collection. The value of Spawn had also dipped with many selling away theirs in Singapore.

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

as usual ur comments r always welcome =)... well, 2 things... 1st if i weren’t "broke" i would think seriously into buy this figure, is fantastic... 2nd in my personal experience, i think that comic stories evolve, they go from simplicity to complexity, so they suffer changes & not always, changes r welcome among fans... but we grow up, we aren’t kids anymore, is a fact, and comic stories do that as well... for example, the Batman character nowadays is, by far, not the same created by the comic artist Bob Kane... At last, i guess that collection figures in our hemisphere r more expensive in ur hemisphere & vice versa, so the ones who hav Spawn figures there r so lucky as the ones who hav anime figures here, cuz those collection figures r rare (& therefore more expensive u know...) WOW what a long response !!!

cortes said...

.... veces wow... que pieza tan represetentasuperaspera me dejo sanoooooooooooo....

aver socio... que pasa deje de dar tanduro al buen fan....jijijijijijijijiji...

....quede atonito.... pero acuerdece que el se revelo mas que todo por amor a wanda...

....lo unico que me que da por decir es que continue la funcion.

chrismandesign said...

to Cortes:

ahhhh Wanda... ya no me acordaba de ella, la única persona a quien Al Simmonds amaba, junto con su hija... pero él ya traía consigo una historia de odio desde antes de conocerla, esas heridas no cicatrizaron del todo y, hasta donde yo sé, Al Simmonds siempre tuvo problemas para someterse a la autoridad, así que la rebelión es parte inseparable de su manera de ser...