Thursday, January 28, 2010

Transformers Commander and Flamethrower Autobots 2006 WST Dinorobots Series Transformable Action Figures by Justitoys

Debo admitir que tengo una notoria propensión por las figuras de colección costosas, no es un capricho mío y no estoy aquí para alardear de eso, lo cual sería estúpido: de hecho, con muy pocas excepciones, las piezas más exquisitas son las que vacían tu billetera más rápido. 

Sin embargo, soy un coleccionista de mente abierta (cada vez un poquitín más...) y me encuentro con figuras que me llegan al corazón, sin que cuesten una fortuna.

Estas magníficas figuras, del mundo Transformer, de la generación 1, son una prueba de lo que estoy diciendo. 

Sobre los personajes no hay mucho que decir, pues hicieron parte de la serie regular (como Dynobots) y son de "dominio público"; pero las figuras, de pequeño formato (de 3" de alto en modo robot) sí ofrecen una calidad y detalle que me dejaron gratamente sorprendido. 

Parecen juguetes (y lo son) pero no son aptos para niños (por sus piezas pequeñas y sobretodo por que son delicados...) a menos que sean muy cuidadosos con sus posesiones (y eso es casi imposible en la vida real...).

ven muy bien tanto en modo robot como en modo bestia y cuentan con accesorios como armas (un par por cada robot), un juego de stickers (que la verdad preferí no usar, aunque la impresión tien una buena calidad) y un tarjeta de colección impresa por ambas caras, con una ilustración por un lado y las estadísticas sobre sus habilidades por el otro. 

¡Simplemente me encantan!


I must admit that I have a notable propensity for the expensive collection figures, it’s not a whim of mine and I’m not here to brag about it, which would be stupid: in fact, with a few exceptions, the more exquisite pieces are those that empty your wallet faster. 

However, I’m an open minded collector (each time, a bit more...) and I find figures that touch my heart, without costing a fortune.

These magnificent figures, from the Transformer’s world, generation 1, are a proof of what I’m talking. 

About the characters there is not much to say, they were part of the regular series (as Dynobots) and they are "public domain"; but the figures themselves, in small format (3" high in robot mode) really offer a quality and detail that left me pleasantly surprised. 

They look like toys (and they are, indeed) but they aren’t suitable for kids (for their tiny pieces and specially because they are delicate...) unless they were very careful with their possessions (and that’s almost impossible in the real life...).

They look great in both robot and beast modes,
and they come with accessories like weapons (a pair for each robot), a set of stickers (I preferred not to use them, although the print has a good quality) and a trading card printed in full color, with an illustration on one side and statistics about their abilities on the other. 

I just love’em!


LEon said...

These are GEM. You have to be careful to take care on the chrome parts. I think they are 4 if not 5 in this series but you get the best Grimlock. Dinobot rulez!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I have seen them on display at toy shops and look cute and exquisite. Not to mention that they are the fearless and all mighty TF Dinobots. There are also classic black to this toy series if I'm not wrong. If I'm also not wrong, WTS Dinobots ain't official product of Takara but very detailed fan project.

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

look what i find bout the company: "Justitoys is an expert team of toy designers led by digital artists, animation artists, graphic designers (WOW colleagues !!!) and mold experts. We create new concept of toys, unrealeased famous toys accesories (like an upgrade kit for Megatron Masterpiece), cartoon related toys and custom designed toys. We know exactly what you want, what you’re missing and what you love, yeah, we JUST LOVE toys ! ... JUST I TOYS... "I" in chinese has the same pronunciation of the word "love"...

i can notice they actually love toys as we do !!!

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

yep i’ll b careful, for sure, chrome, painted parts & points of articulation are so delicate... the other available in this series is: Desert Warrior - Snarl (2 sizes)... i must say that only Dinobots r of my taste, cuz i hate Beast Wars series action figures...

Thx to both of u pals, ur comments encourage me to continue publishing !!! =D

cortes said...

... si definitivamente si... son bastante raritas y ademas con esa calidad de detalle se combierten en un par de dinosaurios jugosamente exoticos... me imagino esas piecitas pero en die cast... oshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

chrismandesign said...

to Cortes:

que yo sepa, solo Commander a.k.a. Grimlock tiene una version en Masterpiece de Takara, que es impresionante... pero su costo es algo prohibitivo... éstas piezas, ofrecen una riqueza de detalle excepcional para su tamaño y resultan comparativamente más accequibles, aunque no son tan fáciles de conseguir, pues en Amazon sencillamente no están...