Monday, February 1, 2010

25th Anniversary G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - Comic Pack Wave 4 by Hasbro

Si hubo una serie que dejó su huella a finales de los 80s e inicios de los 90s fue G.I. Joe y obviamente aún tiene seguidores, pues en 2009 se estrenó una "película de acción real" con el nombre G.I. Joe: El surgimiento de Cobra (que no comentaré, pues no la he visto aún...)

Recuerdo que alguna vez ví varios capítulos de la serie americana de los 80s / 90s y me parecieron bastante divertidos, aunque las historias eran muy sencillas y el nudo y desenlace carecían de la suficiente credibilidad para mí (claro está, se trataba de una serie creada para los niños y adolescentes de aquella época...). 

Lo que en realidad me dejo fascinado, fueron los personajes con su indumentaria, armamento sofisticado, y por supuesto, los vehículos de combate. 

Además, los colores estridentes de la serie fueron fielmente reproducidos en las numerosas figuras que se produjeron y que conocí mucho después. Un amigo tuvo varias de ellas, que me produjeron ese molesto escozor de la envidia... Hasta ahora.

Este interesante set incluye 2 figuras (3" 3/4 de alto) de Duke (First Sargeant) y Red Star (Oktober Guard Officer) con muy buen detalle y trabajo de pintura, 16 puntos de articulación, cada uno cuenta con una linda base con el logo de G.I. Joe en alto relieve y como bono, un cómic de 24 páginas (cuyo arte, diseño e historia no me impacta, pero la impresión es de buena calidad). En cuanto a los accesorios, Duke cuenta con: fusil, pistola, cuchillo, binoculares y maletín; mientras que Red Star incluye: rifle, revólver, cuchillo y maleta.


If there was a series that left its mark in the late 80s and in the early 90s was G.I. Joe and obviously it still has its fans, because in 2009 was released a "real action movie" called G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (that I’ll not comment, because I have not watched it yet...)

I remember that I watched several chapters of the American series of the 80s / 90s and I found them quite amusing, though the stories were very simple, the middle and the end lacked enough credibility for me (of course, this series was created for the children and adolescents of that time...). 

What left me actually fascinated were the characters with their clothing, sophisticated armament and of course, the combat vehicles. 

Also, the strident colors of the series were faithfully reproduced in the numerous figures that were produced and which I knew much later. A friend of mine had several figures of them, which gave me that annoying stinging of envy... Until now.

This interesting set includes 2 figures (3" 3/4 high) of Duke (First Sergeant) and Red Star (Oktober Guard Officer) with very good detail and paint job, 16 points of articulation, each one with a nice base with a G.I. Joe logo embossed and as a bonus, a 24 pages comic (whose art, design and story don’t impact me, but the print itself has good quality). As for accessories, Duke has: rifle, pistol, knife, binoculars and carrying case; while Red Star includes: carbine, revolver, knife and bag.


LEon said...

The stories was written for the toy. Hasbro actually asked comic artist to come out with the story of the product. So the stories may not be that consistent.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Hey! I like G.I.Joe cartoon a lot as a kid. All the action w/o the kill. Do you know Cobra Commander & Starscream are from the same voice actor. The toys and accessories are awesome. The box to the jetfighter and the aircraft carrier rockz too when I saw them on shelves at Toy'R'Us when I was a kid. I will stay at Toy'R'Us to watch the cartoon screening. Great Childhood memory!

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

well, i knew that the G.I. Joe comics were created as a merchandising strategy (like the TV series...) so i’m in agreement with u & i take the comic just as a bonus... but what really worths while are the figures, they r pretty fine... i always wanted to own at least one, now it’s time, thx GOD !!!

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

That was a good trivia info pal, i didn’t know that... i saw the series with spanish dubbing (from Mexico, the best available in my native language, even with its regionalisms...) the cobra voice in spanish (from Mexico) was really funny (bssssss Destro destruye a G.I. Joe ! - translation: bssssss Destro Destroy to G.I. Joe LOL)... i would like to get some G.I.Joe vehicules but i run out of money =( myb later =)

cortes said...

... destruyan a gi joe...pssssss...cobraaaaaaaa...

quien no se acuerda de esta serie animada de los 80s ... por ,lo menos yo si.... que retro...las piezas como tal estan mas que jaladas que notita tener unas cuantas o mas bien unos cuantos personajes claro con vehiculos y que tales... sera que si tendremos ese placer...ud que dice socin...

chrismandesign said...

to Cortes:

pues en esas estoy, pero como ando algo corto de dinero, va a ser un poco difícil... sin embargo, esperemos... quién quita que se pueda conseguir alguito de vehículos... GI. Joe !!!