Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ace Combat 3 / Tekken 3 / The Legend of Valkyrie / Yumerica Gashapon Group of 5 by Yujin

"Girls... All I really want is girls, and in the morning it’s girls..." 

Estoy absolutamente de acuerdo con Beastie Boys. Un poco de dinamita femenina, no está para nada mal en mi blog...

Últimamente las figuras femeninas son mi locura y mi tortura. No voy a referirme a la locura, porque es obvia, pero si a la tortura porque ha sido increiblemente difícil conseguir información sobre estas piezas. 

Las adquirí en lote, algunas venían con el inserto impreso de la serie a la que pertenecen pero la mayoría no, y el problema es que la información disponible está en japonés "ありがとう" =PPPPP... 

Finalmente, supongo que su belleza, nivel de detalle y lindo trabajo de pintura, justificará el colosal esfuerzo de publicarlas.

Este grupo
incluye: Rena Hirose - Ace Combat 3 (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin), Nanase - Yumerica (Namco Gals Collection X SR Set of 6 by Yujin), Talim - Soul Calibur 2 (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin), Anna - Tekken 3 (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin) y Valkyrie - Legend of Valkyrie (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin). (NOTA: este es el orden en el que aparecen las imágenes individuales, de arriba hacia abajo).

"I like the way they walk..."


"Girls... All I really want is girls, and in the morning it’s girls..." 

I agree absolutely with Beastie Boys. Some female dynamite, is not bad at all in my blog...

Lately female figures are my madness and my torture. I will not talk
about madness, because it’s obvious, but I’ll talk about torture because it has been incredibly difficult to find some info about these pieces. 

I bought them in lot so, some of them came with the printed insert of the series which they belong but most do not, and the problem is that the info available, is in Japanese "ありがとう" =PPPPP... 

Finally, I guess that their beauty, level of detail and nice paint job, will justify the colossal effort of publish them.

This group includes: Rena Hirose - Ace
Combat 3 (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin), Nanase - Yumerica (Namco Gals Collection X SR Set of 6 by Yujin), Talim - Soul Calibur 2 (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin), Anna - Tekken 3 (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin) and Valkyrie - Legend of Valkyrie (Namco Gals Collection 5 SR Set of 6 by Yujin). (NOTE: this is the order of the individual images, from top to bottom). 

 "I like the way they walk..."


LEon said...

Oh! I have the one with the surfboard and the gal doing the taichi. Man you really make me want to review them. See when I am free to take some pic of them.

chrismandesign said...

aha !!! u mean Valkyrie & Nanase, they r beautiful yep... the only one i know is Anna (i played Tekken 3 a long time ago, but is not one of my favorites videogames...) the rest r totally unknown for me... u must give another chance to ur gashapons, they r fantastic figures !!!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Thank you for bring gals back! Ha! Ha! I know none of these guys from video games. Man! Guess I'm into to many robots games!

chrismandesign said...

yeahhhhh !!! girls rule & rocks... but dun worry pal, i was just like u... mechas here & mechas there, till i decided to giv gals a chance & man, i don’t regret to have done that, it was such a good idea !!! ... & there r more girls on the way, girls, girls, girls... LOL