Friday, February 19, 2010

Azrael DC Super Heroes Series 3 Action Figure by Mattel

"¡Aaayyy! ¡Cómo odio a los pitufos!... ¡Los exterminaré, los exterminaré a todos, así sea lo último que haga, lo último que haga!..." Errrrr... ¡Ups! línea equivocada. 

NO... No voy a hablar del gato de Gargamel el hechicero (Las Aventuras de los Pitufos), aunque la estupidez de ese felino me parece heroica y misteriosamente atrayente.

Más bien hablaré de un personaje de reciente creación (1992) gracias a los esfuerzos combinados de Dennis O’Neil y Joe Quesada. 

Azrael, cuyo nombre real es Jean-Paul Valley, pasa desapercibido como estudiante de ciencias de la computación en Ciudad Gótica, pero es el último en la línea de verdugos para la "La Orden Sagrada de Saint Dumas"

Esta es una sociedad religiosa secreta, que mediante un proceso llamado "The System" (El Sistema), crea un asesino sin escrúpulos, de fuerza y velocidad sobrehumana, que surge cuando una de las dos personalidades del sujeto, la personalidad de Azrael, es "disparada".

Aunque empezó sus días como un sicario de la Orden de St. Dumas, luego del encuentro e interacción con Batman y Robin, decide hacerse un vigilante más; incluso, en la serie "Knightfall" (1992-1994) toma el rol de Batman, cuando Bruce Wayne luego de ser atacado por Bane, decide darse un "año sabatico"

La inestabilidad sicológica de Azrael, su bipolaridad, lo hacen tan violento y sanguinario, que Bruce Wayne debe enfrentarlo y recuperar su lugar como el verdadero Batman.

Mattel vuelve a sorprenderme, con esta singular figura de acción de 6" de alto, moldeada ingeniosamente y con sentido de proporción, muy detallada, con un trabajo de pintura cuidado (aunque hubiera deseado que los tonos rojos del traje fueran más profundos...), los guanteletes lo hacen ver intimidante con sus dagas retráctiles llameantes y eso que esta es apenas una de las versiones de traje disponibles. 

¡Mis colegas tiene buen gusto de vez en cuando HEHEHE! Felicitaciones...


"Ooooh! How much I hate smurfs... I’ll get you, I’ll get all of you, even if it’s the last thing I ever do! He he he he haaa..." Errrrr... Ups! wrong quote. 

NO... I will not talk about the cat of the sorcerer Gargamel (Smurfs Adventures), although the stupidity of that feline seems heroic and mysteriously appealing to me.

Rather, I will talk about a recently created character (1992) through the combined efforts of Dennis O’Neil and Joe Quesada. 

Azrael, whose real name is Jean-Paul Valley, goes unnoticed as a student of computer science in Gotham City, but he’s the last in the line of executioners for the "Sacred Order of Saint Dumas"

This is a secret religious society, which through a process called "The System", creates an unscrupulous murderer, with superhuman strength and speed, that arises when one of the two personalities of the individual, the Azrael’s personality, is "triggered".

Albeit he started his life as a hitman of the St. Dumas Order, after his meeting and interaction with Batman and Robin, he decided to become another watchman; actually, in the "Knightfall" series (1992-1994) he takes the role of Batman, when Bruce Wayne after being attacked by Bane decides to take a "sabbatical"

The psychological instability of Azrael, his bipolarity, make him so violent and bloody, that Bruce Wayne must confront him and regain his place as the true Batman.

Mattel surprises me again, with this unique action figure 6" high, cleverly molded with a sense of proportion, very detailed, with a careful paint job (but I would prefer a deeper red tones in the costume...), the gauntlets do look intimidating with their retractable blazing daggers and this is just one of the versions of suit available. 

My colleagues do have good taste once in a while HEHEHE! Congratulations...


Gunstray said...

Not a DC fan[Im saying blasphemy] But d@mn this figure looks pretty sweet, especially the cape/wing things.

chrismandesign said...

WOW... really welcome GunStray... ur 1st time here comment & i hope not the last... i guess ur nickname says all, this is a great compliment for this figure, specially comming from a full time anime/gunplas fan & i’m totally in agreement... for collection figures like this one, i (a multi-collector declared) fall in temptation & i’m trying to bring some DC/Marvel figures to live in my collection-home... =)

Tom Freak said...

That figure is so cool! I actually waited a long time to get him, but when I finally got if for my Batman collection I was so happy I forgot what I had to do and just went home to open it.

chrismandesign said...

well done colleague... i know some ppl out there show their collection figures in their boxes & don’t even think into open’em... i can’t do that, i just let my figures to be free... =D

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Hey! Thx to you I have been exposed to more superheroes and super villians. Just like what you have mentioned, the gauntlets is nice and can really knock some punches.

chrismandesign said...

thx to u too, Dennis... the comic characters (from America & all over the world) will have a preeminent place here in my blog... as u, i’m learning a lil’ bit more of this wide world of the comic & my balance is in the anime characters... this hybrid collector will have some comic surprises soon, not only from my friends, but mine... =O!!!

LEon said...

I never came across this figure at my retail. I have to say it a very neat figure especially the cape and the hood. very Jedi looking. Remind me very much of Raziel. I like!

chrismandesign said...

hey... lately u r taking ur time to comment !!! it’s fine, that means these figures make u think a lil’ LOL... i barely noticed that my fellow collectors hav such a good pieces... i must say that i’m so hard to convince, i began my hobby with comic & spent a long time since i buy my 1st comic figure, but i was infected again @___@