Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Superman DC Super Heroes Series Action Figure by Mattel

En un blog en el que las rarezas son lo tradicional, hasta lo tradicional resulta siendo rareza... Y que más tradicional que este personaje: Superman. 

Ya era hora de darle un lugar a Detective Comics (DC) en este blog, y porqué no hacerlo con el que me atrevería a decir, sin temor a equivocarme, es el personaje del cómic más popular jamás conocido.

¿Necesito decir que fue creado por Jerry Siegel (escritor) y Joe Shuster
(dibujante) en 1932?... Bueno pues ya lo dije, y la verdad NO LO SABÍA (¡caigan meteoros sobre mí!... Preferiblemente, procedentes de Criptón... ¡HA!). 

Los fanáticos de este superhéroe deben querer quemarme vivo, por una ignorancia tan atrevida como la mía, yo también los quiero... 

En fin, mis amigos y colegas coleccionistas tienen nuevamente un espacio aquí (porque en Colombia también hay colecciones dignas de ser admiradas en todo el mundo...) =PPPPP

Esta figura de 6" de alto, en resina y PVC, con 20 puntos de articulación, moldeada con una calidad por encima del promedio y con un trabajo de pintura muy
meritorio, es de Mattel (¿quién lo creyera?) que en sus piezas más recientes, está demostrando ser una opción apetecible para coleccionistas serios, ¡justo a tiempo!... 

Y todos ustedes pueden tener la seguridad que no será la única figura de DC que verán aquí...


In a blog where the oddities are the traditional, even the traditional happens to be an oddity... And what else you can find more traditional than this character: Superman. 

Now is the right time to give a place to Detective Comics (DC) in this blog, and why not begin with the one I would dare to say, unequivocally, is the most popular comic character ever known.

Do I need to say that he was created by Jerry Siegel (writer) and Joe Shuster (artist) in 1932?... Well I did it, the truth is that I DIDN’T KNOW THAT (meteors fall over me! Preferably from Krypton... LOL!). 

The fanatics of this superhero must want to burn me alive, by an ignorance as bold as mine, I love them as well... 

Finally, my friends and fellow collectors have a place here again (because in Colombia, there are collections worthy of admiration all around the world...) =PPPPP

This figure 6" high, in resin and PVC, with 20 points of articulation, molded with a quality above average and very creditable paint job, is from Mattel (who would believe?) that on its most recent pieces, is
proving to be a desirable option for serious collectors, just in time!... 

And all of you can rest assured that this is not the only one figure of DC which you will see here...


cortes said...

...mmm... aver aver... que grata sorpresa tener a mi heroe de infancia en este super blog...

... se le agradece de corazon la oportunidad que nos ofrece a los fans de ver figuras asi de este porte... si, definitivamente es algo de admirar... mattel... que tal quien lo creyera... espero ver mas con ancias locas por DC COMICS... nuevo sicin.

chrismandesign said...

to Cortes:

u r welcome pal... kjakjakjkajkakjakjakjakja... no mentiras, yo se que sumercé tiene problemas con el inglés, pero fresco... desde que las figuras me gusten, aquí habrá un espacio para darlas a conocer, las mías y las de mis amigos y colegas... DC no estaba en mis planes de colección, pero habrá una que otra sorpresa... no adelanto más...

LEon said...

I couldn't see the eye ball for this superman in your photo. I think I have this toy too but yet to open and review it. LOL

chrismandesign said...

to LEon:

hey u !!! copycat LOL !!! that’s not a problem... this is a really nice collection figure, so it supose to be in more than one collection worldwide... i guess that good collectors share good tastes... oh, and the eyes of this Superman are light blue... o____O

Tom Freak said...

One small tiny detail, this figure is not from DC Justice League Unlimited, those the little guys based on the Justice League cartoon. This is a 6' figure from the DC Universe Classics line.

I'm more of a Batman fan, but I like the big guy anyway. Haha.

chrismandesign said...

to Freak:

thx for the info pal... nevertheless, i found this figure in Amazon with the reference i mentioned and not as a Universe Classic... in fact, the Universe Classic Series Superman has a different head and a shorter cape... if u have further info, it’ll b welcome...

Tom Freak said...

Then, this is the Superman from DC Super Heroes, a previous Mattel line very similar to DCUC (more or less the same articulation, similar designs, but focused only in Batman and Superman characters). That's the name of the line you're looking for.

chrismandesign said...

ok... i corrected the info, but then Amazon should do that as well =)... if u r a fan of Batman (me too) i will publish a few interesting pieces of this character... someone has to accompany my batmobile thumbler LOL

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This Superman figure has got good muscle sculpt and the best iconic of Superman is definitely the hair curl on the forehead. This toy did the curl well with sharp features of Superman.

chrismandesign said...

i must recognize that a few time ago, Mattel’s figures just don’t appeal to me at all, basically because they don’t concern bout the quality or detail in their figures, only to produce in large quantities & specially for kids... but now, they r taking pain in this kind of figures, myb cuz they hav been realize that collectors like us, demand quality & we r willing to pay more for that...