Friday, April 30, 2010

Flamebird DC Armory Series Action Figure by DC Direct

Dice un adagio popular: "pueblo pequeño, infierno grande"... ¡Y es el más apropiado para la criatura que hoy nos visita!... 

En mi blogología no hay espacio para los lugares comunes, así que resolveré el misterio de esta analogía que mencioné al principio. 

¿Cuál es ese pueblo pequeño?... Kandor, la ciudad que literalmente existe dentro de una botella y que está resguardada del peligro en la Fortaleza de la Soledad de Superman. ¿Y el infierno grande?... Debe ser enorme, inversamente proporcional a esta diminuta ciudad criptoniana.

Flamebird es el complemento del dúo dinámico de Kandor contra el crimen. En su primera aparición en el mundo del cómic, Nightwing fue encarnado por Superman y Flamebird por Jimmy Olsen. 

En época más reciente, más específicamente en la serie regular Supergirl No. 6, la Supergirl de nuestro universo es Flamebird y acompaña a Powergirl como Nightwing, en la defensa de los oprimidos de Kandor... ¡Desearía que un par de bombones de este calibre, viniera a cuidar mi ciudad!...

Mientras tanto, quedo más que satisfecho con esta fenomenal figura de acción de 6 1/2" de alto, con 9 puntos de articulación. Me encanta el diseño de esta armadura, que reproduce fielmente el del cómic respectivo, con un estilo tecno-gótico y con unas singulares insignias que me recuerdan a los batarangs de Batman. 

Excelentes acabados, muy buen detalle, atractivo esquema de color y trabajo de pintura... Este set fue mi primer paso en firme hacia el mundo de DC Direct... Así que, ¿más a punto de llegar?...


There is a popular adage which says: "small town, big hell"... And is the most appropriate for the creature that visit us today!... 

In my blogology there is no space for the cliches, so I’ll solve the mystery of this analogy that I mentioned at the beginning. 

Which is that small town?... Kandor, the city that literally exists in a bottle that is sheltered from danger in the Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. And the big hell?... It must be huge, inversely proportional to this tiny kriptonian city.

Flamebird is the complement of the dynamic duo of Kandor against the crime. In his first appearance in the world of comics, Nightwing was embodied by Superman and Flamebird by Jimmy Olsen. 

More recently, specifically on Supergirl # 6 regular series, the Supergirl of our universe is Flamebird and accompanies Powergirl as Nightwing, in defending the oppressed people of Kandor... I wish that a pair of bonbons of this caliber come to take care of my city!...

Meanwhile, I’m more than happy with this phenomenal action figure 6 1/2" high, with 9 points of articulation. I love the design of this armor, which faithfully reproduces the respective comic design, with a techno-gothic style and some singular insignia that reminds me the Batman’s batarangs. 

Excellent finish, great detail, attractive color scheme and paint job... This was my first solid step toward the world of DC Direct... So, more about to arrive?...


LEon said...

Ah I can see the attribute of powergirl. The wing look good at these angels but I wonder how it will look like when she flap the wings. Or the wings won't flap as just for show? Look heavy too.

chrismandesign said...

well LEon, at this moment i haven’t read this comic series, so i don’t know that with certainty, but i can guess that the wings r not intended to flap as natural wings, i mean, not flap to fly, but they have movement... they (i mean, both Powergirl & Supergirl) must use these armors cuz they don’t have superpowers in Kandor (where a red sun raises) & they use the ancient but advanced technology of Krypton to fight against the crime...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The armour is great and I thought at first you were reblogging Nightwing before reading. It seems that D.C focus is more of armour and Marvel a lot on mutant power.

chrismandesign said...

uhmmmm Dennis, i understand ur lil confusion here, hehehe... in fact, Powergirl (Nightwing) & Supergirl (Flamebird) r the same person (Kara Zor-El) but from diferent universes, i mean, Supergirl is from our univers & Powergirl from an alternate univers...

on the other hand, DC has real superpowered heroes/villians, mutant heroes/villians & humans with gadgets heroes/villians, & in this specific case, as i mentioned to LEon, in the bottle city of Kandor raises a red sun, so all the kryptonians there, hav NO superpowers & they need the help of armors & technology to do their job =OOOO

Gunstray said...

Them wings are Hawt, and the figure itself is pretty Manly^^

chrismandesign said...

well GunStray, these r not delicate & anorexic fashion models, they r athletic/muscular female heroes but even having in mind this fact, they hav an strange sensual appealing, at least for me...