"Con un gran poder, debe venir una gran responsabilidad..." Esta frase se le atribuyó al tío de un tal Peter Parker, pero ahora yo la uso abusivamente y sin ningún reparo, porque adquirí un gran poder: el poder de trabajar nuevamente y todo gracias a la provisión del Único DIOS que conozco: el DIOS de la Biblia.
Y con ese poder viene una gran responsabilidad: la de pagar mis cuentas pendientes, que se acumularon durante un buen tiempo. ¡No pueden siquiera imaginarse la alegría que me da poder hacer eso y volver a ser "productivo"! =DDDDD...
Habrá alguien en el mundo, que no sepa que Spider-Man fue creado en 1962 por un par de "advenedizos": ¿Stan Lee y Steve Dikto?
Bien, lo que no saben es que esta excelente pieza no es mía, sino de un amigo / colega, que quería hacerse famoso (y desde que él es muy ladino, vino al lugar correcto, ¡HA!).
Si bien no es la única aparición de Spidy aquí (mira este link), en realidad es la primera figura de acción, fabricada en el año 2000, con 30 puntos de articulación, muy buena proporción, fabuloso trabajo de pintura y una base de exhibición increíble.
¡Toy Biz tiene todo mi respeto, por fabricar figuras durables, atractivas y muy jugables! Ahora mi instinto arácnido me indica que es hora de decir: ¡nos vemos pronto! =PPPPP
"With a great power, must come a great responsibility..." This phrase is attributed to the uncle of a guy called Peter Parker, but now I used it abusively and without any qualms, because i acquired a great power: the power of working again and all through the provision of the One and Only GOD I know: The GOD of the Bible.
And with that power also comes a great responsibility: to pay my pending bills, which were accumulated for a long time. All of you can’t even imagine the joy it gives me to do that and being "productive" again! =DDDDD...
There will be someone in the world who don’t know that Spider-Man was created in 1962 by a couple of "upstarts": Stan Lee and Steve Dikto?
Well, what all of you don’t know is that this excellent piece is not mine but from a friend / colleague, who wanted to become famous (and since he’s very cunning, he came to the right place, LOL!).
While is not the first appearance of Spidy here (check this link), actually is the first action figure, manufactured in 2000, with 30 points of articulation, very good proportion, fabulous paint job and an incredible display base.
Toy Biz has all my respect, for manufacturing durable figures, attractive and pretty playable! Now my spider instinct tells me that is time to say: see ya soon! =PPPPP
Knave Tokyo Togemal TGML (Brown)
Knave Tokyo Togemal TGML(brown) sofubi with Mad Max vibes. A well designed
mecha style future post apocalypse soldier in the wasteland by Knave Tokyo
1 month ago
Spidey really needs the flexibility and articulate this toy can give. The base is well designed too!
yep Dennis, i think this figure is amazing (almost as amazing as Spider-Man himself !!!??? LOL)... is one of the best action figures i’ve seen till now & the base increase its attractive... i couldn’t imagine how good it would look after the shots =)
Dont you just love it when the toy is not 3.75" ? I think I have the second version of this spider-man. :)
well pal... totally love this great 6" figure so i agree !!! =D BTW with the second version of this Spidy u mean the black custom of this series or from another series ???
wow! with 24 points of articulation it could match even a revoltech! i think this is the best articulated spidey i've seen. great buy bro!
first of all, hi sI619 & welcome to my blog, it’s nice to hav a new commenter &/or fan here... second, well, the figure is not mine but from a friend of mine =)... third, yep is a great looking figure & quite articulated... indeed i deplore that Toy Biz is no longer a collection figures’ manufacturer but a children toys’ manufacturer (!!!???)... THX for visiting & i hope u will b here again... cheers =D
This is a nice figure, I remember seeing this in stores but missed my chance to get him. If I am not mistaken this was pre Marvel Legends, sort of the line that helped launch Marvel Legends. Still a highly sought after figure.
Great article Chris, I really like all these toys blogs they trigger a thousand memories.
my pleasure CB to hav u here commenting (again ? i dun remember)... well i didn’t remember (also) the date this figure was released, but i guess it was a long time ago... the owner of this Spidy (a friend of mine) was a good luck guy, cuz he found it as a bargain (here in Colombia, sometimes weird things like these happen)... i’m glad that u liked as i do =D
... Donde estas pity araña... tolon tolon,(spider-man al idioma haldanesco)...jejeje muy gentil de su parte sr.christiam claro que quede iniciado con la info de este super personaje pero bueno se lleno de pulgas... rasca rasca... espero ver mas de estos clasicos de toy biz...
Att: el ladino (grrrrrrrrrrrrr)
ayyyyy tan imaginativo su sobrinito, perro !!! ... y lo de la info, lo que pasa es que es cuestión de espacio y como a pity araña lo conoce raimundo y todo el mundo psssss... ahí tiene sus 15 minutos (y algo más) de fama, gochorn... hahahahahaha
icic. well mayb Toy Biz feels that being a children toy manufacturer is more profitable that a collectable one. anyways nice blog and feel free to drop by mine too yea! cheers!
for sure sI619 & will support ur blog efforts with my comments, LOL... THX for being my brand new fan, it’s really important for me =D
No pues tan generoso el mariposooooooooooooo... de todas maneras gracias mijo (recodo)
siga comentando socio, que todavía le quedan varios post pendientes =D
...cuales mijo cuales...? toy bien adelantadito carambasssss...
jajajajajajajajajajajaja... mas bien pongase trucha con los post...
nop... yo ya no tengo tanto tiempo libre perro... y revise mis primeros post, que están ingrimos solos ;(((((
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