Sunday, May 29, 2011

Batman Series 1 Minifigures Set of 6 by Kotobukiya/DC Direct

Entre todos los personajes que conozco del mundo del cómic (y conozco un montón de ellos), hay uno que ha logrado un lugar en la memoria colectiva de sus fans en casi cualquier lugar de nuestro planeta. 

Para usar una comparación loca, Batman es al mundo de los superheroes, lo que Coca-Cola es al mundo de las bebidas.

Puede parecer atrevido, pero ningún personaje ha logrado despertar tanta fascinación entre personas de culturas tan diferentes. 

No hace mucho tuve la oportunidad de ver y leer un crossover de historias de Batman, creadas por artistas de diversas procedencias, entre ellos uno de origen japonés y hay que ver la variedad de puntos de vista con respecto a un héroe tan cuestionable, oscuro y sin embargo tan humano como el alter ego de Bruno Díaz.

Precisamente DC Direct hizo un casi inusual encargo a Kotobukiya para crear este set de una extraña exquisitez. 

Mi impresión al ver el tipo de escultura es que hace uso de trazos nerviosos, enérgicos, que aumentan el dinamismo de las poses escogidas para ciertos personajes y en los que aparecen en posiciones más estáticas, el dinamismo se logra mediante el manejo de una perspectiva exagerada, casi caricaturesca. 

El amigo dueño de estas excelentes figuras, hizo una elección muy acertada y por ello tienen un lugar aquí, para su disfrute colectivo... 

Tendremos una cita la próxima semana, con la ayuda de DIOS... ¡Shaolín! =PPPPP


Among all the characters I know of the comic’s world (and I know a lot of them), there is one which has achieved a place in the collective memory of his fans almost anywhere on our planet. 

Using a crazy comparison, Batman is for the world of superheroes, what Coke is for the beverages’ world.

It could be daring, but no character has been aroused as much fascination among people of so different cultures. 

Not long ago, I had the chance to read and see a Batman’s crossover with stories created by artists from diverse backgrounds and origins, including one from Japan and is a must to see the variety of points of views about a hero as questionable, dark and yet as human as the alter ego of Bruce Wayne.

Precisely DC Direct did an almost unusual request to Kotobukiya to create this set of a rare delicacy. 

My impression on seeing the kind of sculpt job is that it makes use of nerve strokes, energetic, increasing the dynamism of the poses selected for certain characters and in those in static positions, the dynamic management is achieved through the use of an exaggerated perspective, almost cartoonish. 

The friend of mine who own these excellent figures made a very wise choice and therefore they have a place here, for your collective enjoyment... 

We’ll have a meet next week, with the help of GOD... Seeya! =PPPP


Tachikawa said...

When things that made by Japanese...
It will sure looks good...
No problem to collect it...
It will be a wise decision...

cortesmachineart said...

wow... esas fotos si que hacen justicia,,,

chrismandesign said...

to Tachikawa:

actually is refreshing to take a look to these figures of a western comic character seen through the eyes of eastern artists... is not the first experiment of this kind, but is one u can even touch & is great =)

chrismandesign said...

to cortesmachineart:

psss si compadre, ya vé, que ese set es repelero, muy buena adquisición... ahí se hace lo que se puede con las foticos... HAHAHAHAHAHA... por eso escojo lo que publico, lo que sé que es bueno y que se va a ver bien =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

A good blend of ideas from East & Western. The angled diorama given a higher degree of visual and comic imagination. Also impressive sculpt for trading figures. I especially like the Batmobile and Joker figures.

chrismandesign said...

Koto has great sculpters & they do their job even in small figures like these... i love all of them, but i agree that Joker & Batmobile have a special charm, the Batmobile design reminds me a dragon with a retro-futuristic taste, the paint job is something above the average for figures among 3" & 4" (Catwoman looks pretty sexy as well HEHEHE)

Tachikawa said...

Don't forget the Harley Quin...

chrismandesign said...

agree Tachikawa, i almost forget Harley (dangerously sexy) Quinn =) i mean, everything in this set is all right =O

Tachikawa said...

All of the Figurine is cool...
Maybe I will try to find it in my Country?...As a collection...

chrismandesign said...

i hope u will get this stuff, but is a bit hard to get lately... there is available as well the series 2 but i will not get them because they r pricey, i mean, more than usual...

Tachikawa said...

Hahaha...Thanks for the advice
Chrisman Senpai...
I will look and compared to my pocket money...
It is easier that way...

LEon said...

This set is artistic and fit for Batman.

chrismandesign said...

i think the sculptor took the main elements of Batman & partners/enemies & gave himself some licenses, specially in The Joker & Robin characters that have a lot of brilliant colors, a perfect contrast with the rest of the figures of the set... is a beautiful one indeed =)