Sunday, June 19, 2011

Evangelion - Beach Side Collection Group of 8 Gashapons by Bandai

¿Desde hace cuánto no publico algo de Evangelion ?... 

Probablemente, desde la última vez XDDDDD... 

Ahora, en serio, una serie que me marcó tanto no podía estar ausente de este espacio por mucho tiempo. 

No he podido ver la más reciente producción basada en esta enigmática serie de culto, pero casi puedo asegurar que muchas preguntas planteadas al final de la serie original, continuarán sin resolverse.

Creo que aparte de toda la parafernalia pseudo-apocalíptica (y el único relato apocalíptico que conozco, es el último libro que puedes encontrar en la Biblia), Evangelion muestra de forma realista, muchos dilemas de la conflictiva juventud de nuestros días. 

Después de todo, los encargados de pilotar los únicos organismos-cibernéticos capaces de enfrentarse a una formidable armada de ángeles destructores, son adolescentes. 

Una enorme responsabilidad es depositada en ellos y sus conflictos internos apenas les permiten llevar una vida normal. Cuando uno crece y madura, se olvida fácilmente que una vez fuimos adolescentes...

En este grupo hay figuras que pertenecen a varios sets, las de Rei Ayanami y Asuka Langley pertenecen al set Evangelion Beach Side Collection, pero sobre las de Shinji Ikari, Pen Pen y Kaoru Nagisa no pude localizar información fidedigna. 

Como puedes ver, estas piezas ofrecen gran atención al detalle y complementan perfectamente mi ya voluminosa colección de gashapons... 

Realmente aprecio las visitas y sobretodo los comentarios de mis colegas, que me animan a continuar... Y ya que DIOS me está sanando de mi enfermedad (éste bloguero es bastante enfermizo), los animo a acompañarme la próxima semana. =)


Since when I don’t publish something from Evangelion?.. 

Probably, since the last time XDDDDD... 

Now, seriously, a series that branded me that much, couldn’t be absent from this blog for a long time. 

I could not see the latest production based on this enigmatic cult series, but I can almost ensure that many questions raised at the end of the original series, will continue unsolved.

I think that apart from all the pseudo-apocalyptic paraphernalia (and the only apocalyptic narration I know, is the last book that you can find in the Bible), Evangelion shows in a realistic way, many dilemmas of the conflicting youth nowadays. 

After all, those who have to pilot the only cybernetic-organisms capable of dealing with a formidable army of destroying angels, are adolescents

An enormous responsibility is placed on them and their internal conflicts hardly allow them to lead a normal life. When someone grows and mature, usually forgets that once we were teenagers...

In this group there are figures that belong to different sets, Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley belong to the set Evangelion Beach Side Collection, but about those of Shinji Ikari, Pen Pen and Kaoru Nagisa I couldn’t find reliable information. 

As you can see, these are pieces offer great attention to detail and complement perfectly my already voluminous collection of gashapons... 

I really appreciate the visits and specially the comments of my colleagues, who encourage me to continue... And since GOD is healing me of my illness (this blogger is quite unhealthy), I encourage you to join me next week. =)


Tachikawa said...

Oh,I love Evangelion...
I really love Rei rather than
Asuka...Even though Asuka is kind of Cute...Maybe because of Rei don't talk to much...

chrismandesign said...

myb Rei seems more mature & insensitive, she’s a clone but her feelings seem covered by thick layers of hate or something else... but why u haven’t words for Shinji, Kaoru or Pen Pen ??? is that they don’t exist ???

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Whether it's god's will or should there be continuation to the series of OVA which is still vague & confusing to me. Rei Ayanami still is sexy!

chrismandesign said...

i think now in Evangelion as a complex psychological drama & definitely is not the classical mecha series... the first chapters of the series r a sort of trap cuz the "real action" happens inside the minds of the protagonists... that’s shocking !!!... i agree that Rei (& Asuka) have an strange sensuality (without voluptuousness) & sometimes the male characters, specially the pilots seem a bit too much androgynous, what is very disturbing... i think that’s the reason why the female characters have that weight in the plot...

Tachikawa said...

Hahaha...I only love Ayanami Rei...
Asuka Langley because of cute...
Shinji...I don't like him much because he is sometimes stupid...
Pen Pen is funny...Weird penguin though...And Kaoru,hahaha I don't like Guy character much...

chrismandesign said...

Rei I, Rei II, Rei III... which one of them u love ???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Asuka, if u look at her carefully, she’s hot XD!!!... i don’t think Shinji is stupid, he’s kind & unfortunately kindness can b confused with stupidity, great mistake !!! just remember that his father almost ignore him completely, so his self-esteem is very poor... Kaoru... he’s an angel in the form of a human & incredibly he reflects what i think an angel could b, a being with a great power, his own will, a creature capable of love, but an angel only obeys the perfect Will of GOD & that’s what’s missing here... not to mention that GOD appears here as a despot that only wants to destroy the "innocent" humanity, what is pretty wrong... ohhh Pen Pen, is a walking bundle of jokes HAHAHAHAHAHA =)

Tachikawa said...

Rei II...
Completely sure about it...
Yes,when you looks at Asuka...
She is hot...