Sunday, December 4, 2011

1968 Mercury Cougar GT-E 2-Door Hardtop Coupe 2007 Hot Wheels Stars Series 104/156 Diecast Scale 1:66 by Hot Wheels

Estoy pensando seriamente en autopostularme como uno de los más grandes fanáticos incorregibles de los Muscle Cars. 

Mi fascinación por ellos permaneció en hibernación por mucho tiempo, así que aquí estaré contagiando esa "infección" hasta que DIOS me permita. 

Luego del notable éxito en ventas y preferencias del ya icónico Ford Mustang, una de sus divisiones de lujo: Mercury (la misma del Awsom 50) decidió montar sobre esta plataforma y con algunas modificaciones, un auto que aunque hacía énfasis en la opulencia, no dejaba de tener unas prestaciones muy interesantes. 

En su versión más musculada, el Coupé Techo Duro 2 Puertas Mercury Cougar GT-E de 1968 venía montado con un motor V8 428 que, para pasar las exigentes pruebas de los agentes de seguros fue tasado en "modestos" 335 bhp, aunque en realidad alcanzaba 390 bhp y podía hacer 0-60 mph en 7.1 seg o 1/4 de milla en 15.12 seg a 93.6 mph... 

Me parece que un auto así difícilmente podría llamarse "gatito inofensivo", ¿no creen?...

Hot Wheels como era de esperarse, tiene en su "garaje" un montón de Muscle Cars y como quiera que han mejorado notablemente sus moldes, pues yo no me privo de tener unos cuantos de sus modelos, como este diseñado por Phil Riehlman. 

Aquí lograron un muy buen trabajo, con su esquema de pintura y decoración pulcra, de buen gusto, su buena dosis de cromo y sobretodo los vidrios tintados en color humo que lo hacen ver suntuosamente agresivo, ¡YUMI!... 

Como siempre los espero la próxima semana y que el DIOS de la Biblia sea nuestro guía... =)

I’m seriously considering to proclaim myself as one of the greatest incorrigible Muscle Cars zealot. 

My fascination with them remained in hibernation for so long, so I will be here spreading the "infection" until GOD allows me. 

After the remarkable success in sales and preferences of the already iconic Ford Mustang, one of its luxury divisions: Mercury (the same of the Awsom 50) decided to start on this platform and with some modifications, a car that although emphasized on opulence, had as well a very interesting performance. 

At its most muscular version, the 1968 Mercury Cougar GT-E 2-Door Hardtop Coupe GT-E had been fitted with a V8 428 engine which, to pass the stringent tests of the insurance agents was appraised at "modest" 335 bhp, but actually reached 390 bhp and could do 0-60 mph in 7.1 sec or 1/4 mile in 15.12 sec at 93.6 mph... 

I think that a car like this hardly could be called "harmless kitten", don’t you think so?...

Hot Wheels as expected, has in its "garage" a lot of Muscle Cars and since they have significantly improved their casts, I don’t deprive myself of having a few of their models, like this one designed by Phil Riehlman. 

Here they achieved a very good work with its neat paint job and decoration, tasteful, a good dose of chrome and specially the smoke color tinted windows that make it look sumptuously aggressive, YUMI!... 

As always, I hope to see you next week and may the GOD of the Bible be our guide... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This look like the type of car from my dad's era but he didn't have such luxury car. Hey, the tainted wind screen shines and reflects! I guess the car supposedly has a sun roof?

Bera said...

wow.. a very interesting muscle car.. although Mercury isn't in my list of muscle cars, I can say HW really did a good job here. I think we have same taste in choosing cars LOL. I like muscle cars especially mustangs and of course cobra! and you mentioned you like Jeeps and trucks too =)

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

Mercury has had a reputation of luxury models comparable to that of the Cadillacs of General Motors, at least in the past, because is not that much lately... maybe this car is contemporary with your father’s younger years, but certainly with the engine it brings inside, hardly could be a "family car" LOL... and oh yeah, there is a sunroof up there, because we are talking about power but with style =) THX for you loyal visits pal =D

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

firstly man, i appreciate your loyal visits too =)

secondly, well you couldn’t believe how large is the list of American Muscle Cars of whom i already have some published, but there are much more to come and yeah Mercury is definitely included in such list... also there are trucks (pick-ups mainly) and jeeps on the way so, if we are muscle cars lovers we must be tuned with our blogs, right??? LOL

David John Shewsbury said...

Wow... I don't have this yet, I hope Maisto will make them so it will be easy to customized... but this car looks awesome!!! this is from the 1st generation I think..

chrismandesign said...

Hi David, is a pleasure to have you for the first time here commenting, you’re very welcome!!!... well, Maisto is not my cup of tea definitely, but as you said, it could be easier for customization... the Hot Wheels cast for this Mercury is quite detailed and i love it, perhaps it was improved, because it’s a recent model (2007)

cortesmachineart said...

... no se que hare con ud caballero ... deje de sacarme las naves de mi garaje... aaaaaaaaaa... claro que ese lo perdi en una apuesta con el acertijo en las vegas despues de una noche de mero chin chin ... ud viera el batman como quedo ... jajajajajaja

chrismandesign said...

ehhhh, pero qué!!! no quiere sino tener lo mejorcito sumercé... ya me lo imagino, al estilo "volaron los pavo reales junto a la sierra morada, mataron a Lucio Vásquez... por una mujer que amaba..." HAHAHAHAHA... esas apuestas en el bajo mundo pueden ser muy calientes y eso pa’ darse en la jeta con superhéroes sobra tiempo...