Sunday, December 11, 2011

B•Daman Blasters Customizable Battle Figures Group 3 by Hasbro

Creo que pocos de nosotros pensamos seriamente en lo que un juguete representa en términos de estrategias de mercadeo, las cuales existen desde que estos empezaron a producirse de forma industrial; la Revolución Industrial empezó a finales del siglo XIX, así podemos tener una idea de lo viejo de esas prácticas mercantiles...

Hay un significativo "aparato publicitario" detrás de cada figura de colección que conocemos y no digo que esto sea lo más importante para un verdadero coleccionista o que deba influir su decisión de compra... 

Sencillamente un juguete SIEMPRE es más que un juguete...

Por ejemplo, la franquicia B•Daman tuvo, aparte de los torneos en vivo en ambos lados del mundo, una serie de televisión en dos temporadas, la primera de 52 capítulos lanzada en 2004 para Japón y 2005 para el resto del mundo y la segunda de 50 capítulos lanzada en 2005 para Japón y 2007 para el resto del mundo (pero sólo 27 capítulos fueron emitidos para el mercado no japonés). 

Creo que este es uno de esos casos en los que unas figuras de colección dan lugar a una serie de televisión. Se trata de juguetes simples, es claro, pero es allí donde radica su potencial para generar diversión sin importar mucho la edad... 

¡Casi me parece estar viendo uno de esos viejos juguetes, en los que la parafernalia electrónica actual es reemplazada por la imaginación del dueño y además se los puede personalizar!...

Este grupo incluye: Dark Zephir, Cobalt Blade y General One. Si el SEÑOR me lo permite, estaré aquí compartiendo con ustedes alguna otra curiosidad dentro de mi colección... =)

Few of us think seriously about what a toy represents in terms of marketing strategies, which exist since they began to be produced industrially; the Industrial Revolution began in late nineteenth century, so we can have an idea of how old are these business practices...

There is a significant "media machine" behind each collection figure that we know and I don’t mean that this is the most important topic for a true collector or that it should influence our purchasing decision... 

Simply a toy is ALWAYS more than a toy... 

For example, the B•Daman franchise had, apart from the live tournaments in both sides of the world, a TV series in two seasons, the first of 52 episodes released in 2004 for Japan and 2005 for the rest of the world and the second of 50 episodes released in 2005 for Japan and 2007 for the rest of the world (but only 27 episodes were released for the non-Japanese market). 

I think that this is one of those cases in which some collection figures inspire a TV series. These are simple toys, of course, but is precisely there where resides its potential to generate a lot of fun and it doesn’t really matter the age... 

I feel like watching one of those old toys in which the recent electronic paraphernalia is replaced by the imagination of the owner and they can be customized as well!...

This group includes: Dark Zephir, Cobalt Blade and General One. If the LORD allows me, I will be here sharing with you another curiosity in my collection... =)


Bera said...

I didn't know you also collect b daman. I think I've watched this series a long time ago but didn't really followed it. It reminds me of my favorite bomberman toy and game when I was a kid. :) they are really cute especially when you put colorful marbles in their tummies. LOL

chrismandesign said...

actually they weren’t in my plans... but they were so alone, so unowned in my friend/provider’s warehouse... it was so touching... HAHAHAHAHAHA... now seriously, i was hesitating a bit, but when (as you did) i remembered an old game with glass marbles in my infancy i said: they should be mine... and here they are... THX for your visits and comments pal

P.S. i still play with them sometimes =D

David John Shewsbury said...

so u into robot n gundam now ^__^

for fun sake u can customized and modified this gorgeous robots if you want ^__^

i don't know much about BDAMAN by the way >__<

depending on a person, a toy is more than just a toy... especially for toys collector like us... it is our heart and soul... hahahaha..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

More these cute robots like the ones you had blogged about before. Like the visors on the the head. They look very GM like.

chrismandesign said...

to David:

indeed i have a motley taste in collecting matters =O... on the other hand, i have projects for painting and/or customization, but these nice guys are not included... for me a toy is a piece of memory, pleasure and fun, so yeah, they have a sentimental value a lot bigger than their price... it’s nice that you also take the time to read my posts and comment, thank you very much =DDD

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

hehehe, yep they are the closest thing to a GM (SD) in my collection, but i haven’t seen a Sangokuden throwing nice marbles like these ones LOL... as always, THX for your loyal support =DDD