Sunday, January 15, 2012

1965 Ford Mustang Fastback -Black with Flames- 2009 JL’s 40 Anniversary Series Release 8 Diecast Scale 1:58 by Johnny Lightning

¿Cómo piensan ustedes que un fanático de los Muscle Cars americanos podía estar con la conciencia tranquila, sin incluir a otro de los grandes contendores del segmento?... 

No, amigos, no se equivoquen... A alguien como yo, no permite que ese tipo de cosas pasen... 

De hecho, estamos hablando prácticamente del único auto de este tipo, que permaneció en producción desde su creación hasta nuestros días y ni siquiera el venerable Chevrolet Camaro puede darse el lujo de decir lo mismo. 

El Ford Mustang es un vehículo con un montón de historia, y es así que su nombre se usa para describir una subcategoría dentro de los Muscle Cars, la de los Pony Cars. 

Este auto ha tenido una evolución muy particular, en la que su tamaño y prestaciones han aumentado y disminuído de una forma casi cíclica. 

Por momentos, su diseño y desempeño distintivos parecieron desaparecer, para dar paso a un modelo casi genérico, sin picante ni carácter, pero vio días de gloria y esos días parecen regresar para nuestro placer. 

Este es el primero de varios bocados que verán aquí, de este increíble vehículo (y estoy siendo generoso, pues no acostumbro anunciar lo que publicaré a futuro)... 

En esta oportunidad con un delicioso ejemplo de Johnny Lightning, más exactamente el Ford Mustang Fastback de 1965, cuyo esquema de color y decoración son fenomenales y muy acordes con lo que este auto representa, aún los vidrios con un acabado frosted le añaden un carácter enigmático, casi de auto asesino en serie de película de terror de los 80s... 

Como siempre, doy gracias al DIOS Todopoderoso por permitirme seguir adelante y nos veremos la semana que viene... =)

How do you think that a fan of the American Muscle Cars could be with a clear awareness, without including another major contender of this segment?... 

No, folks, make no mistakes... Someone like me, doesn’t let this kind of things happen... 

In fact, we are talking about the only car of this type, which remained in production since its creation until today and even the Chevrolet Camaro cannot afford to say it. 

The Ford Mustang is a vehicle with a lot of history, and so its name is used to describe a subcategory of the Muscle Cars, the Pony Cars. 

This car has had a particular evolution where its size and performance have been increased and decreased in an almost cyclical pattern. 

At times, its distinctive design and performance seemed to disappear giving way to a model almost generic, lacking of spice and character, but it saw glory days and those days seem to come back for our pleasure. 

This is the first of some pieces that will be here on this amazing car (and I’m being generous, because I’m not used to announce what I will publish in the future)... 

This time with a delicious sample by Johnny Lightning, to be precise the 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback, whose color scheme and decoration are phenomenal and very consistent with what this car is, even the windows with a frosted finishing add an enigmatic touch, almost like one of those serial-murderer cars from the 80’s horror movies... 

As always, I thank the Almighty GOD for allowing me to keep going and see you next week... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

yes this the one I have, just bought it yesterday, as expected this car have engine details n I love it so much!!! this Johnny Lighting brand is great, I begin to like them more than Hot Wheels now...

chrismandesign said...

HEHEHE... yes this brand is lovely indeed and believe me, only recently i fell in love with it, since this brand is not so usual here... Hot Wheels on the other hand is popular, but only the regular models, so for those special/rare editions, they are only available by order...

P.S. it was fast man !!! i should call you deadly-fast-fellow-commenter LLLOLOOOOOLLLLL... THX pal, your support is very appreciated =D

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I have yet to come across Johnny Lighting at my town cos Hotwheels kind if dominate here. I should look out for Johnny Lighting next time I shop around for toys. Johnny Lighting seems to be more focus on vintage cars with strong history.

chrismandesign said...

seems that indeed Hot Wheels rules everywhere LOL... actually HW has some really good Muscle Cars among its casts but unlike this brand, Johnny Lightning has focused more on adult collectors, so JL’s casting, decoration and color scheme is better than those of Hot Wheels... i think JL is a niche diecast manufacturer, focused as well in north american automotive brands... is a great and, up to a point, affordable brand for diecast collectors... =)

Bera said...

and I love that car! LOL. man, very nice choice of car, brand, model and design! Congrats on that mustang.
You should get a dodge charger too :)

chrismandesign said...

i knew you would love it, ’cause you love classics and that’s pretty fine for me... anyway Mustangs are a must for serious Muscle Cars collectors... by the way, i guess you already know that i published a Dodge Charger not so long ago, a.k.a. General Lee, but maybe there are more to come, who knows ???

THX for your visits pal =D