Sunday, February 5, 2012

B•Daman Blasters Customizable Battle Figures Group 4 (Final) by Hasbro

En publicaciones anteriores mencioné que estas figuras pertenecían a una serie de televisión. Sin embargo, hace poco noté que también circuló un manga de esta misma serie y que su creador es Eiji Inuki. 

Igualmente debo añadir que aparte de haber sido emitida en Japón y E.E.U.U.A., esta serie fue vista en Canadá e incluso en Reino Unido (probablemente haya sido emitida en otros países, pero no tengo información al respecto). 

No puedo ni pretendo abarcar todo lo que representa el fenómeno Battle B•Daman, pero creo que logré llamar la atención sobre esta serie en mi blog y pude darme cuenta que estas figuras tienen su grupo de fanáticos. 

Como quiera que esta es mi última publicación sobre Battle B•Daman, deseo reiterar mi satisfacción por el increiblemente simple y divertido diseño de estas piezas, la calidad de su fabricación que las hace durables incluso en las manos de niños (¡la prueba más exigente, no hay duda!), la posibilidad de personalizarlas e intercambiar partes de sus armaduras para incrementar la precisión del disparo, la cantidad de disparos por ronda o simplemente para hacerlos lucir mejor y hay más... 

Algo que tampoco mencioné en las publicaciones previas es que estas figuras incluyen stickers plastificados para decorarlos (aunque yo no los utilicé, pues no se ajustan perfectamente a la silueta de la armadura, cosa en la que soy bastante exigente). Este grupo incluye: Helio Breaker, Knight Cavalry y Dragogale. 

Ya veremos, con la ayuda del DIOS de Abraham, Isaac e Israel qué traeré la próxima semana... =)

In previous publications i mentioned that these figures belonged to a TV series. However, recently I noticed that also circulated a manga on this series and that its creator is Eiji Inuki. 

Likewise I must add that apart from having been issued in Japan and U.S.A., this series was seen in Canada and even in the U.K. (probably has been issued in other countries, but I have no information about it). 

I cannot pretend to cover everything about the Battle B•Daman phenomenon, but I think that I managed to draw attention to this series on my blog and I realized that these figures have their group of fans. 

Since this is my final post on Battle B•Daman, I wish to reiterate my appreciation for the incredibly simple and funny design of these pieces, the quality in the manufacture that makes them durable even in the hands of children (the most demanding test, no doubt!), the chance of customizing and swap parts of their armors to increase shooting accuracy, the number of shots per round, or simply to make them look better and there is more... 

Something I didn’t mention in previous publications is that these figures include plasticized stickers to decorate them (although I didn’t use them, since they don’t fit the shape of the armor perfectly and I’m pretty picky about that). 

This group includes: Helio Breaker, Knight Cavalry and Dragogale. 

We’ll see, with the help of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, what I will bring next week... =)


David John Shewsbury said...

I don't know much about this B-Daman but they seems to be popular, even Takara Tomy have some products about them.

chrismandesign said...

yeah David, you’re right... indeed these Hasbro toys were made licensed by Takara Tomy (which is a bit curious bearing in mind that Hasbro is the owner of Takara, but i guess is a legal matter)... in my country there is nothing like Battle B•Daman contests but there are some related events in Japan, U.S.A. and Canada mainly, where this franchise has many fans... =)

Bera said...

wow another set of b daman! haha. looks like you're really hooked to it. I think this is not available here in our country... but I remember it was. I think I should get one of these too just for my childhood toy remembrance LOL!

sl619 said...

ahhhh.... those days...XD
in my country, there were many counterfeits of these toys when they were "hot"
Its kinda a good thing, so that boys like me could afford it back in the day. LOL

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

it’s very curious to hear that these toys bring back some infancy memories ’cause in my case i didn’t watch the series when it was issued here... LOL... moreover, these toys are not available here (and never were) and i never planned to own them... they just were there, alone, without an owner and i found them pretty funny so, here they are =)

by the way, right now we are invaded by Bakugan toys but i have no love for them... XD LOL

chrismandesign said...

To sI619:

you were lost for some time pal, don’t you ??? HEHEHE... i didn’t know there were made bootleg/counterfeit/pirate versions of these toys, which makes me think that they were quite popular !!!...

i was wondering, are they, i mean, the original version of B•Daman (like mines) available in your country and how much they cost ???... just curiosity =)

sl619 said...

HAHAHA! indeed... toys kept coming in but then the pictures are not curning out. XD. Been busy and lazy as well. =p
They were priced around RM15+ to 20+ back in the day but i can see it around RM30+ now. Damn the inflation.... LOL!

Bera said...

I was referring to the bootleg version too LOL!! sorry it wasn't clear haha. They look like bomberman (a bootleg bomberman) I am not aware about b-daman at that time haha

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I like the two in blue & white. They are like knight in shiny armour versus dragon. If I'm not wrong, this should be the third batch of B.Daman Blaster. I guess they required some simple assembly like SD kits?

chrismandesign said...

to sI619:

THX for the info man !!! suddenly i found that these toys are a bit hard to find nowadays and their cost is higher than i expected... i think i made a good deal since i got each one for about US$5, which is a real bargain... anyway i began to appreciate them more for their value as a funny toy than for their cost... =)

chrismandesign said...

to Bera:

it’s shameful man !!! you were supporting the piracy in your infancy LLOOOOLLLLLLL... i know, i know, when you’re a kiddo you are not thinking in brands, series, details, etc LOL... but i’m against bootlegs =P

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

seriously pal, you’re very "medieval" in your tastes LOL !!! but i understand, since i saw some of your posts on the SD Sangokuden Gundams and other series set in that age...

my apologize for the quality in these pictures, it’s really hard to photograph white objects like the Knight Cavalry B•Daman and some details on the design of this particular figure are missing... =(

finally, yeah they’re model kits rather simple, even more than the Sangokuden... =)

i didn’expect this busy farewell to my B•Damans... sigh !!!... ;( LOL... THX to all of you, your support is really appreciated =D

Bera said...

LOL! but my parents are pro-bootlegs hahaha! most parents are! and kids don't care at all... just "I want that toy!" LOL