Sunday, April 15, 2012

Crimson Tears / Linebarrels of Iron Group of 8 Gashapons by Yujin and Bandai

Al contrario de muchos colegas, yo debo reconocer que algunas veces me entero de la existencia de series de animé o juegos de video, por medio de las figuras que logro conseguir. 

Tengo una conexión emocional con mi colección y esta no depende de lo mucho o poco que me guste la serie a la que pertenece cada figura que poseo, aunque sí una figura me gusta, yo trato de conocer su origen para crear una conexión emocional más fuerte. 

Por eso me parece una insensatez que personas que se hacen llamar "coleccionistas" se atrevan a decir: "...Estas cosas (figuras de colección)... Son solo posesiones y su interés termina una vez les tomas unas fotografías y las publicas..."

Con todo respeto, creo que esas personas no sólo están desperdiciando miserablemente su dinero y su tiempo, sino que no saben realmente sobre cuál es el "arte" de coleccionar... 

En fin, afortunadamente detrás de este blog hay una persona con criterio y no simplemente alguien que no sabe en qué gastar su dinero y su tiempo. 

Haré una pequeña introducción al grupo (no set) de piezas de hoy, que mezcla personajes de un videojuego de ciencia ficción, aventura y combate creado para PS2 (Crimson Tears), ambientado en Tokio en el año 2049 y otros pertenecientes a una serie de manga (2005) que luego se convirtió en anime (2008) ambientada en 2016 en un futuro paralelo con una historia que toma ciertos elementos de Evangelion, esto es, Linebarrels of Iron. 

Estos gashapons se ven fabulosos (como las imágenes lo demuestran), grandes en tamaño y detalles, todos en realidad son mecas, unos son androides (mutanoides) mientras los otros son robots con algo de organismos cibernéticos. Este grupo incluye: Amber (Dark Stalker Version), Tokio, Kazushi (Lana), Kadie (Dark Stalker Version), Amber, Vardant, Hind-Kind y Linebarrel. 

Confio en que el SEÑOR nos permitirá tener un nuevo encuentro la próxima semana... =)

Unlike many colleagues, I must admit that sometimes I know about the existence of anime series or video games, through the figures I get. 

I have an emotional connection with my collection and it doesn’t depend on how much or little I like the series which those figures belong, but if I like a collection figure, I’ll try to know its origin to create a stronger emotional connection. 

For that very reason I think is foolish that people who call themselves "collectors" dare to say: "these stuff (collection figures)... are just possessions and their interest ends once you take some pictures and publish them..."

With all due respect, I think that those people are not only wasting miserably their money and time, but they really don’t know anything about what’s the "art" of collecting... 

Well, fortunately behind this blog there is a person with criteria and not just someone who doesn’t know how to spend his money and time. 

I will make a brief introduction to the group (not set) of pieces I’m publishing today, which blends characters from a science fiction, adventure and combat video game created for PS2 (Crimson Tears), set in Tokyo in 2049 and others belonging to a series of manga (2005) that later became an anime series (2008) set in 2016 in a parallel future with a story that takes some elements from Evangelion, I mean, Linebarrels of Iron. 

These gashapons look great (as evidenced by images), large in size and details, they are all mechas, some of them are androids (mutanoids) while the others are robots with something of cybernetic organisms. This group includes: Amber (Dark Stalker Version), Tokio, Kazushi (Lana), Kadie (Dark Stalker Version), Amber, Vardant, Hind-Kind and Linebarrel. 

I hope that the LORD will let us to have another meeting next week... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I wasn't exposed to Crimson Tears from the game to the anime and it's strange for someone like me who like mecha stuff. I know of Dark Stalker for the sexy character that appeared in arcade fighting game. It's Capcom I guess. It's nice that the gasaphon set come in a good mixture of characters and robot. They are fairly detailed too!

chrismandesign said...

actually i’m in the same situation about Crimson Tears, i mean, almost no idea, but i think is the sort of game i would like to play... however, as you, i have seen and play with Amber (Dark Stalker version) since is a character of the Marvel vs. Capcom game known as well as Morrigan... when it comes to Linebarrels of Iron, i was crazy to get at least one model kit of this series by Kotobukiya, but they’re way too expensive. however who knows... THX for your visit and comment pal =)

Bera said...

hey hey hey... so you are into animes too :D I have seen that in your previous posts and I can say, you do have great collections of animes.

though, this anime... is not very familiar to me as you are with One piece.. too bad I can't relate :(

BTW, I have a new post if you have spare time to visit. I'll be out for a while and not sure when will be back.... because of my camera.. oh you'll find the exact reason if you check my blog - is that a teaser?LOL

congrats on those little treasures! more to come - hoping those that I know hahaha! kidding.

chrismandesign said...

actually i met the anime world before the comic world, but it was in my infancy so it took some time to create the "correct" connection and begin to collect anime figures... anyway (and i don’t know if you already know), when i began seriously my collection, my first figure was a 00 EVA model kit =)... THX for your compliments on my anime collection and yep there are more anime figures on the way but i’m not sure if they are from well-known anime series since i like weird things =P... and now i’m gonna pay you a visit =)

David John Shewsbury said...

Those ladies figures looks quite nice.... slurrrrpppppppppp.....

chrismandesign said...

oh!!! did i turn you on with my babes ??? and what about the mechas, didn’t they light your fire ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA