Sunday, September 2, 2012

1991 Street Beast (Swingfire) - Hot Wheels Concept Car 1992 Regular Series Collector 214 (4312) Diecast No Scale by Hot Wheels

Imagino que nosotros evolucionamos, quiero decir, los coleccionistas, conforme pasa el tiempo...

Permanecemos fieles a ciertos parámetros, aún esos como yo, que tienen gustos aparentemente aleatorios...

Por ejemplo, uno de mis "postulados" al inicio de mi aventura en el coleccionismo era: "yo no coleccionaría ningún artículo vintage, únicamente nuevos, de lanzamientos recientes"

Ahora, seamos claros que para mí "vintage" significa: un coleccionable fabricado hace 10 años o más, en perfectas o casi perfectas condiciones, adecuadamente empacado en su tarjeta / caja / clamshell / burbuja original, sin abrir, sin daño, no usado o en algunos casos, usado y en buenas condiciones. 

Sin embargo, por múltiples circunstancias uno empieza a cambiar de opinión. 

Es como cuando uno está probando una nueva comida y el sentido del gusto se rehusa a intentar ciertas cosas. Es una lucha contra sí mismo, un reto... Tenemos que cruzar un línea fina y es difícil pero excitante... 

¿Suena interesante?.. Mucha gente piensa que los coleccionistas somos una nueva suerte de ermitaños, un grupo de desadaptados con una vida más bien plana y aburrida... 

¡No saben cuán equivocados están! =PPPPP...

Nosotros, los coleccionistas, nos divertimos, ¿de acuerdo?... (¡Y mandamos la parada! HAHAHA... Por así decirlo... =PPPPP). 

Ahora es tiempo de ser serios (¡HA!)...

Entre otras habilidades, yo tengo que lidiar con mi escaso presupuesto (sí, mi "trabajo" como "mecánico de bicicletas" no luce muy rentable... XD) y ¡esa es la razón por la que las donaciones y regalos son siempre bien recibidos!...

Esta vez tengo el raro placer de mostrar uno de esos artículos que hicieron cambiar mi forma de pensar. Otro regalo en la forma de un diecast. 

Este es un modelo diseñado por el famoso Larry Wood en 1990 y producido entre 1991 y 1999. Inspirado, eso creo, en los autos aerodinámicos de las décadas cuarta y quinta del siglo pasado y me recuerda de alguna forma a un Studebaker. 

La carrocería y el chasis son en diecast (también conocido como metal / metal), como la mayoría de modelos hechos por Hot Wheels y otras marcas específicamente para coleccionistas. 

Tiene un rico trabajo de pintura en azul eléctrico con un terminado Metalflake y una decoración simple pero bonita al frente. Los interiores son... Decepcionantes, pero esa no es precisamente la fortaleza de HW. 

El mío tiene el diseño de rueda de 7 radios, no muy usual últimamente (claro, estamos hablando de un modelo fabricado hace más de 20 años... Bastante vintage, debo decir...) pero no está enlistado hasta ahora en la Hot Wheels Wiki, así que es más raro de lo que esperaba... ¡Dulce!...

¡Ya es hora de agradecer al DIOS de la Vida, Quien vive para siempre jamás y decir: nos vemos amigos!... =)

I guess we evolve, I mean, the collectors, as time goes by... 

We remain faithful to certain parameters, even those like me, who have random tastes apparently ... 

For example, one of my "statements" at the beginning of my collecting adventure was: "I wouldn’t collect any vintage item, only those brand new from recent releases"

Now, let’s be clear that for me "vintage" means: a collectible manufactured 10 or more years ago, in mint or near mint condition, properly packaged in its original card / box / clamshell / blister, unopened, undamaged, unused or in some cases used and in good condition. 

However, by different circumstances you start to change your mind. 

It’s like when you’re testing a new food and your sense of taste is reluctant to try certain things. It’s a fight against yourself, a challenge... You have to cross a fine line and is hard but exciting... 

Sounds interesting?.. Many people think that the collectors are a new sort hermits, a group of misfits with a kinda plain and boring life... 

They don’t know how wrong they are! =PPPPP...

We, the collectors, have fun, OK?... (And we rule! HAHAHA... So to say... =PPPPP)... 

Now it’s time to be serious (LOL)...

Among other skills, I must deal with my restricted budget (yeah, my "work" as a "bicycle mechanic" doesn’t look so profitable... XD) and that’s why the donations and gifts are always welcome!...

This time I have the rare pleasure of showing one of those items which made me change my mind. Another gift in the form of a diecast. 

This is a model designed by the famous Larry Wood in 1990 and produced between 1991 and 1999. Inspired, I guess, in the streamlined cars from the fourth and fifth decades of the last century and somehow it reminds me a Studebaker. 

Both the body and the chassis are diecast (a.k.a. metal / metal), like most models made by Hot Wheels and other brands specifically for collectors. 

It has a rich paint job in electric blue with Metalflake finishing and a simple but nice decor on front. The interiors are... Disappointing, but that’s not precisely the strength of HW. 

Mine has the 7 Spoke wheels design which is not so usual lately (of course, we are talking about a model manufactured more than 20 years ago... Quite vintage, I must say...), but it’s not listed until now in the Hot Wheels Wiki, so I guess is a bit more rare than I expected... Sweet!...

It’s about time to thank to the GOD of the Life, Who lives forever and ever and to say seeya pals!... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Well said about toy collectors pal. Like you posting with those emotion and thoughts. My vintage toys are those I wanted very much during my childhood times but couldn't afford. Those I have keep it so long that is now more than a decade by the time I review them. I planning to give away some gasaphon and figures and will send them to you after I consolidated them.

This Beast/Swingfire reminds me of the old Superheroes vehicle like from Batman. Even from static pics, it look like its at high speed dashing like a blue flame.

TheRealGon said...

"However, by various circumstances you begin to change your mind. It’s like when you’re testing a new food and your sense of taste is reluctant to try certain things. It’s a fight against yourself, a challenge... You have to cross a fine line and is hard but exciting... "

I totally agree on you with this one. I guess every collector experience this. And this is a usual topic of conversation during meet ups, particularly when trying to move from one scale to another. The biggest problem about this one though is the funds needed. Just imagine moving from 1/64 to 1/24 or even 1/18. :D

I did not know that you are into bikes as well, source of income even. Do you have a bike collection also? picture please... :D

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

I like to show other people that we, the collectors, are human beings firstly and we have a life inside and beyond the toys/collection figures... as you, for me the vintage toys bring back a lot of good memories from our infancy, when we couldn’t afford them so now is a pleasure to own them...

the Streamline style, based on the aeronautics gives a sense of speed, lightness and beauty to the objects... it was implemented in a wide variety of things, from appliances to vehicles... i think this great diecast is a good sample...

you will honor me with a gift again ??? i feel somewhat embarrassed with your generosity !!!... well, whenever it arrives, it will be very, very welcome LOL... THX in advance =S

chrismandesign said...

to RealGon:

is great to find that in collecting matters, people from different backgrounds, cultures, languages, tastes, etc can agree in certain topics !!!...

indeed my diecast collection is not restricted to certain scale... i can go from 1:18 to 1:100 in a "blink of an eye" LOL... most of my collection is between 1:64 and 1:60, but i have some 1:55, 1:24, 1:18 and there are some 1:43 on the way...

HAHAHAHA... my "work" as a "bicycle mechanic" was in fact a good joke... just remembering the style of a fellow collector from Brunei LOL... i’m a graphic designer with some skills in web design as well... uhmmm, however i have a bike for flatland style, but due to my job, my spare time for riding is very scarce... i already disassembled completely and assembled again this bike of mine, so yeah, i could serve as an expert bicycle mechanic just for fun... XDDDDD

i really appreciate your comments for the first time here and i hope to see you again... you have my loyalty too... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

I love roadster and convertibles and surely I can like this one.... maybe would be more gorgeous if the color is red but other than that I pretty much like the overall design.....

chrismandesign said...

oh yeah !!! red would be incredibly sexy and suggestive... uhmmmm i love roadsters as well and i think i have some of them in my hat of tricks... they will be showed slowly any moment in the future... =)

Bera said...

hahaha now I know why you collect random models LOL!

but be careful, sometimes it leads to impulsive buying. though I know you have great taste in choosing a diecast model and I know you're very particular with the details - like me and paint job - like this one haha.

Indeed, the paint job for this one is really nice. nothing can beat the metallic paint. And one thing I noticed, it resembles the batmobile! hahaha great catch there ;)

chrismandesign said...

uhmmmm not random models indeed... did you notice that i mentioned this in my review: "We remain faithful to certain parameters, even those like me, apparently random. " ???...

i have proven my will visiting the pegs in the department stores of my hometown, plenty with dozens of models by HW and MB and guess what... after 30 or 45 minutes selecting models, barely two are purchased... =OOOOO

as you said, i’m very picky with details, paint job, decor and QC but a key factor for me is also the design, that’s why i pick some models which others simply pass along... i don’t have a specific line of collection but i’m very selective in fact... =)

oh, you were the second fellow collector who mentioned the batmobile resemblance... XDDDD

TheRealGon said...

@ chrismandesign

I will be waiting for those 1:43, right now I am starting to like the 1:64 CMs cars, the problem is we have very few shops here that sell those, specially the old series.

ooh flatland, a bmx I suppose? Must be a very technical rider. :D I used to have an XC MTB but I sold it because i needed the money. But I am scouting for some frames now hopefully by next year my birthday I'll have my new bike. :D

Do you have a DA account or a blog for your works? My blog for graphic design has not been updated lately mainly because I don't have enough time for it. hehehe

chrismandesign said...

CMS diecast are available here only by order, but fortunately there is a bunch of fellow collectors who bring us some of these delicacies (rare brands, old series, limited editions, etc)...

on the other hand, yeah flatland is a variation of BMX, basically figures and stunts on the floor... i had MTBs as well, but no one of them have survived LOL...

i have no site or blog for my works on design, although this very blog is a sample of my work since i took the time to do some "customization" and the "corporate image & mascot" is my inspiration O___O’’’’’ =)... THX for dropping by again =D