Sunday, January 6, 2013

1955 Ford Panel Delivery 2005 Coke International Collection Series 11/12 Diecast Scale 1:69 by Johnny Lightning

¿Alguien sabe algo sobre una marca de gaseosas negras?... 

No puedo recordar su nombre... 

Es decir, es apenas conocida en todo el mundo, con su logo en rojo y blanco y su botella curvilínea... 

Su nombre suena como Co... Co... Co... 

¿¡Cómo creen?!... Obviamente estoy bromeando...

Primero quiero aclarar que no soy fanático de la bebida Coca-Cola (que es excelente para pudrir un pedazo de carne en cuestión de unas pocas horas o para aflojar tornillos oxidados... Uhmmmm, en este preciso momento alguien debe querer torturarme, lo sé... =PPPPP). 

Sin embargo, no puedo negar la mística detrás de una bebida creada a finales del siglo XIX y la creatividad involucrada en sus campañas de publicidad a través de los años. 

Muchos souvenires y coleccionables han sido creados y la mayoría de ellos llegan a ser clásicos instantáneos por el "toque" Coca-Cola. 

Es un asunto de estrategia: para sobrevivir algunas compañías cambian todo constantemente y otras se mantienen igual. 

Es algo curioso que Coca-Cola y Johnny Lightning, guardadas proporciones, coinciden en el manejo de sus marcas. 

¡También es una coincidencia feliz que estas marcas acometieran esta joint-venture, donde Johhny Lightning pone sus fabulosos modelos y calidad de colección mientras Coca-Cola pone su imaginería y reputación para crear una serie tan deliciosa!...

Doce modelos fueron escogidos y el No. 11 es esta hermosa Ford Panel Delivery de 1955

Estas camionetas grandes y redondeadas son reconocidas inmediatamente, incluso por gente que no está familiarizada con la industria automotriz norteamericana y es una favorita de todos los tiempos para los personalizadores. 

¡Mi apreciada marca Johnny Lightning es bienvenida de nuevo!... (Advertencia: no soy un vendedor de JL, ni un pomotor de marca, sólo soy un amante de JL =PPPPP)... 

No fue problema enamorarme de este diecast, empezando con el gradioso diseño de la tarjeta, a todo color, muy bien impresa, grande y gruesa. 

El modelo mismo es increíble, fiel en proporción y apariencia, trabajo de pintura fabuloso y los tampos que incluyen una publicidad ilustrada original de los 50s, en italiano que dice: "La gioia del ristoro", lo que significa algo así como: "La alegría del comedor"

Carrocería y chasis en diecast (¡lo cual la hace muy pesada!), interiores detallados en negro y rimes de diseño clásico con ruedas de caucho... ¡IMPRESIONANTE!... 

Por último, pero no menos importante, un souvenir que podría ser un portavasos, también a todo color... 

¿Te gustó? =PPPPP... Aún en la escasez, puedes disfrutar pequeños placeres... 

El SEÑOR Jesucristo siempre provee más de lo que esperas y mucho más de lo que mereces, ¡qué bendición creer en Él!... 

Continuará... =)

Someone knows any thing about that brand of black sodas?... 

I cannot remember its name... 

I mean, is barely known worldwide, with its red and white logo and the curved bottle... 

It’s name sounds like Co... Co... Co... 

Come on?!... Obviously I’m joking. 

Firstly I want to clarify that I’m not a fan of the Coke beverage (which is great to rot a piece of meat in a matter of a few hours or to loosen rusted bolts... Uhmmmm, at this very moment someone wants to torture me, I know... =PPPPP). 

However, I cannot deny the mystique behind a beverage created at the end of the 19th century and the creativity involved in their advertising campaigns through the years. 

A lot of souvenirs and collectibles has been created and most of them become instant classics because of the "touch" of Coke. 

Is a matter of strategy: to survive, some companies change everything constantly and others just remain the same. 

It’s kinda curious and wise that Coke and Johnny Lightning, proportions saved, agree on the management of their respective brands. 

Also is a happy coincidence that these brands undertake this joint-venture, where Johnny Lightning puts their great models and collectors’ quality while Coke puts their imagery and goodwill to create a series so delightful!...

Twelve models were selected and the #11 is this beautiful 1955 Ford Panel Delivery

These big and rounded vans are immediately recognized, even for people not so familiarized with the American car industry and is an all time favorite for customizers. 

Welcome back to my appreciated brand Johnny Lightning!... (Warning: I’m not a JL dealer or a brand promoter, I’m just a JL lover =PPPPP)... 

It was not an issue to fall in love with this diecast, starting with the great card design, full color, nicely printed, big and thick. 

The model itself is incredible, faithful in proportion and appearance, fabulous paint job and the tampos which includes an original illustrated advertising from the 50s, in Italian language which says: "La gioia del ristoro", which translates something like: "The joy of dinning"

Diecast body and chassis (which make it very heavy!), detailed black interiors and classic design wheels with rubber tires... AWESOME!... 

Last but not least, a souvenir that could be a cup holder, full color as well... 

Did you like it? =PPPPP... Even in the shortage, you can enjoy some little pleasures... 

The LORD Jesus Christ always provides more than you expect and much more than you deserve, what a bless to believe in Him!... 

To be continued... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice work Johnny Lightning to bring back the classic!!! This is really awesome! Just look at the print on the side! Refine and detailed! I would expect a more red over white, without the yellow cos for a moment, I thought this vehicle can be modified to a Mc Donald delivery car. Lolz..

chrismandesign said...

McD... that was good pal !!!... indeed i didn’t realized that fact until you mentioned, but i think is pretty fine and unusual, so it’s more interesting for me... Johnny Lightning is one of the most reputed diecast brands all over the world, so it’s not a surprise how great is their work !!!... i hope Takara-Tomy will take care of this brand... =)

David John Shewsbury said...

Coke!!!!! I always love miniature die cast with Coke brand.... damn, I would love to have this so much!!!!

chrismandesign said...

yeah !!! i love Coke related items too, but they’re kinda hard to find almost always =/////... maybe you could get it, but i don’t think it would be cheap since it’s not from the regular lines... however, i think you wouldn’t mind since is beautiful model indeed... =)

Bera said...

vintage in every aspect!! haha I so love the color combination.. it reminds me of Christmas season.. you must've chosen this for your Christmas post LOL. The blue background sharpened the color more. Indeed one of the great creation by JL! congrats on this catch pal :)

chrismandesign said...

yep, everything is vintage here and it works perfect !!!... well, except for the casting which is kinda recent and you could notice in the sharp details and the tampos which are extraordinarily good in this scale... i’m glad that you like it pal and that proves that you have good taste, LOLOLOLOLOL... =D