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"¡Santos ataúdes con WIFI, Robin! ¡Hoy me siento más top model que de costumbre¡..."
Está bien, eso fue asqueroso. ¿Estoy obligado a empezar con una broma estúpida ?...
NO, y si lo hago es porque me da la gana =PPPPP...
Es sólo para que me conozcan un poco, porque ¿quién no conoce a este ícono de DC Comics, creado por Bob Kane y Bill Finger en 1939?...
Pues bien, a riesgo de sonar trillado, este personaje que fue concebido con un halo de misterio, dotes detectivescas, y científicas, y un aire de novela negra; cambio el tono oscuro de su historia por uno más jocoso y ridículo, al ser orientado por un tiempo a un público más jóven, con resultados poco menos que desastrozos para su imagen, que terminó caricaturizada y trivializada.
Sólo a partir de la segunda mitad de los 80s, Batman tomó un nuevo rumbo volviendo a su tono lóbrego, dejando de lado la vida apacible que le había sido impuesta, por algo un poco más tormentoso y conflictivo.
Ese Batman y no otro, es el que me ha hecho un fanático oficial (híbrido) de este personaje, cargado de sarcasmo, ironía y con traumas que dejan sus secuelas...
Esta figura, propiedad de un amigo, será posiblemente la única contribución foránea, pues las publicaciones de Batman que se avecinan, correrán por mi cuenta.
Nuevamente Mattel, me deja una buena impresión gracias a esta pieza elaborada con destreza, que cuenta con un interesante trabajo de pintura, una silueta muy musculosa y robusta, con un aire clásico, con lo cual satisface mis requerimientos para ser publicada.
"Holy coffins with WIFI, Robin! Today I feel like a top model more than usual..."
OK, that was disgusting. Am I forced to start with a stupid joke?...
NO, and if I do that is because I choose to =PPPPP...
This is just for all of you to know me a little, because who doesn’t know this icon of DC Comics, created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1939?...
Well, at the risk to sound hackneyed, this character who was conceived with an aura of mystery, detective and scientific skills, and a gothic novel look; change the dark tone of his story for something more humorous and ridiculous, to be geared for a while to a younger audience, with slightly less than disastrous results for his image, which ended caricatured and trivialized.
Only since the second half of the 80s, Batman took a new course, turning back to his gloomy tone, leaving aside the quiet life that was imposed to him, for something a bit more wild and confrontational.
Such Batman and no other, is the one who made me an official fan (hybrid) of this character, full of sarcasm, irony and traumas that leave their mark...
This figure, owned by a friend of mine, is possibly the only foreign contribution, since the Batman posts to come, will run on my own.
Mattel again, leaves me a good impression with this piece made with great skill, which has an interesting paint job, with a muscular and robust shape and a classic look, that meets all my requirements to be published.
I like this costume tone of his as batman. Now all you lack is Robin. LOL
he, he, ehemmm.... well, i can’t decide if this colour scheme (gray & blue) is more attractive than the real classic colour scheme (gray & black) but he does look very good ! the head sculpt is great as well... at this moment, a figure of Robin is not in my plans (perhaps?) but a Nightwing will b welcome for sure ! ur comments will b always appreciated, fellow collector ! =D
This is a classic Batman costume but the waist pouch seems rather raggard. Overall the colour tone is nice and this Batman had pumped lotz of steel man! Muscular I must say.
Batman, as an icon, has had numerous changes in his siluet & costume... sometimes appear very musculous (like in this case) sometimes very thin (specially in graphic novels or in some alternate versions in anime...) but the essence remains almost without change... Batman is definitely a character i begin to appreciate, but as i said, the gloomy Batman... x___X... i hope the next posts to come, bout this characters & his fellows/enemies, will catch ur attention...
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