Sunday, March 27, 2011

1957 Chevrolet Nomad - Full Size 2-Door Station Wagon Custom 2009 Ground Pounders Series Release 1 Diecast Scale 1:64 by M2 Machines / Castline

Érase una época feliz, en la que los diseñadores de autos para las masas soñaban... Y plasmaban sus sueños en láminas metálicas, creando bellezas perdurables para el uso diario. 

Eran épocas optimistas, en la que los ingenieros dejaban volar su imaginación y tenían el lujo de acomodar un fabuloso motor Super Turbo Fire V8 con 283 pulgadas cúbicas (4,638 cc) de desplazamiento e inyección de combustible, en una station wagon con un look despampanante.

Creo que no volverá a verse tanto desparpajo, creatividad y carácter en un vehículo de producción en masa, porque vivimos tiempos menos optimistas y las cifras que maneja la industria automotriz van de más a menos, en vez de menos a más, como antes. 

Llámenme nostálgico, al final el coleccionismo es acerca de la nostalgia por aquellas cosas que deseabamos tener cuando niños y muchas veces no pudimos, aunque ahora podemos disfrutarlas de forma diferente.

Para mi cumpleaños y con algún retraso (¿a quién le importa, si estoy más que feliz?...) recibí este regalo de un amigo coleccionista. 

Esta Chevrolet Nomad de 1957 es un manjar que me indigesta, ¡porque está descaradamente sabrosa!... Más sorpresas la próxima semana, confiando en DIOS... =)


Once upon a happy time, in which car designers for the masses dreamed... And they shaped their dreams into metal sheets, creating lasting beauty for everyday use. 

Those were optimistic times, in which the engineers left their imagination fly and had the luxury to please us with a fabulous Super Turbo Fire V8 engine with 283 cubic inches (4,638 cc) and fuel injection, in a station wagon with a stunning look.

I think we will not see again this impudence, creativity and character in a mass production vehicle, because these are less optimistic times and the numbers cited by the automotive industry ranging for more to less, instead of less to more, as before. 

Call me nostalgic, at the end collecting is about nostalgia for things we wanted as children and often couldn’t get, but now we can enjoy them in a different way.

For my birthday and with some delay (who cares, if I’m more than happy?...) I received this gift from a fellow collector. 

This 1957 Chevrolet Nomad is a delicacy that makes me feel indigestible because is blatantly tasty!... More surprises next week, trusting in GOD... =)


LEon said...

I love this classic car.

chrismandesign said...

isn’t lovable LEon ??? a lot of station wagons today would like to b as charming as this one =OOOOO

cortesmachineart said... sr ... simplemente wooooooooooooow...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Happy belated birthday! The stunning towering engine pro probably fitted better on a monster truck. The bonnet did seems to serve its purpose. Ha! Ha! Anyway the vintage design is rather provocative!

chrismandesign said...

to Cortesmachineart:

oiga hermanito, usté si es un océano de conocimiento, de una micra de profundidad... cuidado dice más de 4 palabra !!! se le acabó todo el español con ese comentario ???... pero al menos tiene razón perro XDDDD

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

THX for ur wishes =D... yep definitely this is a HOT, HOT ROD & i’m just wondering how those trumpets would sound ???... it must b a great symphony... the design is absolutely beautiful =OOO LALALA !!!

David John Shewsbury said...

Holy fuck!!!! LOL... where the hell do you get this? comes with the wonderful display base some more? Ave Maria, this is awesome...

maybe the only thing I less like on this particular model is that extra thingy that pop out on top of the engine hood. I think they call it supercharger or something like that, but in this case I don't actually sure what is it that thing really hahaha... I'm not an expert on engine stuff...

but if it's a real car, I don't want anything distracting on the engine hood... but as a die cast toy car... this is one unique nomad and the color is typical old school blue, though a metallic type....

chrismandesign said...

HEHEHE... this is a M2Machines diecast and seriously i doubt it could be available at your end... all their models come with this great display base... unlike you, i love these oldies with bulky engines and protrusions sprouting here and there...

by the way, those flutes-like things sprouting from the hood are called scoops and they help to bring a direct flow of air to the engine improving the performance in racing cars/dragster/funny cars (although in this case they act like a sort of extra-exhaust stacks...)

David John Shewsbury said...

M2Machines diecast? mmm, true, I never heard of it my self... I'm glad that I saw it first hand from your blog...

you seems to have stuff that is rare for me... where is your house? I would like to visit and maybe "accidentally" steal some of your collections LOL....

so they call it scoops huh? in most counties of Asian region such things are not street legal... they prefer boring flat engine hood design in here :-(