Sunday, March 20, 2011

Captain America Ultimate Marvel Legends Series 8 Action Figure by Toy Biz

En la historia que rodea las aficiones hay odios y amores. Ahhh y también hay algunos cabezas huecas, que se hacen llamar "coleccionistas" y quizás tengan algunas figuras muy buenas y costosas, pero se atreven a denigrar de otros coleccionable, sin saber de lo que hablan. 

Creen que porque gastan gruesas sumas de dinero en su mal llamada afición (pues más parece egolatría), pueden pontificar como semidioses acerca de lo que se debe o no coleccionar (afortunadamente son pocos).

¡No hace mucho ví alguien comentando escandalizado, porque las figuras de Marvel Legends eran más costosas que la de Revoltech!... 

¡POR FAVOR!... Marvel Legends es un hito y una categoría en sí misma, con una historia y tradición de varios años. 

Sus piezas son codiciadas por los verdaderos conocedores, en especial las diseñadas y fabricadas por Toy Biz (que ya no están en producción); porque en su gran mayoría son piezas con excelente detalle, un trabajo de pintura muy elaborado y hechas para durar (en una época como la nuestra, con figuras de colección desechables...). 

Puedo decirlo con propiedad, pues tengo en mi colección figuras tanto de Revoltech como de Marvel Legends y puedo atestiguar las diferencias (ustedes pueden revisar mis publicaciones al respecto)...

Ahora con mayor razón, pues la figura que presento hoy es un fiel reflejo de lo que estoy diciendo. Este personaje creado por Joe Simon y Jack Kirby en 1941, el alter ego de Steve Rogers, el super soldado que entró a formar parte de Los Avengers, logra en esta pieza una representación que le hace mucha justicia y luego de un gran esfuerzo logré conseguirla, para mi deleite. 

Es una pieza estupenda, con 42 puntos de articulación, una base con vástago de triple articulación que la complementa perfectamente y por si fuera poco, una tarjeta de colección de Marvel Versus System y una revista con ilustraciones tipo poster de diferentes artistas... 

Por si acaso, , costó bastante más que una figura de Revoltech y NO, no me arrepiento en lo absoluto de haberla adquirido, porque lo vale... 

Es DIOS, Quien me da estos placeres y si Él lo permite, la próxima semana habrá más... =D


In the story surrounding hobbies there are hatreds and loves. Ohhh and there are some airheads, who call themselves "collectors" and may have some very good and expensive figures, but they dare to denigrate other collectible, without knowing what they’re talking about. 

They think that because they spend large sums of money in their so-called hobby (since it more appears as egotism) they can pontificate as demigods what should or should not be collected (fortunately, they’re few).

Not long ago I saw someone commenting shocked, because the Marvel Legends figures were more expensive than the Revoltech figures!... 

PLEASE!... Marvel Legends is a milestone and a category in itself, with a story and tradition of several years. 

Their pieces are coveted by the true connoisseurs, specially those designed and manufactured by Toy Biz (no longer in production); because the vast majority are pieces with excellent detail, an elaborate paint job and made to last (in a age like ours, with disposable collection figures...). 

I can say it properly, since I have in my collection both Revoltech and Marvel Legends figures and I can attest the differences (all of you can check my posts on this matter)...

Now a fortiori, because the figure I introduce today is a reflection of what I’m saying. This character created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1941, the alter ego of Steve Rogers, the super soldier who became part of The Avengers, achieves in this piece a representation that makes him a lot of justice, and after a great effort I managed to get it, for my delight. 

It’s a stunning figure, with 42 points of articulation, a display base with a triple articulation stem which perfectly complements it and last but not least, a trading card of Marvel Versus System and a poster type magazine with illustrations by different artists... 

By the way, YES, it costs much more than a Revoltech figure and NO I’m not regretting at all for this acquisition, because it’s worth it... 

Is GOD Who gives me this kind of pleasures and if HE allows, next week there will be more... =D


cortesmachineart said...




chrismandesign said...

me toca rebotarme de alguna forma, usté sabe que yo no tengo pelos en la lengua y hay gente muy petulante por ahí... lo que yo digo, la ignorancia es muy atrevida y unas lucas de más obnubilan a más de un colado en esto de coleccionar figuras... pero como a mí no me cambian la lengua por un alpargate, pues les tocó tacar burro... ahh y ya sabe, una "U" y los tres botones de puño a la vez, ójala el otro esté con la mitad de vida... y tóme lo suyo por lámparaaaaa !!!

Tachikawa said...

Wow, I love Captain America...
He is the strongest Shielder Ever...
His Shield can deflect any attack the strongest one...
Love to choose him when playing Marvel vs Capcom...

chunky B said...

Wow, nice Cap... you know I didn't realize Toy Biz made the Ultimates version, very nice piece indeed.

So wait are you saying you are a collector demigod? I am not understanding this part.

chrismandesign said...

to Tachikawa:

then we’re 2, cuz i love Cap as well & now that u mentioned, sometimes i choose Cap, not in Marvel vs Capcom but in Marvel Super Heroes, although i prefer Juggernaut & his Headcrush !!! HOHOHO =)

chrismandesign said...

to CB:

i dunno if Toy Biz made more Ultimate versions of Marvel characters, but this one certainly rocks !!!

& hell NO CB !!! i’m not one of those jerks self-called collector demigods... i’m just pointing at those who think that only their collection figures r "the-ones-to-collect", so when they see something different, they just underestimate it & begin to say "why this is so expensive or more expensive than something else?" & they don’t even know what they’re saying... i cannot stand people like them, arrogant without passion for collecting, just a big wallet to brag... GOD forbid that in me !!! =)

chunky B said...

Ha ha ha, okay, I was just wondering what you were trying to say. No offense meant.

I tend to live by collect what you want, expense doesn't mean much because if you are in it for speculation that is the wrong reason.

Also nice to know you have this Cap figure, I have an upcoming photo assignment that he will work perfectly for you, LOL.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

From those pics, this Captain American looks big. This is taller than average 6". This figure is well sculpt and I could a lot of detail like the chain-mail on the back of the shoulders and muscular body. The accessories makes it a great collection and I don't see articulation stem for Marvel action figure so often.

chrismandesign said...

to CB:

great !!! my Cap is ready for action (figure... LOL) & if he needs a hand... he has another partner HEHEHE... i just hope this time i do hav the time to participate =)

chrismandesign said...

to Dennis:

this figure is on the 6" league supposedly, but as u said is slightly higher... actually is one of the best i’ve ever seen in all Marvel Legends series... Captain America is one of the top characters in Marvel Universe for collectors & i had to wait for so long to put my hands in this piece... the extra features makes it even more desirable as a collector item... this is definitely an achievement for me !!!

Tachikawa said...

That's true...Even I prefer to buy the only things that I want...
I don't like to brag to something but don't know the details...