Sunday, May 8, 2011

1971 Plymouth Road Runner (Cooter’s Plymouth Road Runner) The Dukes of Hazzard Series Release 6 Limited Edition Diecast Scale 1:68 by Johnny Lightning

A riesgo de resultar algo insistente (y como propietario de este blog, creo que puedo permitírmelo...) voy a seguir dándole rienda suelta a mi pasión por lo autos. 

Y sabes que auto es mucho más que un medio de transporte, es un reflejo de la personalidad, incluso de una época o como en este caso, parte del "casting" de una reconocida serie de televisión.

Para los que no lo saben, esta hermosura sobre ruedas perteneció a Cooter Davenport alias "Crazy Cooter", el mecánico con temperamento brioso del condado de Hazzard, que luego de un "agitado contrapunteo" con el corrupto comisionado Boss Jefferson Davis (J.D.) Hogg, decidió mantener un perfil bajo con el fin de ayudar a los primos Bo y Luke Duke, para arruinar los planes del ya mencionado comisionado. 

¡Una historia con algo de picante y un auto (Plymouth Road Runner de 1971) que arde!.

He aquí otra pequeña joya de una marca que resultará familiar para unos pocos y desconocida para muchos. Johnny Lightning tiene un lugar entre los más reputados fabricantes de diecast y en la escala 1:68 logran un nivel muy superior al de marcas como: Hot Wheels, Tomica, Matchbox e incluso Majorette en sus mejores épocas. 

Ya hablaré un poco más de la historia de esta marca en posteriores publicaciones, por ahora disfruten este juguete y nos veremos la próxima semana DIOS mediante... =)


At the risk of being a tad insistent (and as the owner of this blog, I think that I can afford it...) I will continue to give vent to my passion for cars. 

And you know that a car is much more than a means of transportation, is a reflection of personality, even of a time or as in this case, part of the "casting" of a renowned TV series.

For those who don’t know, this beauty on wheels belonged to Cooter Davenport a.k.a. "Crazy Cooter", the mechanic of the Hazzard county with a fiery temperament, who after a "hectic counterpoint" with the corrupt Boss Jefferson Davis (J.D.) Hogg commissioner, decided to keep a low profile so he could help to the cousins Bo and Luke Duke, to ruin the plans of the aforementioned commissioner. 

A story a bit spicy and a car (1971 Plymouth Road Runner) that burns!.

Here is another little gem of a brand that will be familiar to few and unknown to many. Johnny Lightning has a place among the most reputable manufacturers of diecast in 1:68 scale and achieves a higher level than brands such as: Hot Wheels, Tomica, Matchbox or even Majorette in their best times. 

I will talk a bit more about the history of this brand in subsequent publications, by now enjoy this toy and we will have an appointment next week GOD willing... =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Johnny Lightning....Hmmmm.....I belong to the group of 'unknown' to many. Nevertheless, this pinko car gave lot of nostalgia. The engine seems small, not sure if it's supposed to this size and the bonnet looks hollow.

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHAHA... then my next posts bout Johnny Lightning will clear some doubts... the small engine is not an illusion or an error in the model (& i had exactly the same feeling Dennis) indeed the 70’s were the years that "dwarfed" the engines & this one had a "standard" 383 with merely 300 HP...

sl619 said...

i dont know Johnny Lightning (>.<), but this car is sure cool!

chrismandesign said...

HEHEHE déjà-vu !!! the diecasts of this brand r hard to find even in this side of the world sI619, but don’t worry pal... Chris is here to show the world what Johnny Lightning means HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... (now, that sounded pretty cocky XD) nevermind... i love Muscle Cars so i love this car =)

sl619 said...

Hmm... sounds like this Johnny guy is also cocky from ur comments! =p (no offence~~) hehe

David John Shewsbury said...

damn nice!!!!! I guess I better buy 1 or 2 from the pricey Johnny Lightning... but this one is limited version? slim chance to get it :-(

chrismandesign said...

yeah David... this is a limited edition of 3100 pieces worldwide and indeed is part of a set of 4 in individual clamshell/card... i paid more than US$10 for each one, believe me, but i saw a few of this sets available at online stores and found that they are even more pricey now than before...