Sunday, May 22, 2011

1950 Chevrolet COE Truck (Fast Gassin’ - Concept Car) 2009 Premiere Series 14/42 Diecast No Scale by Hot Wheels

Tengo un apetito extremadamente veleidoso por los autos... 

Cuando este apetito está inclinado por la fidelidad en la reproducción de un vehículo a escala, por mi mente desfilan un buen número de marcas fabricantes de diecasts. 

Sin embargo, cuando lo que quiero es algo extravagante (¡de buen o mal gusto, pero que tenga gusto!) la lista se reduce drásticamente y Hot Wheels aparece como una elección razonable.

Para hoy el manjar de este menú es un camión con mucha actitud y hormonas; claro está, se trata de un delirio de diseño (de John Violette), pero su ADN tiene una gran similitud al de esos extraños camiones Chevrolet de los años 50s, por ejemplo el Camión Chevrolet COE de 1950 que a pesar de su aspecto bizarro, es lo que yo llamo un camión con gusto.

Debo decir que seleccionar esta pieza me tomó al menos 20 minutos, pero creo valió la pena. 

Su esquema de color es estupendo, con un blanco perlado en la cabina, negro en los pronunciados guardabarros y una dosis casi exagerada de cromo (pero todo dentro del límite del gusto) complementado por tampos muy precisos y detallados. 

Para bien o para mal, los autos tendrán un lugar de honor en mi blog, pero no serán lo único que verán, así que continuen asistiendo a este banquete y la próxima semana traeré algo más, con la ayuda de DIOS...


I have an extremely fickle appetite for cars... 

When this appetite is inclined to the fidelity in the reproduction of a scale vehicle, a number of diecast manufacturers brands parade through my mind. 

However, when what I want is something outrageous (in a good or bad taste, but with a sense of taste!) the list is drastically reduced and Hot Wheels appears as a reasonable choice.

For today the plate on this menu is a truck with attitude and hormones; of course, is a delusion of design (by John Violette), but its DNA is very similar to that of those strange Chevrolet trucks of the 50s, for example the 1950 Chevrolet COE Truck which despite its bizarre appearance, is what I call a truck with taste.

I must say that selecting this piece took me at least 20 minutes, but it was worth. 

Its color scheme is stupendous, with a pearled white in the cab, shiny black in the pronounced mudguards and an almost exaggerated dose of chrome (but all within the limits of taste) complemented by tampos very precise and detailed. 

For better or worse, cars will have a place of honor in my blog, but they will not be the only thing here so you must continue attending this banquet, and next week I will bring something more, with the help of GOD...


Tachikawa said...

Hahaha...Chrisman Senpai...
If it's about Cars...
You are the same as me...
But I love Japanese Sports Car more...

chrismandesign said...

japanese cars r pretty fine for me as well, but if u put together something like a 69’s Chevrolet Camaro Yenko & a 70’s Nissan Fairlady Z432R, i would go for the Yenko doubtless =O

Tachikawa said...

Yes,that's true...
But After Year 75 and above,
Japanese Cars had rule...
That's my point of view...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

What a truck that takes a flamboyant stand with chrome, many exhaust pipes and huge wheel guard. We can all feel the enthusiasm in you for vehicles.

chrismandesign said...

yep, this is one of the best trucks i’ve ever seen... the old designs seem to b so good that even in futuristic backgrounds they look astonishing... i remember some anime OVAs &/or movies where anachronic elements (like old design cars) appear in a distant parallel future, the contrast is fascinating =O