Sunday, June 5, 2011

1974 Dodge Monaco (Roscoe’s Patrol - Zinger) The Dukes of Hazzard Series Release 6 Limited Edition Diecast Scale 1:78 by Johnny Lightning

Voy a aprovechar esta publicación para introducir a los neófitos en la historia y tradición de este reputado fabricante de diecast. 

Como no pretendo abarcarla de una sola vez, empezaré con algunos datos para despertar la curiosidad. 

Debo mencionar que Johnny Lightning no empezó como una marca independiente, sino que hizo parte del portafolio de productos de Topper Toys, una empresa norteamericana con base en Elizabethtown, New Jersey, que empezó operaciones por allá en los 50s.

La marca Johnny Lightning fue lanzada en 1969 (un año después de Hot Wheels) y se especializó en los autos de alto desempeño producidos en los E.E.U.U.A. 

Como dato curioso, sus modelos no tuvieron tanto éxito como los de su competidor Hot Wheels por ciertas deficiencias en el diseño, molde y terminados (¡actualmente esas deficiencias han sido superadas ampliamente!). 

Si quieren saber más, deberán estar pendientes de publicaciones posteriores.

Por el momento, tendrán que conformarse (por favor, ¿conformarse?) con otra deliciosa muestra de poder sobre ruedas. 

Esta patrulla monster / zinger es una versión modificada de la que pertenecía al bonachón comisario Roscoe P. Coltrane y ¡luce fabulosa!... 

Como siempre, si DIOS permite, la próxima semana habrá algún otro bocadillo... =)


I will take advantage of this publication to introduce newcomers to the history and tradition of this renowned manufacturer of diecast. 

As I’m not intending to cover everything in one go, I will start with some facts to arouse curiosity. 

I should mention that Johnny Lightning did not begin as an independent brand, but as part of the product portfolio of Topper Toys, a  North American company based on Elizabethtown, New Jersey, which began operations back in the 50s.

Johnny Lightning brand was launched in 1969 (a year after Hot Wheels) and it was specialized in high-performance cars produced in the U.S.A. 

As a curiosity, their models weren’t as successful as those of its competitor Hot Wheels because of certain deficiencies on the design, molding and finishing (nowadays these problems have been widely surpassed!). 

If you want to now more, then you should be aware of subsequent publications.

By the moment you must resign (please, resign?) with another sample of power on wheels. 

This monster / zinger patrol is a modified version of that belonging to the good-natured sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane and looks fabulous!... 

As always, if GOD allows, next week there will be another snack... =)


Tachikawa said...

If every Cop in this world using this car...No bad Guy can run away from them...
That's cool...Love the engine...

chrismandesign said...

if any police department around the world would have these patrol, i would b a police officer gladly HAHAHAHAHA... this car would kick some bad asses for sure & is a patrol so how i couldn’t love it ??? =)

cortesmachineart said...

... así deberían ser las patrullas de policía colombiana... con eso purgan a esos ampones y dejan de hacer sus fechorías... jajajajaja

espectacular diecast mr. guzman...

chrismandesign said...

ole sip, pero los cacos no serían los únicos purgados, estoy seguro que el conductor (que podría ser yo, por ejemplo) me pegaría una purgada con el envión de este mastodonte apenas arranque y deje el polvero HAHAHAHAHA... y estuve tentado a llamarlo este fin de semana, pero se me olvido... la vejez, ya sabe... pero sumercé también puede hacer el deber, que yo no muerdo HOHOHO...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Thank you for take us through the history of diecast toy car. Competition between toy companies are the synergy to making better toys that's beneficial to consumers.

chrismandesign said...

my pleasure Dennis =)... actually i’m learning as well a bit more of the stories behind my collection items & that’s pretty fine... competition raises the best (also the worst) of every company & the toy business is not the exception... usually, u only notice if a toy is good & has fair cost, but u ignore the process that involves it & how a toy company arrived at the place where it’s today...

Tachikawa said...

Right now too...I would like to be a
Cop...Because in Malaysia...
More and more Cops here are using
Mitsubishi Evolution 10...
as a patrol car...

chrismandesign said...

Mitsubishi Lancer Evo !!! nice selection !!! cops need something intimidating to fight against the crime =D

Tachikawa said...

Yes...Evolution 10...
That's good to hear...
Even illegal Racer here think twice before racing...
Including me...hahaha