Monday, June 27, 2011

1968 Plymouth King Kuda 2-Door Coupe Fastback 2006 HW Classics Series 3 10/30 Diecast Scale 1:66 by Hot Wheels

Para aquellos que no lo sepan, todo el universo de Muscle Cars americanos empezó con un tipo de autos conocidos como "Pony Cars", cuyas características básicas eran: ser asequibles (valor razonable), compactos, muy estilizados y deportivos u orientados al rendimiento (potencia). 

Sin duda un paquete atractivo y relativamente económico, que generaba una notoria cantidad de visitas a las vitrinas de los concesionarios (aunque un comparativamente bajo número de ventas concretadas).

Muchos coinciden en señalar como prototipo de esta clase de automóviles al Ford Mustang 1964, todo un ícono; pero el origen de los Pony Cars se remonta a 1950, cuando Ford creó el famoso Ford Thunderbird coupé. 

Sin embargo, de no ser por un pequeño empujoncito de Chevrolet al crear el popular Chevrolet Corvair, Ford no habría decidido crear el Mustang... ¿Quién lo creyera?

Para esta semana, el platillo fuerte de mi menú es uno de esos pequeños y briosos Pony Cars, el Coupé 2 Puertas Fastback Plymouth King Cuda  de 1968, perteneciente a una serie especial de autos con carrocería y chasis metálico, muy en el estilo vintage, con mejor detalle, un acabado diferente que mezcla un cromado de base, una delgada capa de pintura electrostática translúcida (que deja al descubierto cualquier error del molde), conocido como Spectraflame y para rematar, tampos delicados. 

A diferencia de la mayoría de mis diecast de Hot Wheels, este fue fabricado en Tailandia y debo decir que la sorpresa fue muy grata, el diseño del molde fue trabajo de Ira Gilford. 

Como siempre, nuestra cita es la semana entrante... De antemano, gracias a DIOS por su paciencia para conmigo, hasta la próxima =)


For those who don’t know, the whole universe of American Muscle Cars began with a type of cars known as "Pony Cars", whose basic characteristics were: to be affordable (fair value), compact, very stylish and sport or performance oriented (power). 

Doubtless a relatively inexpensive and attractive package, which generated a remarkable number of visits to the showrooms of the dealers (although a comparatively small number of closed sales).

Many agree in pointing as prototype of this class of cars to the 1964 Ford Mustang, an icon; but the origin of the Pony Cars dating back to 1950, when Ford created the famous Ford Thunderbird coupe. 

However, if not for a gentle nudge of Chevrolet with its Chevrolet Corvair, Ford would not have decided to build the Mustang... Who would believe it?

For this week, the main course of my menu is one of those small and spirited Pony Cars, the 1968 Plymouth King Cuda 2-Door Coupe Fastback, belonging to a special series of cars with metal body and chassis, very much in the vintage style, with better detail, a different finishing which mixes a chromed base, a thin layer of translucent electrostatic paint (which exposes any error of the mold), known as Spectraflame and to top, delicate tampos. 

Unlike most of my diecast of Hot Wheels, this was manufactured in Thailand and I must say that the surprise was pleasant, the design of the mold was a work by Ira Gilford. 

As always, our appointment is next week... In advance, thanks GOD for His patience with me, until the next =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Man! You sure knows a lot about cars. I was looking at my son's Hotwheels cars and noticed there were a lot of cars sharing the same tyre rim design.

chrismandesign said...

THX for the compliment Dennis, but i think i have a lot to learn bout cars yet HEHEHE =)... Hot Wheels have a limited amount of wheel designs & this is certainly one of the most classic, vintage indeed... but what makes this one special is that red line in the tire, is something almost rare... besides, is not so usual the origin of this diecast: Thailand, now u r used to see "Made in Malasya"... as always, THX for ur support pal !!! =D

Catherine Meyers said...

Hi Chrismandesign, you have a great blog, love that you take the time to post both in english and spanish and love your pictures. Would you be interested in a link exchange? Let me know to send you info on my site ^^

chrismandesign said...

Hi Catherine...

Well, i think that if ur site is related with toys, manga, anime, comic, design, graphic design... there will b no problem for me to make a link exchange...

sl619 said...

This gotta be released quite some time ago for it to be made in thailand yea? i had my old ones that were made there as well. Recently bought a HotWheels after a near 10 year absence. And the feeling was.. rollback in years! XD

chrismandesign said...

it was released in 2006 indeed, but the quality is outstanding, even better than the more recent HW diecast manufactured in Malasya... as u, i feel like i’m returning to the great years of infancy & adolescence, when the cars were everything i wanted... toys always bring back good memories, THX for droping by sI619 =)