Sunday, July 17, 2011

2009 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 Spyder/Coupe Racers Series 8169 by Lego

LAMBORGHINI... No es Ferrari, Mc Laren, Zemvo, Porsche, Bugatti, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Lotus, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Maserati, Vector, Alfa Romeo, ni Saleen, NO

Para mí, el epítome del diseño en super autos o coches deportivos, tiene el emblema de un toro encabritado y el sello distintivo de un hombre (Ferruccio Lamborghini) que se atrevió a desafiar con estilo y convicción al arrogante Enzo Ferrari y a mi modo de ver logró un lugar más que merecido en el exclusivo mundo de los bólidos más exóticos, aunque a un alto precio.

Siento una enorme admiración por estos ultracostosos vehículos que ponen a soñar a más de uno, por lo menos igual a la que siento por los Muscle Cars norteamericanos (para que no se diga que en cuanto a gustos automovilísticos, me quedé en los 50s, 60s y 70s). 

Este auto (Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 de 2009) es muy codiciado no sólo en su versión real, sino en esta que LEGO creó con lujo de detalle y a un tamaño bastante decente (10" de largo, 6" de ancho y 3" de alto).

Con 741 piezas, dista mucho de ser un modelo simple para construir. Me tomó unas 12 horas (o algo así) armar la versión Spyder y ni siquiera intenté armar la versión Coupé (que requiere un emsamblaje diferente de la parte trasera del vehículo; de hecho, este modelo provee 2 manuales con 84 páginas cada uno). 

Si trato de compararlo con un model kit, digamos de Gundam; lo ubicaría entre un Master Grade y un Perfect Grade, pues la piezas no están en "árboles" o runners sino sueltas en varias bolsas, organizados por tipo y tamaño (más o menos)... 

Pero no están codificadas por letras y números, así que para ubicarlas deben compararse con la ilustración respectiva del manual, demorando el proceso. 

Al final, el resultado vale la pena el esfuerzo y ahora está aquí para su disfrute... Hasta la próxima semana, con la ayuda de DIOS =)


LAMBORGHINI... It’s not Ferrari, Mc Laren, Zemvo, Porsche, Bugatti, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Lotus, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Maserati, Vector, Alfa Romeo, nor Saleen, NO

For me, the epitome of the design in super cars or sport cars, has the emblem of a prancing bull and the hallmark of a man (Ferruccio Lamborghini), who dared to challenge with style and conviction to the arrogant Enzo Ferrari and according to my point of view, he got a more than deserved place in the exclusive world of the exotic racing cars, although at a high price.

I feel a great admiration for these ultra-expensive vehicles which make dream to more than one person, at least equal to that I feel for American Muscle Cars (not to be said that in terms of car tastes I remained at the 50s, 60s and 70s). 

This car (2009 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4) is coveted not only in its actual version, but in this one that LEGO created with great attention to details and a pretty decent size (10" long, 6" wide and 3" high).

With 741 pieces, is far from being a simple model to built. It took me 12 hours (or so) to assemble the Spyder version and I didn’t even try to build the Coupe version (which requires a different assembling of the rear of the vehicle; in fact, this model provides 2 manuals with 84 pages each one). 

If I try to compare it with a model kit, let’s say, from Gundam; I would place it between a Master Grade and a Perfect Grade, because the pieces are not in "trees" or runners but loose in several bags, organized by type and size (pretty much)... 

But they’re not coded by letters and numbers, so in order to locate the right piece, you must compare it with the respective illustration in the manual, delaying the process. 

In the end, the result is worth the effort and now it’s here for your enjoyment... Until next week, with the help of GOD =)


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Man, this Lego Lamborghini is way too cool. I love the way the un roof was removed as convertible. The car as a whole is awesome and great effort assembling it. The size of this toy should be pretty big given more than 741 lego blocks.

chrismandesign said...

yep Dennis, this car is beautiful & the reinterpretation of LEGO is really close to the actual appearance... i had to wait a lot to get it in my country & i think it was the last one available... this one is not only big, but heavy (a bit more than a pound of resin blocks beautifully assembled)... i will not tire to thanking ur support =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

You have always have my support! Many thx to you for your support to my blog too!

sl619 said...

i just love the dashboard! (Of course after the stylish body ^^)
If they were to incorporated a transparent cover for the engine, it would be even better! hehe!

chrismandesign said...

it was a bit hard to take some pics, specially of the interior of the vehicle... its bright yellow confused the camera sensor & i couldn’t show the great detail of the dashboard =/... to show properly the engine it would b necessary that not only the rear hood but all the rear of this Lambo were transparent... again, THX for ur comments here, u r very welcome =)

cortesmachineart said...

aguanta bastante...pero ud sabe cual es la que me mata de lego... aun asi lo felicito...

chrismandesign said...

me hace el favor y me recuerda jefe, que yo la verdad no tengo presente lo que lo mata de LEGO (y come del muerto...)

LEon said...

Salute you for your patient to build this car in lego style. Is it easier broken into pieces?

chrismandesign said...

HEHEHE... indeed, without the manual is kinda impossible to build this guy LEon... i mean, there r people out there building things with LEGO by their own (personalized LEGOs) but i’m not one of them =)