Sunday, August 28, 2011

B•Daman Blasters Customizable Battle Figures Group 1 by Hasbro

Normalmente, como coleccionista, trato de ser coherente con esto: las figuras que consigo deben ser de series de animé, cómic o películas que me gusten... Pero la coherencia nunca a sido una camisa de fuerza para hacer lo que considero que vale la pena. 

Por ejemplo, B•Daman es una serie de anime que NO puede gustarme pues está creada para preadolescentes y su temática, diálogos, etc., son algo pueriles para mi gusto. 

No obstante, las figuras que se produjeron con base en esta serie son un caso especial.

Estas piezas en resina plástica y PVC vienen como model kits (si, leyeron bien...), más bien sencillos, con entre 4 y 6 runners o árboles de piezas. Uno de estos runners corresponde al B•Daman en sí, mientras los otros contienen las piezas de la armadura externa y el sistema de disparo. 

Este grupo incluye: Chrome Zephyr, Jade Breaker, Lightning Khan y Caution Buster. 

En esta ocasión seré algo escueto, pues habrá más B•Damanes así que sigan conectados, pues si DIOS permite, habrá algo más la próxima semana... =)


Normally, as a collector, I try to be consistent with this: the figures I get must be from anime, comic series or movies that I like... But consistency was never a straitjacket for what I consider that it’s worth. 

For example, B•Daman is an anime series that can’t be my cup of coffee because it was created for tweens and its thematic, dialogues, etc., are somewhat childish for my taste. 

Nonetheless, the figures based on this series are a special case.

These pieces in plastic resin and PVC come as model kits (yep, you read right...), rather simple, with between 4 and 6 runners. One of these runners corresponds to the B•Daman itself, while the others contain pieces of the external armor and trigger system. 

This group includes: Chrome Zephyr, Jade Breaker, Lightning Khan and Caution Buster. 

This time I will be somewhat brief, because there will be more B•Damans so stay tuned, because if GOD allows, there will be something else next week... =)


Tachikawa said...

I too like collecting things like these...Sometimes...Maybe because of price...It's cheap sometimes...
How about you try collecting Megaman? It's good too for a collection...

chrismandesign said...

well compared with other figures i own, they have a low price, but not so much in their own... however they’re worth, because they’re sturdy & very playable... Megaman sounds good for me man, actually i was looking for any good figure of this videogame character, but i could not get something that suits my demanding taste... THX again for ur visit pal !!! =)

Tachikawa said...

Hahaha...It's true Chrisman Senpai...
I too sometimes shoot things using the toys...using marble...Lego will be the target...
Megaman is good too for collecting...
Sorry for not commenting for sometimes...Even I didn't post something these past few weeks...
So sorry...Gomenasai...Senpai...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Ha! Ha! I thought you don't like SD looking mecha like those of Sangokuden and personally I think these B.Daman kind of resemble SD Gundam a lot. If I'm not wrong, the pearl on the chest can be shoot out like cannon ball.

chrismandesign said...

HAHAHAHA... i’m not good reading minds man, but i was thinking that u would do that kind of comment... actually i agree, they’re similar to Sangokudens (almost the same size i guess) & yep the ball can b shoot... a more detailed description will b done in later posts... anyway, this will b the closest thing to a Sangokuden u will see here... THX pal for ur visit =D

Tachikawa said...

It can be shoot...
I love to attack things using Bdaman...Can use it as releasing tension item too...

cortesmachineart said...

esos mechitas si que son de lo mas cool que he visto ... son unos mechas con muchas bolas...jajajajajajaja

chrismandesign said...

ole y hablando de bolitas... me hizo acordar del cinco huecos, el cuadrito, el saquis y sin levantis, las maritas y toda la parafernalia de nuestros juegos autóctonos... ésta vendría a ser una versión más modernita, modificada y con algunos perendegues adicionales... =)

cortesmachineart said...

... si y sin trankis y tampoco se valen carritos oyo? manoplero...

sl619 said...

i watched this cartoon when i was small dude. and have some of its toys. Counterfeit though. XD

chrismandesign said...

counterfeit !!!??? pls don’t use swearing here sI619 HAHAHAHAHA... well i think that when u r a kid u just don’t mind of toy’s originality, but now, no way... i don’t remember if B•Daman was aired here but the toys were never available, this was just one of my unexpected pick ups & these toys r great indeed =) THX for ur visit =D