Sunday, August 21, 2011

2008 Batmobile (Batman: The Brave and the Bold Animated TV Series) 2010 New Models Series 42/44 by Hot Wheels

Para los fanáticos del Caballero Oscuro (Caballero Nocturno, como se lo tradujo en su versión latina, no es muy consistente...) la Serie Batman: The Brave and the Bold resultará familiar (yo solo he visto algunas figuras, pero no sé mucho de la misma). 

Soy también aficionado a Batman, por supuesto, pero todavía tengo un montón para conocer y por eso me gusta encontrar un poco más sobre él.

Por ejemplo, pude encontré que esta serie se basa, en parte, en un libro de cómic del mismo nombre, creado en 1955. Con esta misma idea, se realizó una serie de televisión en 2008 que continua hasta el presente. 

En ella, Batman se enfrenta a numerosos y poderosos enemigos, pero no lo hace solo... Una buena cantidad de superhéroes del universo DC lo acompañan para resolver crímenes en Ciudad Gótica y sus alrededores.

Todo esta introducción se justifica pues la pieza que publico esta semana y que es una colaboración de un gran amigo y colega coleccionista, no es otra que el batimóvil diseñado para esa serie, que según mi criterio es estupendo. 

Con un estilo muy de serie animada, esto es, exageradamente largo y elegante, logra una excelente réplica a escala aquí. De buena gana lo hubiera querido adquirir yo, pero es mi política no coleccionar lo mismo que mis más cercanos colegas, con contadas excepciones =PPPPP... 

La semana próxima estaremos aquí, si DIOS lo permite =)


For the fans of the Dark Knight (Nocturnal Knight, as it was translated in the Latin version, isn’t so consistent...) the Batman: The Brave and the Bold Series will be familiar (I’ve only seen some figures, but I don’t know much thereof). 

I’m also a Batman’s fan, of course, but I still have a lot to know and that’s why I like to find out a little more about him.

For example, I found that this series is based, in part, on a comic book of the same name, created in 1955. With this very idea, it was released a TV series in 2008 which continues till this day. 

In this story, Batman faces numerous and powerful enemies, but he doesn’t do this alone... A lot of superheroes from the DC universe go with him to solve crimes in Gotham City and its surroundings.

All this introduction is justified because the piece published this week, which is a collaboration of a great friend and fellow collector, is none other than the Batmobile designed for this series, which is in my opinion stupendous. 

With an animated series style, I mean, overly long and elegant, achieves a great scale replica here. Willingly I would have wanted to purchase it, but is my policy not to collect the same pieces of my closest colleagues, with few exceptions =PPPPP... 

Next week we will be here, GOD willing =)


cortesmachineart said... calsoncillos aplastantes batman... que vamos a hacer con este bati-coche... no creo que nos quepa el mercado de plaza en el baul...

sl619 said...

i might just take a peek at the series after looking at this batmobile bro. XD. I like the "shark fins" which is reminiscence to the old school Batman.

chrismandesign said...

to: cortesmachineart

no te preocupes Robin, mis habilidades deductivas me permitieron descubrir que podemos contratar un acarreo en Corabastos HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... aquí me reporto con sus piecitas socio !!! =)

chrismandesign said...

to sI619:

yep & not only the "shark fin" but the "face" in the front of the hood is pretty much from the early versions of the Batmobile... in the real life it would b a huge vehicle for just 2 persons (probably between 10 & 12 meters long !!!)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Brave and Bold should be a recent Batman cartoon and hey the Batmobile does look fierce and well polished.

chrismandesign said...

yep it’s a recent series (2008 till present) & the style is in the line of the american animation: pretty simple, geometric, almost severe but really attractive... HAHAHAHA... Robin had a hard time polishing this babe for the photoshoot... THX for ur visit pal, u r always welcome =)

Tachikawa said...

Wonder If I had real Cars like that?...
Maybe everyone will afraid of my car...
Even Ferrari and Lamborghini will run away from me...

chrismandesign said...

hey !!! Tachikawa, nice to have u here commenting man !!! i thought u were angry or something like that LOL... i think one of the things a Batmobile must b is precisely something that instill fear (just what Batman want to instill in his enemies) so yep, i would own a car like this just for the pleasure of instill fear in the drivers around me HAHAHAHA...

Tachikawa said...

I am not Angry...I am just busy with my job...Hahaha...
I like the Fins above the Batmobile...Looks cool...
I too love to drive it and scared other people...hahaha...
Sorry for not comment your post for awhile...Gomenasai...
Thanks for worrying me...I'm fine...